Browsing Department of Geography by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 698
Till studies in the Gudbrandsdal area, eastern central Norway
(Journal article, 1973)A number of localities with sub-till sediments have recently been found in the Gudbrandsdal area. The sediments are mostly of glacio-lacustrine origin and of an assumed Middle Weichselian age. Only a few of the findings ... -
Distribution and genesis of tills in central South Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 1977-06-01)The morphogenesis of tills below the culmination zones of the Weichselian inland ice has been studied in an upland area with a relief of 1500 m. The thickness of the tills varies considerably, depending principally on ... -
Wastage features of the inland ice sheet in central South Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 1980)Detailed field mapping of different lateral phenomena, striae, texture and till fabric are the basis of a reconstruction of five deglaciation phases in the east Jotunheimen-Gudbrandsdalen area, a landscape with moderate ... -
Morenestratigrafi i sentrale Sør Norge : resultater av en moreneundersøkelse i Hjellådalen, Dombås, korrelert med isbevegelser og morener i Gudbrandsdalen og tilgrensede strøk
(Working paper, 1980)The stratigraphy of Weichselian tills from an area situated between the main ice divide in central South Norway and the watershed to the north during most of the last glaciation, has been investigated. The till traps of ... -
Weichsel in central South Norway : a general view of the deposits from the Gudbrandsdalen Interstadial and from the following glaciation
(Journal article, 1981)Present knowledge of sub-till sediments found in the valleys in the Mid-Gudbrandsdal area and the stratigraphy of the overlying basal tills is summarized. The existence of widespread waterlain sediments which are thought ... -
Studier av siste istids forløp og avsetninger i Gudbrandsdalen
(Doctoral thesis, 1981-10-23) -
Interfuel substitution in OECD-European electricity production
(Journal article, 1990)Fuel substitution in OECD-European electricity production is described by a putty-clay formulation. At the time of investment, fuel shares are determined according to a logit model. These fuel shares are maintained throughout ... -
Partners and Competitors. Gendered Entrepreneurship in Ghanaian Canoe Fisheries
(Doctoral thesis, 1998) -
Ferieval og identitetskjensle - om sveitsarar sine førestillingar om feriemålet Norge
(Master thesis, 2001)Oppgåva handlar om tolv sveitsarar sitt forhold til Norge, til ferie og feriemålsval og til identitet, men det eigentlege utgangspunktet for arbeidet kan uttrykkjast slik: Kva slags førestillingar har sveitsarar om Norge ... -
Et paleohydrologisk studie av Sagbekken, Hedmark fylke : en rekonstruksjon av Sagbekkens flomhistorie gjennom holosen
(Master thesis, 2002)The location for this thesis has been the river Sagbekken. Sagbekken is a small river in Foldal municipality in Hedmark county in Norway, and it ends it’s journey in lake Butjønna. The river is not directly connected to ... -
Globalisering, makt og mening - en analyse av diskurser i Nepal
(Master thesis, 2002)Denne oppgaven tar for seg et prosjekt med utgangspunkt i teorier rundt globalisering og kulturgeografi. Studien omfatter et feltarbeid fra Katmandu, hovedstaden i Nepal. -
Dimensjonar ved ei elv: Bagmati River, Kathmandu, Nepal
(Master thesis, 2002)Objectives: Problemstillinga kjem til uttrykk gjennom tre spørsmål med underspørsmål: 1. Har elvas fysiske degradering ført til endringar i korleis folk oppfattar og konseptualiserer elva? - Kan det observerast endringar ... -
En rekonstruksjon av isutbredelsen i Rondane gjennom Weichsel med hovedvekt på glasialgeologi og isavsmeltingsformer
(Master thesis, 2003)The Rondane area has since the 18th century been of interest for scientists because of its glaciofluvial deposits (Gjessing, 1960), large number of periglacial phenomena (Barchs & Treter, 1976; Shakesby et al., 1987), and ... -
Estimating customer utility of energy efficiency standards for refrigerators
(4/2003, Working paper, 2003)A frequent argument against efficiency standards is that they prohibit products that representoptimal choices for customers and thus lead to reduced customer utility. In this paper wepropose and test a method to estimate ... -
Reconstruction of former glacier equilibrium-line altitudes based on proglacial sites: an evaluation of approaches and selection of sites
(Quaternary Science Reviews; 22(2/4), Journal article, 2003)Various approaches are used to record variations in glacier activity and equilibrium-line altitudes (ELAs) based on proglacial sites (lacustrine and terrestrial). These approaches are based on a conceptual model of ... -
Policy Sensitivity Analysis: simple versus complex fishery models
(3/2003, Working paper, 2003)Sensitivity analysis is often used to judge the sensitivity of model behaviour touncertain assumptions about model formulations and parameter values. Since theultimate goal of modelling is typically policy recommendation, ... -
Dynamic Simulation Model of Common Pool Resource Cooperation Experiments
(5/2003, Working paper, 2003)We investigate the decision rules adopted by individuals in local communities, whoselivelihoods depend on common pool resource stocks and who face the cooperationdilemma in their everyday life. For this purpose, field ... -
Potential Contribution of Existing Computer-Based Models to Comparative Assessment of Development Options
(2/03, Working paper, 2003) -
"Senk skuten!" Byutvikling i lys av makt, rasjonalitet og demokrati
(Master thesis, 2003)