• Kernels of digraphs with finitely many ends 

      Walicki, Michal (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      According to Richardson’s theorem, every digraph without directed odd cycles that is either (a) locally finite or (b) rayless has a kernel (an independent subset with an incoming edge from every vertex in ). We generalize ...
    • Lex M versus MCS-M 

      Villanger, Yngve (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2006)
    • On the maximum number of edges in planar graphs of bounded degree and matching number 

      Jaffke, Lars; Lima, Paloma T. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      We determine the maximum number of edges that a planar graph can have as a function of its maximum degree and matching number.
    • Transversals of longest paths 

      Cerioli, Marcia R.; Fernandes, Cristina G.; Gómez, Renzo; Gutiérrez, Juan; Lima, Paloma T. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-03)
      Let lpt(G) be the minimum cardinality of a transversal of longest paths in G, that is, a set of vertices that intersects all longest paths in a graph G. There are several results in the literature bounding the value of ...
    • Well-partitioned chordal graphs 

      Ahn, Jungho; Jaffke, Lars; Kwon, O-joung; Lima, Paloma T. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      We introduce a new subclass of chordal graphs that generalizes the class of split graphs, which we call well-partitioned chordal graphs. A connected graph G is a well-partitioned chordal graph if there exist a partition P ...