Browsing Bergen Open Research Archive by Author "Sandberg, Sverre"
Now showing items 1-20 of 55
Acute Intermittent Porphyria: An Overview of Therapy Developments and Future Perspectives Focusing on Stabilisation of HMBS and Proteostasis Regulators
Bustad, Helene J.; Kallio, Juha Pekka; Vorland, Marta; Fiorentino, Valeria; Sandberg, Sverre; Schmitt, Caroline; Aarsand, Aasne Karine; Martinez, Aurora (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Acute intermittent porphyria (AIP) is an autosomal dominant inherited disease with low clinical penetrance, caused by mutations in the hydroxymethylbilane synthase (HMBS) gene, which encodes the third enzyme in the haem ... -
Aggregated data from the same laboratories participating in two glucose external quality assessment schemes show that commutability and transfers of values to control materials are decisive for the biases found
Gidske, Gro; Sandberg, Sverre; Fauskanger, Pernille Kjeilen; Pelanti, Jonna; Tollånes, Mette Christophersen; Solsvik, Anne Elisabeth; Sølvik, Una Ørvim; Vie, Wenche Sletbakk; Stavelin, Anne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Objectives We report the results of glucose measurements performed during one year by the same measurement procedures (MPs) in 58 Norwegian hospital laboratories using control materials provided by external quality ... -
Are general practitioners characteristics associated with the quality of type 2 diabetes care in general practice? Results from the Norwegian ROSA4 study from 2014
Tran, Anh Thi; Bakke, Åsne; Berg, Tore Julsrud; Gjelsvik, Bjørn E.; Mdala, Ibrahimu; Nøkleby, Kjersti; Rai, Anam Shakil; Cooper, John; Claudi, Tor; Løvaas, Karianne Fjeld; Thue, Geir; Sandberg, Sverre; Jenum, Anne Karen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-05-02)Objective: To explore the associations between general practitioners (GPs) characteristics such as gender, specialist status, country of birth and country of graduation and the quality of care for patients with type 2 ... -
Availability and analytical quality of hemoglobin A1c point-of-care testing in general practitioners’ offices are associated with better glycemic control in type 2 diabetes
Tollånes, Mette Christophersen; Jenum, Anne Karen; Berg, Tore Julsrud; Løvaas, Karianne Fjeld; Cooper, John; Sandberg, Sverre (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Background: It is not clear if point-of-care (POC) testing for hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) is associated with glycemic control in type 2 diabetes. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, we linked general practitioner (GP) ... -
Biological variation estimates of Alzheimer's disease plasma biomarkers in healthy individuals
Brum, Wagner S.; Ashton, Nicholas J.; Simrén, Joel; di Molfetta, Guiglielmo; Karikari, Thomas K.; Benedet, Andrea L.; Zimmer, Eduardo R.; Lantero-Rodriguez, Juan; Montoliu-Gaya, Laia; Jeromin, Andreas; Aarsand, Aasne Karine; Bartlett, William A.; Calle, Pilar Fernández; Coşkun, Abdurrahman; Díaz–Garzón, Jorge; Jonker, Niels; Zetterberg, Henrik; Sandberg, Sverre; Carobene, Anna; Blennow, Kaj (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)INTRODUCTION Blood biomarkers have proven useful in Alzheimer's disease (AD) research. However, little is known about their biological variation (BV), which improves the interpretation of individual-level data. METHODS We ... -
Cohort profile: Outcomes & Multi-morbidity In Type 2 diabetes (OMIT) – a national registry-based observational cohort with focus on care and treatment of key high-risk groups in Norway
Forster, Rachel Bedenis; Strandberg, Ragnhild Bjarkøy; Tibballs, Katrina Louise Bø; Nøkleby, Kjersti; Berg, Tore Julsrud; Iversen, Tor; Hagen, Terje P.; Richardsen, Kåre Rønn; Cooper, John; Sandberg, Sverre; Løvaas, Karianne Fjeld; Nilsen, Roy Miodini; Iversen, Marjolein M.; Jenum, Anne Karen; Buhl, Esben Selmer (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Purpose The ‘Outcomes & Multi-morbidity in Type 2 Diabetes’ (OMIT) is an observational registry-based cohort of Norwegian patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) established to study high-risk groups often omitted from randomised ... -
Commutability of a whole-blood external quality assessment material for point-of-care C-reactive protein, glucose, and hemoglobin testing
Bukve, Tone; Sandberg, Sverre; Vie, Wenche S.; Sølvik, Una Ørvim; Christensen, Nina Gade; Stavelin, Anne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)BACKGROUND: The optimal situation in external quality assessment (EQA) is to use commutable materials. No previous study has examined the commutability of a whole-blood material for point-of-care (POC) testing. The aim of ... -
Conformational stability and activity analysis of two hydroxymethylbilane synthase mutants, K132N and V215E, with different phenotypic association with acute intermittent porphyria
Bustad, Helene J.; Vorland, Marta; Rønneseth, Eva; Sandberg, Sverre; Martinez, Aurora; Toska, Karen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013-08)The autosomal dominantly inherited disease AIP (acute intermittent porphyria) is caused by mutations in HMBS [hydroxymethylbilane synthase; also known as PBG (porphobilinogen) deaminase], the third enzyme in the haem ... -
Critical appraisal and meta-analysis of biological variation estimates for kidney related analytes
Jonker, Niels; Aslan, Berna; Boned, Beatriz; Marqués-García, Fernando; Ricos, Carmen; Alvarez, Virtudes; Bartlett, William A.; Braga, Federica; Carobene, Anna; Coşkun, Abdurrahman; Díaz-Garzón, Jorge; Fernandez-Calle, Pilar; Gonzalez-Lao, Elisabet; Minchinela, Joana; Perich, Carmen; Simón, Margarita; Sandberg, Sverre; Aarsand, Aasne Karine (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Objective: Kidney markers are some of the most frequently used laboratory tests in patient care, and correct clinical decision making depends upon knowledge and correct application of biological variation (BV) data. The ... -
Diabetes risk assessments and HbA1c-measurements in community pharmacies
Risøy, Aslaug Johanne; Kjome, Reidun Lisbet Skeide; Sandberg, Sverre; Sølvik, Una Ørvim (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Objectives Due to a lack of clear symptoms, type 2 diabetes (T2D) can remain undetected for many years. The aim of the study was to explore if Norwegian community pharmacies could identify individuals with a high risk ... -
Establishing a network of specialist Porphyria centres - effects on diagnostic activities and services
Tollånes, Mette Christophersen; Aarsand, Aasne K.; Villanger, Jørild Haugen; Støle, Egil; Deybach, Jean-Charles; Marsden, Joanne; To-Figueras, Jordi; Sandberg, Sverre; European Porphyria Network (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012-12-10)Background: The porphyrias are a heterogeneous group of rare metabolic diseases. The full spectrum of porphyria diagnostics is usually performed by specialized porphyria laboratories or centres. The European Porphyria ... -
Ethnic and gender differences in the management of type 2 diabetes: a cross-sectional study from Norwegian general practice
Tran, Anh Thi; Berg, Tore Julsrud; Gjelsvik, Bjørn E.; Mdala, Ibrahimu; Thue, Geir; Cooper, John Graham; Nøkleby, Kjersti; Claudi, Tor; Bakke, Åsne; Sandberg, Sverre; Jenum, Anne Karen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-11-28)Background: Ethnic minority groups from Asia and Africa living in Western countries have a higher prevalence of type 2 diabetes (T2DM) than the general population. We aimed to assess ethnic differences in diabetes care by ... -
The European Biological Variation Study (EuBIVAS): A summary report
Carobene, Anna; Aarsand, Aasne Karine; Bartlett, William A.; Coşkun, Abdurrahman; Díaz-Garzón, Jorge; Fernandez-Calle, Pilar; Guerra, Elena; Jonker, Niels; Locatelli, Massimo; Plebani, Mario; Sandberg, Sverre; Ceriotti, Ferruccio (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Biological variation (BV) data have many important applications in laboratory medicine. Concerns about quality of published BV data led the European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EFLM) 1st ... -
The European Biological Variation Study (EuBIVAS): Biological Variation Data for Coagulation Markers Estimated by a Bayesian Model
Aarsand, Aasne K.; Kristoffersen, Ann-Helen; Sandberg, Sverre; Støve, Bård; Coşkun, Abdurrahman; Fernandez-Calle, Pilar; Díaz-Garzón, Jorge; Guerra, Elena; Ceriotti, Ferruccio; Jonker, Niels; Røraas, Thomas; Carobene, Anna (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Background For biological variation (BV) data to be safely used, data must be reliable and relevant to the population in which they are applied. We used samples from the European Biological Variation Study (EuBIVAS) to ... -
The European Biological Variation Study (EuBIVAS): weekly biological variation of cardiac troponin I estimated by the use of two different high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I assays
Ceriotti, Ferruccio; Marco, Jorge Diaz-Garzon; Fernandez-Calle, Pilar; Maregnani, Alessio; Aarsand, Aasne Karine; Coşkun, Abdurrahman; Jonker, Niels; Sandberg, Sverre; Carobene, Anna (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Background Cardiac troponins (cTn) are specific markers for cardiac damage and acute coronary syndromes. The availability of new high-sensitivity assays allows cTn detection in healthy people, thus permitting the estimation ... -
European Biological Variation Study (EuBIVAS): Within- and between-subject biological variation estimates for serum thyroid biomarkers based on weekly samplings from 91 healthy participants
Bottani, Michela; Aarsand, Aasne Karine; Banfi, Giuseppe; Locatelli, Massimo; Coşkun, Abdurrahman; Díaz-Garzón, Jorge; Fernandez-Calle, Pilar; Sandberg, Sverre; Ceriotti, Ferruccio; Carobene, Anna (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Objectives: Thyroid biomarkers are fundamental for the diagnosis of thyroid disorders and for the monitoring and treatment of patients with these diseases. The knowledge of biological variation (BV) is important to define ... -
European Porphyria Network (EPNET) for information, epidemiological data, quality and equity of service
Deybach, Jean-Charles; Parker, Samantha; Badmiton, Mike; Sandberg, Sverre (Conference poster, 2010-10-19) -
Evaluation of eleven rapid tests for detection of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2
Tollånes, Mette Christophersen; Kran, Anne-Marte Bakken; Abildsnes, Eirik; Jenum, Pål; Breivik, Anne Christin; Sandberg, Sverre (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Objectives: SARS-CoV-2, causing COVID-19, has emerged to cause a human pandemic. Detection of SARS-CoV-2 in respiratory samples by using PCR is the standard laboratory diagnostic tool. Our aim was to perform a limited ... -
Exploring the relationship between coronary heart disease and type 2 diabetes: a cross-sectional study of secondary prevention among diabetes patients
Gjelsvik, Bjørn E.; Tran, Anh Thi; Berg, Tore Julsrud; Bakke, Åsne; Mdala, Ibrahimu; Nøkleby, Kjersti; Cooper, John G.; Claudi, Tor; Løvaas, Karianne Fjeld; Thue, Geir; Sandberg, Sverre; Jenum, Anne Karen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Background: Coronary heart disease (CHD) and stroke are the major causes of death among people with diabetes. Aim: To describe the prevalence and onset of CHD and stroke among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) ... -
External quality assessment of point-of-care International Normalized Ratio (INR) testing in Europe
Stavelin, Anne; Meijer, Piet; Kitchen, Dianne; Sandberg, Sverre (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011-09)Background: Point-of-care testing (POCT) of prothrombin time, expressed as International Normalized Ratio (INR), is widely used to monitor patients in oral anticoagulation treatment. Guidelines recommend that POCT users ...