CO2 Foam Monitoring using Pressure and Resistivity Measurements : A Scientific Approach to Validating CO2 Foam Pilots
Denne doktorgradsstudien fokuserer på bruk av trykk- og resistivitetsmålinger for å overvåke effektiviteten av skum som et CO2-mobilitetskontrollmiddel i oljeproduserende reservoarer. Ideen om å bruke resistivitetsmåling i kombinasjon med trykk for å kartlegge skumutbredelse og bestemme skumstyrke er ny. En forenklet resistivitetsmodell for skumflyt i porøse medier, som en forlengelse av toppmoderne skummodeller, er utviklet. I tillegg har skumutbredelse blitt studert i forskjellige skalaer fra kjerne til felt. Arbeidet inkluderer innledende evalueringer i laboratorieskala, utvikling av en simuleringsmodell i reservoarskala og analyse av transient trykkdata fra en CO2 Foam Pilot. Den foreslåtte metoden er ny ettersom den kan brukes til å forbedre oljeutvinning og CO2-utnyttelse i petroleumsreservoarer. This PhD study focuses on the use of pressure and resistivity measurements to monitor the effectiveness of foam as a CO2 mobility control agent in oil-producing reservoirs. The idea of using resistivity measurement in combination with pressure to map foam propagation and determine foam strength is new. A simplified resistivity model for foam flow in porous media, as an extension of state-of-the-art foam models has been developed. Additionally, foam propagation has been studied at various scales from core to field. The work includes initial evaluations at lab scale, development of a reservoir-scale simulation model and the analysis of transient pressure data from a CO2 Foam Pilot. The proposed method is novel as it could be employed to improve oil recovery and CO2 Utilization in petroleum reservoirs.
Has parts
Paper 1. Karakas, M., Alcorn, Z. P., Aminzadeh, F., & Graue, A., (2022) Pressure Measurements for Monitoring CO2 Foam Pilots. Published in Energies, 15(9), 3035. The article is available at: 2. Karakas, M., Aminzadeh, F., & Graue, A. (2022), CO2-Foam Monitoring using Resistivity and Pressure Measurements. Published in Global Journal of Research In Engineering. The article is available in the thesis.
Paper 3. Alcorn, Z. P., Sæle, A., Karakas, M., & Graue, A. (2022). Unsteady-state CO2 Foam Generation and Propagation: Laboratory and Field Insights. Published in Energies, 15(18), 6551.The article is available at:
Paper 4. Haroun, M., Mohammed, A. M., Somra, B., Punjabi, S., Temitope, A., Yim, Y., Anastasiou, S., Baker, J. A., Haoge, L., Kobaisi, M. A., Karakas, M., Aminzadeh, F. and Francisco C., Real-time resistivity monitoring tool for insitu foam front tracking. Paper presented at the Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference. November 2017. Full text not available in BORA due to publisher restrictions. The article is available at:
Paper 5. Karakas, M. and Aminzadeh, F., 2018. Optimization of CO2-Foam Injection through Resistivity and Pressure Measurements. Paper presented at the SPE Western Regional Meeting, April 2018. Full text not available in BORA due to publisher restrictions. The article is available at:
Paper 6. Alcorn, Z. P., Føyen, T., Zhang, L., Karakas, M., Biswal, S. L., Hirasaki, G., and Arne G., CO2 Foam Field Pilot Design and Initial Results. Paper presented at the SPE Improved Oil Recovery Conference, Virtual, August 2020. Full text not available in BORA due to publisher restrictions. The article is available at:
Paper 7. Karakas, M., Alcorn, Z. P., & Graue, A. CO2 Foam Field Pilot Monitoring Using Transient Pressure Measurements. Paper presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition. October 2020. Full text not available in BORA due to publisher restrictions. The article is available at:
Paper 8. Alcorn, Z. P., Graue, A., & Karakas, M., CO2 Foam Pilot in a Heterogeneous Carbonate Reservoir: Analysis and Results. Paper presented at the SPE Improved Oil Recovery Conference. April 2022. The article is available at: