Blar i Faculty of Psychology på tittel
Viser treff 96-115 av 544
Education in a Political Context. A study of knowledge processes and learning sites in the PKK
(Doctoral thesis, 2009-02-26)This thesis focuses on educational practices within the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and how members of the organisation perceive the educational and personal outcome of their participation. The thesis consists of three ... -
Effect of aversive stimuli on frontal alpha asymmetry during sleep
(Master thesis, 2009-05-12)The aim of this project was to find measurable physiological responses linked to the human experience of distress in a non-communicative state. A distress-related response has consistently been reported in healthy awake ... -
Effect of Peer-Based Low Back Pain Information and Reassurance at the Workplace on Sick Leave: A Cluster Randomized Trial
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013-06)Purpose: To evaluate whether information and reassurance about low back pain (LBP) given to employees at the workplace could reduce sick leave. Methods: A Cluster randomized controlled trial with 135 work units of about ... -
The effects of co-occuring anxiety on executive functions in children with ADHD
(Master thesis, 2014-11-23)Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are known to have deficits in executive functioning. There is an ongoing debate whether anxiety has an ameliorating effect on executive functions in these ... -
Effects of Mood on Learning in the Serial Reaction Time Task
(Master thesis, 2011-11-23)After a brief overview of existing research on the relationship between mood and implicit learning, some methodological concerns are addressed and an empirical study is reported. Participants (N = 80) were trained on a ... -
Effekt av mindfulness-baserte tilnærminger på reduksjon av utbrenthet – en litteraturgjennomgang
(Master thesis, 2022-12-15)Formålet med litteraturgjennomgangen var å undersøke effekten av mindfulness-baserte tilnærminger på reduksjon av utbrenthet. Litteratursøket ble gjennomført 30. juni 2022, i databasene APA Psycinfo, Embase, Medline og Web ... -
Effekten av internettbasert kognitiv atferdsterapi for kronisk insomni på funksjonelle utfall.
(Master thesis, 2017-06-13)Objective: This study aims to evaluate the effects of internet-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia (electronic CBTi, eCBTi) on work and leisure time productivity, sickness absence, utilization of health ... -
Effekten av Klient- og resultatstyrt praksis i terapeutisk arbeid, og for terapeuters profesjonelle utvikling. En teoretisk oppgave
(Master thesis, 2013-04-15)One of the main goals in the Norwegian government plan to improve mental healthcare was to improve client's impact on their own treatment. A Report from the department of health shows that clients do not feel that this ... -
Effekten av psykologiske intervensjoner for personer med demens og angst: En metaanalyse
(Master thesis, 2012-04-15)Anxiety in people with dementia is a prevalent problem and is often associated with increased burden for patients, relatives and healthcare professionals. A large extent of the disorder is treated through drug therapy with ... -
Effekten av “Mindfulnessbasert kognitiv terapi” på emosjonsgjenkjenning hos personer med tilbakevendende depresjon.
(Master thesis, 2021-12-15)Personer som lider av depresjon har en negativ bias i emosjonsgjenkjenning, en tendens som kan vedvare inn i remisjon. En svekket evne til emosjonsgjenkjenning kan utgjøre en sårbarhet for tilbakefall av depresjonen når ... -
Effekter av ADHD og symptomer på sosial angst på gjenkjenning av emosjonelle ansiktsuttrykk
(Master thesis, 2017)The aim of the current experimental study was to investigate the influences of ADHD and symptoms of social anxiety on emotion recognition in faces. Norwegian youths aged 11-17 years with (n = 34) and without (n = 33) ADHD ... -
Effekter av kognitiv remediering på deprimerte eldre: En narrativ litteraturgjennomgang
(Master thesis, 2023-12-15)Kognitive vansker tilknyttet depresjon har vist seg å vedvare hos en andel individer etter remisjon, noe som medfører økt risiko for tilbakevendende episoder. Depresjon kan også være en risikofaktor for å utvikle ... -
Ein effektivitetsstudie av ein intensiv multimodal behandlingsmodell for kronisk utmatting
(Master thesis, 2011-11-24)Patients (N = 124) with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) were offered a 4 days brief intensive treatment program, after an initial evaluation and motivational interview. The program consisted of psycho-education, cognitive ... -
Eksperimentalpsykologiens fremkomst ved Universitetet i Kristiania
(Journal article, 1985) -
Eksplisitt hukommelse hos spedbarn: Utsatt imitasjon testet fra 24 timer til seks uker hos 6 og 9 måneder gamle barn
(Master thesis, 2007)This study explores infant recall memory through deferred imitation, a non-verbal measure of explicit memory. In the first part of the study 25 6-month-old infants and 25 9-month-old infants are divided into three different ... -
Eldres psykiske helse i DPS. En kvalitativ undersøkelse, fra psykologens perspektiv.
(Master thesis, 2012-11-26)In society today people live longer, but with increasing age comes a higher risk of mental and physical illness. Literature on the topic indicates that older people in Norway do not get enough attention in community mental ... -
Emosjonelle og Relasjonelle Faktorers Betydning for et Lags Prestasjoner, og Treners Innvirkning på Disse
(Master thesis, 2011-11-23)This paper seeks to examine whether the field of sports psychology provides an adequate understanding of how emotional and relational factors affect team performance, and how coaches might influence these. It appears that ... -
Emosjonsregulering hos ungdom med ADHD, og betydningen av emosjonell labilitet for symptomer på angst og depresjon
(Master thesis, 2016-12-15)During the last decades, there has been an increase in literature showing that emotional dysregulation seems to be a core feature of ADHD. Although the prevalence estimates are high, less is known about the specific nature ... -
Empirical demonstration of respiratory circumference changes (pulsations) in various body parts
(Working paper, 1962)