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dc.contributor.authorWhittaker, Robert Neil
dc.description.abstractBakgrunn: I Norge ble tre ulike system for overvåking av pasienter innlagt i sykehus med COVID-19 opprettet for å overvåke alvorligheten av pandemien. Ett var en aggregert, manuell innrapportering om belegg ved sykehusene, og to var basert på data fra nasjonale elektroniske helseregistre (EHR). Formål: Å sammenligne og kritisk vurdere systemer for overvåking av pasienter innlagt i sykehus med COVID-19 i Norge, og å bruke overvåkingsdata for å bidra til å sikre tidsriktig, hensiktsmessig og evidensbasert håndtering av en utviklende pandemisk situasjon. Metoder: Registerbaserte kohortstudier. Resultat: Hvert system ga en sammenlignbar trend i belegg av COVID-19 pasienter ved sykehus. EHR hadde utfordringer med å identifisere pasienter innlagt i intensivavdeling eller på invasiv ventilasjonsstøtte. Dekningsgraden av COVID-19-pasienter i hvert EHR ble redusert fra slutten av 2021 på grunn av høy vaksinasjonsdekning, spredning av Omikron-varianten og opphør av lovpålagte restriksjoner. Fordelingen i diagnosekoder varierte etter rapportert hovedårsak til innleggelse, alder og innleggelsestidspunkt. Vaksinasjon og Omikron-varianten var assosiert med et mildere sykdomsforløp blant innlagte pasienter (f.eks. kortere liggetid og lavere risiko for innleggelse i intensivavdeling). Vi fant ingen assosiasjon mellom Alpha-varianten og sykdomsforløpet blant innlagte pasienter (sammenlignet med ikke- bekymringsvarianter), og heller ikke at risikoen for sykehusinnleggelse blant tilfeller av COVID-19 <18 år gammel varierte med virusvariant. Konklusjoner og anbefalinger: Sammen ga de tre systemene et nøyaktig bilde av innlagte COVID-19 pasienter i Norge, men studiene i denne avhandlingen viser også muligheter for å forbedre bruken av EHR-data i denne overvåkingen. Overvåkingssystemer for pasienter innlagt i sykehus i fremtidige helsekriser bør ideelt baseres på dataflyt fra etablerte system og inkludere sykdomsspesifikke data. Koblede nasjonale registerdata kan være grunnlaget for robust, integrert og bærekraftig overvåking av infeksjonssykdommer.en_US
dc.description.abstractBackground: In Norway, three systems for the surveillance of patients hospitalised with COVID-19 were set up to monitor pandemic severity. One involved manual, aggregated data collection on hospital bed occupancy, and two were based on national electronic health registry (EHR) data. Aims: To compare and critically appraise systems for the surveillance of patients hospitalised with COVID-19 in Norway, and to use surveillance data to contribute to ensuring a timely, appropriate and evidence-based public health response in an evolving pandemic setting. Methods: Observational registry-based cohort studies. Results: Each system provided a comparable trend in the disease-specific hospital bed occupancy of COVID-19 patients. The EHR had challenges in identifying prevalent patients in intensive care or on invasive ventilatory support. The coverage of COVID-19 patients in each EHR decreased from late 2021 due to high vaccination coverage, spread of the Omicron variant and removal of statutory restrictions. The distribution of diagnosis codes varied by reported main cause of admission, age and time. Vaccination and the Omicron variant were associated with reduced disease severity among hospitalised patients (e.g. reduced length of stay and risk of intensive care). We did not find clear evidence that the Alpha variant (compared to non-variants of concern) was associated with disease severity among hospitalised patients, nor that the risk of hospitalisation among cases of COVID-19 <18 years old varied by infecting variant. Conclusions and recommendations: Collectively, the three systems provided an accurate picture of hospitalised COVID-19 patients in Norway, but the studies in this thesis also highlight opportunities for improving the use of EHR-data for this surveillance. Surveillance systems for hospital admission in future health crises should ideally be built on data flows from established systems and include detailed disease-specific data. Linked individual national registry data provide a blueprint for robust, integrated and sustainable infectious disease surveillance.en_US
dc.publisherThe University of Bergenen_US
dc.relation.haspartPaper I: Whittaker R, Grøsland M, Buanes EA, Beitland S, Bryhn B, Helgeland J, Sjøflot OI, Berild J, Seppälä E, Tønnessen R, Telle K. Hospitalisations for COVID-19 – a comparison of different data sources. Tidsskr. Nor. Legeforen. 2020;140(18). The article is available in the thesis. The article is also available at: <a href="" target="blank"></a>.en_US
dc.relation.haspartPaper II: Whittaker R, Toikkanen S, Dean K, Lyngstad T, Buanes EA, Kløvstad H, Paulsen TH, Seppälä E. A comparison of two registry-based systems for the surveillance of persons hospitalised with COVID-19 in Norway, February 2020 to May 2022. Euro Surveill. 2023;28(33). The article is available in the thesis. The article is also available at: <a href="" target="blank"></a>.en_US
dc.relation.haspartPaper III: Whittaker R, Greve-Isdahl M, Bøås H, Suren P, Buanes EA, Veneti L. COVID-19 hospitalisation among children <18 years by variant wave in Norway. Pediatrics. 2022;150(3). The article is available in the thesis. The article is also available at: <a href="" target="blank"></a>.en_US
dc.relation.haspartPaper IV: Whittaker R, Kristofferson AB, Seppälä E, Valcarcel Salamanca B, Veneti L, Storm ML, Bøås H, Aasand N, Naseer U, Bragstad K, Kvåle R, Golestani K, Feruglio S, Vold L, Nygård K, Buanes EA. Trajectories of hospitalisation for patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 variant B.1.1.7 in Norway, December 2020 – April 2021. J. Infect. 2021;83(4):e14-e7. The article is available in the thesis. The article is also available at: <a href="" target="blank"></a>.en_US
dc.relation.haspartPaper V: Whittaker R, Kristofferson AB, Valcarcel Salamanca B, Seppala E, Golestani K, Kvåle R, Watle S, Buanes EA. Length of hospital stay and risk of intensive care admission and in-hospital death among COVID-19 patients in Norway: a registry-based cohort study comparing patients fully vaccinated with an mRNA vaccine to unvaccinated patients. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2022;28(6):871-8. The article is available at: <a href="" target="blank"></a>.en_US
dc.relation.haspartPaper VI: Stålcrantz J, Kristoffersen AB, Bøås H, Veneti L, Seppälä E, Aasand N, Hungnes O, Kvåle R, Bragstad K, Buanes EA, Whittaker R. Milder disease trajectory among COVID-19 patients hospitalised with the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant compared with the Delta variant in Norway. Scand. J. Public Health. 2022;50(6):676-82. The manuscript is available in the thesis. The published article is available at: <a href="" target="blank"></a>.en_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND). This item's rights statement or license does not apply to the included articles in the thesis.
dc.titleThe surveillance of patients hospitalised with COVID-19 in Norway, February 2020 – May 2022 : Systems comparisons, risk factors and clinical courseen_US
dc.typeDoctoral thesisen_US
dc.rights.holderCopyright the Author.en_US

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