• Building climate resilience in deltas amid uncertainty and surprise 

      Wardekker, Arjan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Delta management has been quite successful at reducing historical risks. However, climate change and the myriad of other challenges that deltas face involve many uncertainties and unknowns, leading to potential surprises ...
    • Historical precedents and feasibility of rapid coal and gas decline required for the 1.5°C target 

      Vinichenko, Vadim; Cherp, Aleh; Jewell, Jessica (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      A major challenge in combatting climate change is stopping the use of fossil fuels such as coal in electricity generation. This is particularly challenging in Asia—the largest global region with rapidly growing electricity ...
    • Innovating carbon-capture biotechnologies through ecosystem-inspired solutions 

      Schweitzer, Hannah; Aalto, Nerea Johanna; Busch, Wolfgang; Chan, Dennis Tin Chat; Chiesa, Matteo; Elvevoll, Edel O.; Gerlach, Robin; Krause, Kirsten; Mocaer, Karel; Moran, James J.; Noel, Joseph P.; Patil, Shalaka Kiran; Schwab, Yannick; Wijffels, Rene Hubertus; Wulff, Angela; Øvreås, Lise; Bernstein, Hans Christopher (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Rising atmospheric carbon concentrations affect global health, the economy, and overall quality of life. We are fast approaching climate tipping points that must be addressed, not only by reducing emissions but also through ...
    • Meeting well-below 2°C target would increase energy sector jobs globally 

      Pai, Sandeep; Emmerling, Johannes; Drouet, Laurent; Zerriffi, Hisham; Jewell, Jessica (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      To keep global warming well-below 2°C, fossil fuels need to dramatically decline and be replaced by low-carbon energy sources. While the technologies to replace fossil fuels are widely available, support for their expansion ...
    • Utilizing multi-objective decision support tools for protected area selection 

      Voskamp, Alke; Fritz, Susanne A.; Köcke, Valerie; Biber, Matthias F.; Nogueira Brockmeyer, Timo; Bertzky, Bastian; Forrest, Matthew; Goldstein, Allie; Henderson, Scott; Hickler, Thomas; Hof, Christian; Kastner, Thomas; Lang, Stefanie; Manning, Peter; Mascia, Michael B.; McFadden, Ian R.; Niamir, Aidin; Noon, Monica; O'Donnell, Brian; Opel, Mark; Schwede, Georg; West, Peyton; Schenck, Christof; Böhning-Gaese, Katrin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Establishing and maintaining protected areas (PAs) is a key action in delivering post-2020 biodiversity targets. PAs often need to meet multiple objectives, ranging from biodiversity protection to ecosystem service provision ...