• Barents Sea ice cover reflects Atlantic inflow 

      Årthun, Marius; Eldevik, Tor; Smedsrud, Lars Henrik; Skagseth, Øystein (Working paper, 2011)
      The recent Arctic winter sea-ice retreat is most pronounced in the Barents Sea. Using available observations of the Atlantic inflow to the Barents Sea and results from a regional ice-ocean model we assess the role of ...
    • Loss of sea ice during winter north of Svalbard 

      Onarheim, Ingrid Husøy; Smedsrud, Lars Henrik; Ingvaldsen, Randi; Nilsen, Frank (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-06-05)
      Sea ice loss in the Arctic Ocean has up to now been strongest during summer. In contrast, the sea ice concentration north of Svalbard has experienced a larger decline during winter since 1979. The trend in winter ice area ...