Browsing Bergen Open Research Archive by Author "Smith, Kari"
Now showing items 1-11 of 11
«Det handler om å finne sin egen form» Læreres profesjonelle handlingsrom − hvordan det blir forstått og utnyttet
Helleve, Ingrid; Ulvik, Marit; Smith, Kari (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)The aim of the study is to examine teachers’ understanding and interpretation of their professional space, and how they experience having possibilities to practice their pedagogical beliefs throughout their careers. The ... -
Entrance into teaching and need for support – narratives from diverse national and local contexts
Ulvik, Marit; Helleve, Ingrid; Smith, Kari (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Denne studien undersøker hvordan en gruppe nye lærere i ulike nasjonale og lokale sammenhenger erfarer inngangen til læreryrket. Studien er basert på narrativer fra nye lærere i Australia, England og Norge. Ved å lytte til ... -
Feedback practice in lower secondary school: Exploring development of perceptions of feedback practice among students and teachers
Sandal, Ann Karin; Helleve, Ingrid; Smith, Kari; Gamlem, Siv Therese Måseidvåg (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)This article reports on a qualitative study investigating how perceptions of feedback and feedback practice developed over the course of a seven-month development project with students and teachers in ten lower secondary ... -
Frå ungdomsskule til vidaregåande skule – elevane si stemme
Sandal, Ann Karin; Smith, Kari (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2010)This article is based on a qualitative study of students’ experiences with the transition from lower to upper secondary school in vocational programmes. The educational debate in Norway has recent years been concerned with ... -
“In this class we are so different that I can be myself!” Intercultural dialogue in a first grade upper secondary school in Norway
Solbue, Vibeke; Helleve, Ingrid; Smith, Kari (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)Focus of this article is immigrant youth and Norwegians-born to immigrant parents in upper secondary school in Norway. The study was conducted in a first year of a general study class in upper secondary school, where 11 ... -
Lærerutdanneres profesjonelle utvikling
Ulvik, Marit; Smith, Kari (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Mens læreres profesjonelle utvikling jevnlig har blitt behandlet i forskningslitteraturen, er interessen for lærerutdanneres utvikling av nyere dato. Å være lærerutdanner beskrives som en kompleks rolle der en både skal ... -
Meeting the Black Swan - Teacher educators' use of ICT- pre-, during and eventually post Covid-19
Smith, Kari; Ulvik, Marit; Curtis, Elizabeth; Guberman, Ainat; Lippeveld, Lut; Shapiro, Tali; Viswarajan, Sheeba (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)In the 2018 International Forum for Teacher Educator Development (InFo-TED) Summer Academy, we, seven teacher educators from Belgium, England, Israel, Norway, and Scotland, became interested in strengthening our ICT ... -
Møte med yrkesfagleg utdanning i den norske vidaregåande skulen
Sandal, Ann Karin; Smith, Kari (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012)Artikkelen byggjer på ein kvalitativ studie av seks elevar sitt møte med vidaregåande skule, yrkesfaglege utdanningsprogram. Studien undersøkjer elevane sine perspektiv og refleksjonar kring overgangen mellom skuleslaga ... -
Praksisnær undervisning i legemiddelregning i arbeidet med å redusere testangst og styrke selvoppfattelse hos sykepleierstudenter
Røykenes, Kari; Smith, Kari; Larsen, Torill Marie Bogsnes (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014)Norwegian nursing students must pass a drug calculation test with a flawless performance if they are to qualify as nurses. This requirement is found to increase students’ test anxiety and mathematical low self-conceptual ... -
Vocational Students Experiences with Assessment in Workplace Learning
Sandal, Ann Karin; Smith, Kari; Wangensteen, Ragne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-04-15)Vocational education, as part of the Norwegian upper secondary education, includes both school-based learning and workplace learning. While school-based learning is characterized by formal structures and guided by aims in ... -
Å undervise om å undervise - Lærerutdanneres kompetanse sett fra deres eget og fra lærerstudenters perspektiv
Ulvik, Marit; Smith, Kari (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)Artikkelen retter søkelyset mot lærerutdannere, en gruppe som hittil har blitt viet liten oppmerksomhet i forskningslitteraturen. I europeisk sammenheng er det ingen enhetlig forståelse for yrkesgruppen og for hvilke ...