Department of Foreign Languages
Recent Submissions
Questioni di genere in Italia - costruzione e ricostruzione delle identità attraverso la lingua
(Master thesis, 2024-09-02)Masteroppgaven presenterer en oversikt over sexistiske vaner i det italienske språket fra et sosiolingvistisk synspunkt ved å undersøke de grunnleggende begrepene og problemstillingene der. Studiefeltet belyser sameksistensen ... -
Representation des personnages âgés et mythe de l'eternel retour dans la Terre d'Emile Zola.
(Master thesis, 2024-09-02)This study examines the representation of elderly characters in The Soil (or La Terre) through the lens of the myth of the eternal return. The initial hypothesis was that the elderly protagonists in The Soil were represented ... -
"Educación, Estado y religión en el Diario de los Niños (1839-1840)"
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Este trabajo se centra en el Diario de los Niños (1839-1840), primera publicación periódica infantil moderna de México. Aunque estudios anteriores lo han situado en el contexto de la formación de México como nación emergente, ... -
Academic Vocabulary in L2 English Education: Exploring Norwegian-speaking students' knowledge, awareness, and conceptions
(Doctoral thesis, 2024-11-01)Denne avhandlingen undersøker kunnskap og bevissthet om akademisk vokabular, altså en kjerne av akademiske ord som er mer frekvent i akademiske tekster enn i hverdagsspråk (e.g., Coxhead, 2000; Gardner & Davies, 2014), hos ... -
Russia – the “True Europe” or a “Unique Civilization”?: Towards a Genealogy of two Post-Soviet Ideas
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)“Russia as the true Europe” has become a popular idea in Russian political discourse and ideology production. However, it conflicts with another dominant commonplace idea: “Russia as non-Western” or “Russia as a unique, ... -
Sharing interview questions in advance: Methodological considerations in applied linguistics research
(Journal article, 2024)Interviews serve as a prominent methodological tool in applied linguistics and beyond, allowing researchers to explore participants’ experiences, ideologies and beliefs. Yet, the extent to which interview questions are ... -
Eye Blink Detection in Sign Language Data Using CNNs and Rule-Based Methods
(Chapter, 2024)Eye blinks are used in a variety of sign languages as prosodic boundary markers. However, no cross-linguistic quantitative research on eye blinks exists. In order to facilitate such research in future, we develop and test ... -
Nonmanual Marking of Questions in Balinese Homesign Interactions: a Computer-Vision Assisted Analysis
(Chapter, 2024)In recent years, both linguistic resources and computer-based tools have been developed that make it possible to investigate research questions that have not been studied before. In this study, we conduct a study of nonmanual ... -
La théorie décliniste de Michel Houellebecq : l’exemple du traitement des personnes âgées dans Anéantir.
(Master thesis, 2024-05-15) -
"Salvaged out of the Sea of the Incomputable": Gnostic Metaphysics in Cormac McCarthy's The Passenger and Stella Maris
(Master thesis, 2024-01-07) -
Identifying opposition against increased carbon tax and reduced red meat consumption
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Identifying the individual characteristics that predict climate policy support can inform strategies to increase support for climate policies. This study examines how individual characteristics predict support for two ... -
Controverses du changement climatique : la représentation des paroles d’autrui dans les pages de discussion sur Wikipédia francophone et norvégien
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Résumé Le présent article se propose d’explorer l’encyclopédie collaborative Wikipédia au prisme de deux aspects ayant particulièrement intéressé Kjersti Fløttum au fil de ses travaux : (i) la crise climatique, qui sera ... -
Polar question intonation in Russian speech from Moscow and Perm
(Chapter, 2023)In Central Standard Russian, polar (yes/no) questions are typically pronounced with a high rise on the nuclear syllable, followed by a fall to low level, starting immediately or shortly after the nuclear syllable. Recent ... -
Young L1 Norwegian-L2 English Students' Engagement with Climate and Environmental Communication
(Master thesis, 2024-05-15)Vår tids største utfordringar er klima- og miljørelaterte, og dei yngre i samfunnet er bekymra for framtida. I tillegg blir klima- og miljøutfordringane på verdsbasis ofte diskutert på engelsk. Dette betyr at personar som ... -
L’utilisation des contes écrits africains comme approche didactique dans l’enseignement du FLE au Cameroun : Cas de la production écrite et de l’expression orale des apprenants
(Master thesis, 2024-05-29)With the introduction of national languages into the educational system in Cameroon by the Ministry of Secondary Education, we noticed increasing interest in the use of tales as a teaching corpus although this is still ... -
Towards Uncertain Horizons: The Weird, and the Weirdness of Sisyphean and The Sunken Land Begins to Rise Again
(Master thesis, 2024-05-15)Denne avhandlingen utforsker “the weird”, en litterær modus og et adjektiv som på norsk kan forstås som “det underlige” eller “det sære", og de ulike måtene “weirdness” kommer til uttrykk på i to litterære verk fra samtiden. ... -
Fantasy Beyond the Page: Metafiction and Mythmaking in Patrick Rothfuss’ “Kingkiller Chronicle” and J. R. R. Tolkien
(Master thesis, 2024-05-29) -
“American has become the neutral and standard English”: Pupils’ Attitudes Towards Standard and Non-standard Varieties of English in Norwegian Classrooms
(Master thesis, 2024-05-15)Denne språkholdningsstudien undersøker norske elevers holdninger til fire engelske uttalevarianter. Dette omfatter standard britisk engelsk (Received Pronunciation), standard amerikansk engelsk (General American), nord-vest ... -
Die Gedichte von Kim Sowŏl: eine Übersetzungsanalyse. Äquivalenzrelationen in deutschen Übersetzungen koreanischer Lyrik
(Master thesis, 2024-05-15)The growing interest in Korean culture caused by the Hallyu-Wave has led to an increasing number of literary translations into the German language. Based on the data from the Digital Library of Korean Literature (DKDL) it ...