Browsing Department of Informatics by Subject "VDP::Matematikk og Naturvitenskap: 400::Informasjons- og kommunikasjonsvitenskap: 420"
Now showing items 1-20 of 49
Abstractions for Language-Independent Program Transformations
(Doctoral thesis, 2007-06-27) -
Automatic Differentiation of Third Order Derivatives using Forward Mode in C++
(Master thesis, 2009-01-07)Automatic differentiation of third order derivatives is implemented in C++. The implementation uses uses object-orientation and operator overloading to perform the differentiation. A short introduction to operator overloading ... -
Comparing 17 graph parameters
(Master thesis, 2010-08-02)Many parametrized problems were decided to be FPT or W-hard. However, there is still thousands of problems and parameters for which we do not know yet whether are FPT or W-hard. In this thesis, we provide a tool for extending ... -
Computational analysis of the evolutionary dynamics of proteins on a genomic scale
(Doctoral thesis, 2007-01-16)Biology is primarily concerned with the study of all phenotypic aspects of living organisms and evolutionary biology is more specifically interested in elucidating how different phenotypes evolved. Proteins (and RNA ... -
A critical view on Public Key Infrastructures
(Master thesis, 2004) -
Designing Subexponential Algorithms: Problems, Techniques & Structures
(Doctoral thesis, 2007-09-14)In this thesis we focus on subexponential algorithms for NP-hard graph problems: exact and parameterized algorithms that have a truly subexponential running time behavior. For input instances of size n we study exact ... -
Development and application of methods for the analysis of microarray gene expression data
(Doctoral thesis, 2006-10-20) -
Drum Analysis
(Master thesis, 2002)This thesis studies drumloops, and the possibility to separate the different drumsounds from each other. Drum onsets and the detection of these are thoroughly discussed. Different approaches for detection and separation ... -
Dynamic Presentation Generator 2.0 Utvikling av ny dynamisk presentasjonsgenerator og presentasjonsmønsterspesifikasjon.
(Master thesis, 2008-10-13)Denne masteroppgaven er en del av JAva FjernUndervisningsprosjektet (JAFU) på Institutt for Informatikk ved Universitetet i Bergen. Formålet med dette prosjektet er først og fremst å kunne tilby nettbasert undervisning ... -
Error Detection and Correction for Symmetric and Asymmetric Channels
(Doctoral thesis, 2007-08-27)When a message is sent over a channel errors can occur due to noise during the transmission. So it is very important to know the error correction and detection capability of the code, which is used to encode the message. ... -
Exploring Microservice Security
(Doctoral thesis, 2018-10-10)Due to rapid transitioning towards digitalized society and extended reliance on interconnected digital systems, computer security is a field of growing importance. Software that we build should be secure, resilient and ... -
Generating a synthetic diffusion tensor dataset
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2005)During the last years, many techniques for de-noising, segmentation and fiber-tracking have been applied to diffusion tensor MR image data (DTI) from human and animal brains. However, evaluating such methods may be difficult ... -
Graphical Computing Solution for Industrial Plant Engineering
(Master thesis, 2017-06-21)When preparing an engineering operation on an industrial plant, reliable and updated models of the plant must be available for correct decisions and planning. However, especially in the case of offshore oil and gas ... -
How to cope with incorrect HTML
(Master thesis, 2001) -
Integral Cryptanalysis
(Master thesis, 2002) -
Interaktive bridgetjenester for Internett og Mobil
(Master thesis, 2008)Denne rapporten presenterer utviklingen av to forskjellige systemer til bruk i forbindelse med kortspillet bridge. Det første systemet er et web-basert administrasjonssystem for bridge-turneringer, mens det andre systemet ... -
J2ME Bluetooth programming
(Master thesis, 2004) -
K-packing and K-domination on tree graphs
(Master thesis, 2004)