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"I am a butterfly who wants to fly" Narratives of prostitution in Managua.
(Master thesis, 2009-06-03)The present Master Thesis is the outcome of two years study of "Gender and Development" program in Bergen (Norway) and my 3-months fieldwork in Managua (Nicaragua). My aim in this thesis is to explore the experiences and ... -
«I am a woman who finds power and strength in the river»: Afro-Colombian Women Organising Around Ancestral Knowledges for Social Transformation
(Master thesis, 2022-06-03)Afro-Colombian women from the Pacific region of Colombia embody and defend their ancestral practices and knowledges. This is reflected in their grassroots movements. At the same time external actors deploy their development ... -
"I am a woman, I am Christian, and I am Palestinian." - En studie av identitet og roller blant kristne palestinske landsbykvinner på den okkuperte Vestbredden.
(Master thesis, 2009-04-02)Det overordnede fokuset mitt i denne avhandlingen ligger på identitet og samhandling blant de kristne innbyggerne i en liten landsby på Vestbredden, og det er spesielt kvinnenes situasjon i forhold til dette jeg ønsker å ... -
‘I am not only beneficial to the community but to the entire country, I am trained as a researcher now’: Developing health research skills in low-income countries
(Journal article, 2021)Partnerships between Higher Education Institutions in the global South and North have potential for building capacity in public health research in low-resource countries. We present experiences of partners involved in a ... -
I am not that interesting. Social media, privacy literacy, and the interplay between knowledge and experience
(Master thesis, 2013-06-01)Sharing of personal information on the Internet has become increasingly popular. In social media interactions users face a trade-off between the pleasure and usefulness of sharing and the need to protect their privacy. ... -
I Am... Bothered About D&D
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Is Dungeons & Dragons receiving too much attention in game studies compared to other tabletop role playing games? And what, if any, are the issues with this? In this commentary the author creates an overview of the ... -
"I anledning av utøvelsen av stilling"
(Master thesis, 2022-05-10) -
«I avdødes ånd». En kulturvitenskapelig analyse av livssynsåpen seremoni ved gravferd
(Master thesis, 2019-10-01)In Norway there are two kinds of funeral ceremonies: Religious funeral ceremonies and nondenominational funeral ceremonies. The first group includes funerals that are arranged through a religion or a philosophy, where the ... -
I Buy Medicines From the Streets Because I Am Poor: A Qualitative Account on why the Informal Market for Medicines Thrive in Ivory Coast
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)The informal market for medicines has been growing. In Ivory Coast, this informal market is an unofficial core part of the health system. Given the risks associated with the informal market for medicines, it is important ... -
“I came to escort someone”: Men’s experiences of antenatal care services in urban Ghana—a qualitative study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Background Male involvement in maternal healthcare has been widely recognized as essential for positive health outcomes for expectant mothers and their unborn babies. However, few studies have explored men’s experiences ... -
I Can See Clearly Now: Clairvoyant Assertions for Deadlock Checking
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Static analysers are traditionally used to check various correctness properties of software. In the face of refactorings that can have adverse effects on correctness, developers need to analyse the code after refactoring ... -
‘I can't go to her when I have a problem’: sexuality communication between South African adolescent girls and young women and their mothers
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Parent–adolescent sexuality communication, the process in which parents and their adolescent children discuss sexuality and sexual and reproductive health, is a key component for adolescents’ protective behaviours. Open ... -
I den allersidste del af ildens æra
(Master thesis, 2021-11-22)Denne opgave analyserer Liv Sejrbo Lidegaard og Theis ørntofts respektive poesi med et mørkt økologisk blik. Som udgangspunkt præsenteres derfor noget af den litteratur der allerede eksisterer om dansk økopoesi og økokritik, ... -
“I did not Feel the Need to Disclose”: Identifying Factors Impeding the Disclosure of Child Abuse Experiences in a Population With Maltreatment History
(Master thesis, 2023-12-15)Although child abuse leads to significant short-term and long-term consequences, many children and adolescents choose not to disclose. The present study aimed to explore the rates of disclosure, and factors associated with ... -
"I do not altogether know who I am" Androgynitet og kreativitet i Virginia Woolfs The waves
(Master thesis, 2000) -
I Do Not Want Her to be Doing Anything Stressful’: Men’s Involvement in Domestic Work during pregnancy in Ghana
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Drawing on qualitative research from rural and urban areas, this article contributes to evolving social research in Ghana on possible changes in the gendered distribution of domestic labour. Formulated within debates on ... -
"I Do Not Write a Life": Hamsun, Psychiatry and Life Narrative
(Chapter, 2021)Life narratives are written in many different forms. This chapter discusses two such life narratives, constituting two textual explorations of the same ageing self, that of the Norwegian novelist Knut Hamsun. As part of a ... -
"I don't understand computer programming, because I'm a woman!" Negotiating gendered positions in a Norwegian discourse of computing
(Chapter, 2004)In this article I will discuss how young men and women in Norway perceive the existence of gendered expectations in relation to computers. The male and female students of computing that I have studied, share an understanding ... -
«I et komplisert forhold». USA og Sovjetunionen i perioden 1945-1991
(Master thesis, 2019-07-06)Den kalde krigen var en ideologisk maktkamp mellom USA, med sitt liberale demokrati og kommunistiske Sovjetunionen. Hvem av stormaktene som startet den kalde krigen, er en diskusjon den dag i dag, og at krigen varte så ... -
“I feel good when I drink”—detecting childhood-onset alcohol abuse and dependence in a Ugandan community trial cohort
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Background Alcohol, substance use, and mental health disorders constitute major public health issues worldwide, including in low income and lower middle-income countries, and early initiation of use is an important predictor ...