Blar i Department of Government på utgivelsesdato
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Finding influentials in decision making process of local government: A study of two union councils in Peshawar district of Pakistan
(Master thesis, 2005)My study is about elites influence in the decision making process of local government ofPakistan. In 2000 Pakistan introduced a new local government system under devolutionof power plan, which promising to devolve the power ... -
Institutionalization of performance appraisal system: A case study of the Maldivian public Service
(Master thesis, 2005)The public sector in most countries is going through profound restructuring in the face of environmental constraints that force the sector to become more efficient and effective. In this respect, one of the most popular ... -
Analysis of decision making in Uganda's social security and pension policy reform
(Master thesis, 2005)This thesis argues that in order to understand Uganda’s social security reforms and how they were formulated, it is important to consider the patterns of interaction amongst the key actors. The major objective is to map ... -
Challenges and Prospects of Implementing Citizen’s Charter: A Study of Panchkula (Haryana) Municipal Council in India
(Master thesis, 2005)The Citizen’s Charter has been adopted as a device by the Government of India to induce clienthis research primarily used a qualitative perspective, attempting to discern the meaning ofhe empirical evidence suggests that ... -
Administrative culture in Nepal: does it reflect the dominant socio-cultural values of Nepal?
(Master thesis, 2005)Nepalese bureaucracy is accused of being inefficient, corrupt, non-transparent and irresponsible. It is also said that Afno Manchhe and Chakari, which is deeply rooted in Nepalese social values, is also highly institutionalized ... -
Implementation of the National Environment Policy: A case of the Local Government Authorities in Dar Es Salaam City- Tanzania
(Master thesis, 2005)The government of Tanzania, with the support of a wide range of donors is implementing Local Government Reform Programmes. The three municipal councils of Ilala, Temeke and Kinondoni are among the Local government institutions ... -
Hvordan institusjoner forklarer handling John Searles bidrag
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2005-03-02)The relation between institutions and rational action is a major theme in the social sciences. To what degree and in case how is action determined by rules? To what degree is rational action original, not to be predicted ... -
FORZA ITALIA..? – Ein studie av politiske kommunikasjonsprosessar og demokratiendring i Italia
(Master thesis, 2005-09) -
Fra ritual til verktøy. Mål- og resultatstyring av Utlendingsdirektoratet 1998-2003
(Master thesis, 2006)This case study explores the relationship between the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (NDI), the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development (MLRD), and the Ministry of Justice (MJ) in the years 1998 through ... -
NGO perception of poverty in Bangladesh: Do their programmes match the reality?
(Master thesis, 2006)This study is conducted assuming that the NGOs poverty perception and poverty reduction programmes do not match with the real causes of poverty of their beneficiaries. The unrealistic programmes of the NGOs in Bangladesh ... -
Job Satisfaction among Female Teachers: A study on primary schools in Bangladesh.
(Master thesis, 2006)This study is conducted to analyse the job satisfaction among the female teachers of government run primary schools in Bangladesh. Though job satisfaction is considered as a factor of social psychology but in this study ... -
The Implementation of Civil Service Reforms in Tanzania, 1991-2000
(Master thesis, 2006)The present thesis deals with civil service reforms implemented in Tanzania in between 1991-2000. It aims at assessing whether the reforms achieved the intended objectives of “smaller, affordable, well compensated, efficient ... -
Reforming Political Universities: An Organizational Analysis of University of Peshawar
(Master thesis, 2006)1.1 Background:In Pakistan, major source of provision of higher education are public sector universities. They are controlled by the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Science and Technology and Higher Education Commission ... -
Tjenestemannsorganisasjoner og nasjonal forvaltningspolitikk: Modernisering med en hånd på rattet og en fot på bremsen?
(Doctoral thesis, 2006-06-16)This study is inspired by an international school of research that is theoreticallyinformed and empirical oriented, combining political science and organization theory.The theme of the study is the relationship between the ... -
Analysis of state institutional capacity for land acquisition in Ghana: A case study of the public land bureaucracy
(Master thesis, 2007)Gaining access to land is a problem that confronts both Government and non statecapitalist agents in Ghana. The study examined why the state lacks an effectiveinstitutional capacity with the political and technical competence ... -
Bortenfor horisonten. ”Enemy Combatant” og den sikkerhetspolitiske diskurs
(Master thesis, 2007)Denne masteroppgaven handler om begrepet "enemy combatant", dens mulighetsbetingelser og betydning i den amerikanske sikkerhetspolitiske diskursen og den globale krigen mot terror. Siktemålet er å demonstrere at det er i ... -
Universitet og marked – Innovasjon og byråkrati
(Master thesis, 2007) -
Mission impossible? En studie av Utenriksdepartementets håndtering av Tsunami-katastrofen
(Master thesis, 2007)2. juledag forårsaket et jordskjelv i det indiske hav en massiv flodbølge. Flodbølgen traff kysten av Sør Asia og Øst Afrika, i alt mistet mellom 220. 000 - 300.000 mennesker livet, og rundt 1,5 millioner mennesker ble ... -
Institutional and political constraints to planning sustainable settlements in suburban municipalities case of Tallinn, Estonia
(Master thesis, 2007)This thesis addresses the recent phenomenon of urban sprawl in Tallinn, the capital city of Estonia,and tries to find its institutional and political reasons. Urban sprawl is seen as a type ofsuburbanization which lacks ...