Browsing Department of Geography by Title
Now showing items 479-498 of 698
Palaeoclimatic and regional implications of Older Dryas and Younger Dryas local glacier activity in the low-Arctic valley Finnkongdalen, Andøya, northern Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Continuous glacier margin and equilibrium-line altitude fluctuations of a former glacier on central Andøya, northern Norway, are reconstructed during the Lateglacial based on moraines and AMS 14C-dated sediments from the ... -
The Pandemic as a Rupture that Follows Rules: Comparing Governance Responses in India, USA, Sweden and Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)How a country responds to a rupture such as the COVID-19 pandemic can be revelatory of its governance. Governance entails not only the exercise but also the constitution of authority. The pandemic response thus presents a ... -
A paper tiger in the fog of governance: Norway's riddle in biodiversity matters
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Effective biodiversity protection is generally associated with a strict rule of law and democratic participation in environmental decision making. Norway's exceptional ranking in terms of governance, however, has failed ... -
Parameter calibration of a system dynamics model. A comparison of three evolutionary algorithms
(Master thesis, 2013-07-31)This research seeks to improve the parameter calibration process of a System Dynamics model. A movie release strategies" model has been developed in 2012 using a gradient-based optimization algorithm to estimate all the ... -
Parapatric subspecies of Macaca assamensis show a marginal overlap in their predicted potential distribution: Some elaborations for modern conservation management
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-09-04)Phylogenetic niche conservatism implies that sister taxa will have similar niches, although the niches of disjunct subspecies may evolve differently. This study uses Macaca assamensis, subspecies assamensis and pelops, to ... -
Parapatric subspecies of Macaca assamensis show a marginal overlap in their predicted potential distribution: Some elaborations for modern conservation management
(Data set, 2017)Phylogenetic niche conservatism implies that sister taxa will have similar niches, although the niches of disjunct subspecies may evolve differently. This study uses Macaca assamensis, subspecies assamensis and pelops, to ... -
Participatory modelling updates expectations for individuals and groups, catalyzing be-havior change and collective action in nexus governance
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Participatory modeling is a potentially high‐impact approach for catalyzing fundamental sustainability transformations. We test if participation in a group system dynamics modeling exercise increases participants' agency ... -
Participatory system dynamics modeling for groundwater resources management (Case study: Marand Plain, Iran)
(Journal article, 2024)Introduction The capacity of groundwater systems to offer various services depends on their geographically varying properties and is dynamically influenced by ongoing natural and human processes. Because groundwater is ... -
Partners and Competitors. Gendered Entrepreneurship in Ghanaian Canoe Fisheries
(Doctoral thesis, 1998) -
Pathway to a land-neutral expansion of Brazilian renewable fuel production
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Biofuels are currently the only available bulk renewable fuel. They have, however, limited expansion potential due to high land requirements and associated risks for biodiversity, food security, and land conflicts. We ... -
Patient flow through the central surgery unit at Haukeland Universitetssykehus – A System Dynamic approch
(Master thesis, 2007)The Central operation division at Haukeland Universitets sykehus is considered to be the”hart” of the hospital. At the same time surgery units are often singled out as anorganizational unit that can constitute a bottleneck ... -
Pedagogisk entreprenørskap som virkemiddel for lokal og regional utvikling: Eksempler fra skoler og mindre kystsamfunn i Finnmark
(Doctoral thesis, 2013-12-04)Formålet med denne avhandlingen er å belyse pedagogisk entreprenørskap som virkemiddel for lokal og regional utvikling. Avhandlingen opererer med et skille mellom en smal og en bred tilnærming til pedagogisk entreprenørskap. ... -
Pengemengdevekst og inflasjon - en empirisk analyse og teoretiske betraktninger
(Master thesis, 2004)I denne oppgaven vil jeg undersøke sammenhengen mellom pengemengdevekst og inflasjon i Norge. Hovedmålet for oppgaven er dels å etterprøve resultatene som ble dokumentert i artikkelen ”Sammenhengen mellom pengemengdevekst ... -
Perceptions of climate change and adaptation: a case of peasants in the Builsa district of the Upper East Region of Ghana
(Master thesis, 2011-05-15)Cropping patterns in the Builsa district of Ghana are gradually changing and faced with a perceived climate change and its negative consequences on the livelihoods of peasant farmers in the district, it is often assumed ... -
Perceptions of competing agendas in carbon neutrality policies in Portugal: Adverse impacts on vulnerable population groups
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The links between the political agendas of climate change, the energy transition, and energy poverty are multiple, complex, and overlapping. In line with European Union policy demands, Member States are implementing the ... -
Perspectives on exploration and extraction of seafloor massive sulfide deposits in Norwegian waters
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)We present a stochastic dynamic simulation model for exploration and extraction of seafloor massive sulfide (SMS) mineral deposits on the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS). The model is developed based on selected industry ... -
Phasing out coal for 2 °C target requires worldwide replication of most ambitious national plans despite security and fairness concerns
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Ending the use of unabated coal power is a key climate change mitigation measure. However, we do not know how fast it is feasible to phase-out coal on the global scale. Historical experience of individual countries indicates ... -
Pipes and Prayers. Global changes and water management in two Himalayan villages
(Master thesis, 2005) -
Planning for an elderly boom; A System Dynamics Approach to strategic healthcare planning in Bergen, Norway
(Master thesis, 2008-06-09)The thesis addresses the future development and potential future scenarios of the geriatric health care situation in the city of Bergen. Due to population dynamics and demographic processes the city of Bergen may expect ... -
Planning to transform : Exploring the role of climate and energy action plans in municipal low-carbon transformation
(Doctoral thesis, 2022-03-18)The point of departure of the present thesis is to understand local efforts towards low-carbon societies from the point of view of municipalities. Both the theoretical and empirical focus is placed on the municipality as ...