Browsing Department of Geography by Title
Now showing items 448-467 of 698
Natur i endring - en studie av vegetasjonsdynamikken i et breforland ved Folgefonna. Klima- og bruksendringens effekt på vegetasjonen i Øvre Buerdalen 1981-2016 og tilstand i dag
(Master thesis, 2017-06-15)Glaciers are sensitive indicators of climate. In southwestern Norway, the Buerbreen glacier reached its maximum extent in the little ice age in the late 1870s, followed by a subsequent retreat due to temperatures rising. ... -
Nature-based solutions through collective actions for spatial justice in urban green commons
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Urban climate adaptation through nature-based solutions (NBS) requires collective action that incorporates spatial justice considerations. Collective actions reveal new ways of thinking about urban green commons and spatial ... -
Naturfarer i militære skyte- og øvingsfelt (SØF). En studie av militær terrengbruk og risiko forbundet med naturfarer i Setermoen og Mauken-Blåtind, Troms
(Master thesis, 2018)Juni 2016 la Regjeringen fram en ny langtidsplan for Forsvaret kalt «Kampkraft og Bærekraft». Av langtidsplanen framgår det at Forsvarets basestruktur skal effektiviseres, samtidig som nord-områdene vil se økt aktivitet ... -
Naturtypekartlegging og tilstandsvurdering av naturtyper på Orresanden
(Master thesis, 2014-05-15)Mål: Formålet med denne studien er å avklare hvilke naturtyper og naturtypenes tilstand på Orresanden. Det ble i denne sammenheng relevant å trekke inn sjeldne arter, slitasje og andre viktige elementer ved området og ... -
Navigating implementation dilemmas in technology-forcing policies: A comparative analysis of accelerated smart meter diffusion in the Netherlands, UK, Norway, and Portugal (2000-2019)
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)This paper addresses the implementation of technology-forcing policies in open-ended diffusion processes that involve companies and regulators as well as consumers and civil society actors. Mobilising insights from the ... -
Når forskning blir politikkens fortsettelse med andre midler: Om historiefagets rasjonale og en talende metafor
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020) -
Negotiated Entitlements: A Study of Land and Water Access in the Tono Irrigation Project in Navrongo, Ghana.
(Master thesis, 2015-05-14)The economy of Northern Ghana is largely agrarian with over 70% of the population engaged in agriculture and agricultural based livelihood activities (GSS, 2012). Agriculture is however characterised by poor yields as a ... -
The nested hierarchy of urban vulnerability within land use policiesfails to address climate injustices in Turkey
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Responsive land-use policy amid climate change in urban settings includes infrastructure transformation and necessitates recognizing community- and individual-level vulnerabilities as well as climate-driven injustices, ... -
Never the strongest: reconciling the four schools of thought in system dynamics in the debate on quality
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023) -
New insights into Meltwater Pulse 1a from Empirical Sea-level Reconstructions and Numerical Modelling
(Master thesis, 2024-06-07)Understanding past sea-level dynamics is crucial for future predictions of sea-level change. A past analogue of a rapidly melting ice sheet can be found in the deglaciation of the Eurasian Ice Sheet (EIS) and its impact ... -
New municipalism and the governance of urban transitions to sustainability
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Cities play increasingly recognised roles in global climate change responses: as change laboratories, spaces of opportunity, and as administrative and economic hubs that concentrate human and financial resources and needs. ... -
NGO relations in development work. A study about people's perceptions of NGO-government relations, NGO-NGO relations and NGO-locals relations in Ethiopia.
(Master thesis, 2017-06-21)Research on relations between development NGOs and actors like government and locals are meaningful for good utilization of knowledge and resources in development work. The legitimacy of NGOs is said to be based on a ... -
”No byggjer vi nye Høyanger” - Ein diskursanalytisk studie av omstillingsprosessen i Høyanger
(Master thesis, 2007)Oppgåva omhandlar omstillingsprosessen i Høyanger kommune. Med utgangspunkt i ei diskursanalytisk tilnærming, har eg fokusert på korleis Høyanger som stad narrativiserast, korleis dette endrar seg gjennom ein omstillingsprosess, ... -
Non-Revenue Water Reduction Programs in Colombia: Methodology Analysis using a System Dynamics Approach
(Master thesis, 2008-08-19)All across the world there are concerns about water availability that inviteutilities to perform better as water stewards. One of the ways to get a betterperformance, both operational and financial, is to reduce water ... -
Norge som turistdestinasjon og autentisk opplevelse. En studie av unge utenlandske turisters reisemotiver og opplevelse av Norge.
(Master thesis, 2015-05-15)Oppgaven har som overorndet mål å se på reisemålet Norge som en turistdestinasjon og et reisemål for autentiske opplevelser. Autentiske opplevelser er et viktig tema i den forstand at store deler av turistnæringen går i ... -
Norm domestication challenges for local climate actions: A lesson from Arizona, USA
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Research on norm domestication in multi-level governance structures is overlooked in urban climate governance and policy literature. This paper conceptualizes multi-scalar interactions of norm domestication for local climate ... -
Norsk kartografi i et maktperspektiv, med hovedvekt på perioden 1750-1875
(Master thesis, 2017-06-17)Kart blir ofte oppfattet som en objektiv gjengivelse av virkeligheten, men det kan ligge en rekke forskjellige motiver bak kartets tilblivelse. Kart får derfor en annen betydning når vi vet hvorfor, hvordan og av hvem det ... -
Norske bedrifter i en fremmed kontekst – en studie av norske bedrifter i Shanghai, Kina
(Master thesis, 2008) -
Norwegian low-intensity ovine and bovine farming systems—a resilience perspective
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)The concept of socio-ecological resilience can be used to understand and measure to what degree farming systems are able to handle and adapt to disturbances. The article is based on the application of a framework for ...