Терминология в процессе формирования: исследование перевода с английского языка на русский язык в области подводной добычи. Terminologi i utvikling: en studie av oversettelser fra engelsk til russisk innen undervannsteknologi
The title of this Master's Thesis is "Terminology in Development: a Case Study of Translation from English into Russian in the Field of Subsea Technology". It is a study of English subsea terminology used in Operational Reports and translated into Russian during the 2013 season that was performed by FMC Technologies in Russia. The subsea terminology is under development in Russian so its translation is a challenge. Therefore, the main goal of the Thesis is providing a contrastive analysis of linguistic means used in the Operational Reports. The Thesis also focuses on the the role of anglicisms in the area of their expansion. The classification and study of the English terms and their Russian equivalens was carried out on the basis of theoretical research done both in Russia and in other countries. The first chapter of the Thesis gives the theoretical background for the study, discusses aspects of professional language, provides definitions and methods for the analysis of terminology. The subject of the second chapter is translation process: how meaning can be rendered into another language and what strategies can be used. Besides, it provides description of assimilation and adaptation of borrowings into the Target Language. The third chapter presents the comparative analysis of the English terms and their Russian translations with comments on findings and observations. The study reveals the main strategies used in translation of technical texts, challenges in identifying certain terms and finding equivalents, the role of borrowings and use of abbreviations in translation.