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Teaching mathematics to deaf and hard of hearing students: an experimental system dynamics approach
(Master thesis, 2010-12-01)Abstract Studies over thirty years show that many deaf and hard of hearing students are under performers in the field of mathematics as compared to their hearing counterparts. This study explored the contribution of system ... -
Temporale og romlige sedimentasjonstrender i en distal-glasial innsjø, gjennom Den Lille Istid
(Master thesis, 2011-09-01)The sedimentation processes in an arctic distal-glacier fed lake Jægervatn (3 m. a.s.l.), located in northern Norway, has been studied by means of core analysis in addition to quaternary mapping of the catchment area of ... -
The Territorialization of a small community - The case of Huaytire, Peru
(Master thesis, 2014-05-15)This study explores the diverse strategies used in order to territorialize the small community of Huaytire. By focusing on this territorialization process, it is analyzed the characteristics and functions behind the ... -
The Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Maritime Boundaries and Exclusive Economic Zones, Three GIS scenarios for 20 jurisdictions in the western and central Pacific region
(Master thesis, 2020-12-18)Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs) are maritime territories that extend 200 nautical miles from a country’s coastline. They mandate sovereign rights over all the natural resources. For Pacific island states, these zones support ... -
The Rebound Effect: Autonomous Ships Rebound Effect on Energy Consumption
(Master thesis, 2024-08-15)The maritime industry is transforming with autonomous ships driven by advancements in artificial intelligence. This study examines the rebound effect of adopting autonomous ships in Norway, where energy efficiency gains ... -
Till studies in the Gudbrandsdal area, eastern central Norway
(Journal article, 1973)A number of localities with sub-till sediments have recently been found in the Gudbrandsdal area. The sediments are mostly of glacio-lacustrine origin and of an assumed Middle Weichselian age. Only a few of the findings ... -
Tourism in the global periphery: A case study from Manang, Nepal Himalaya
(Master thesis, 2006)This study examines the impacts of tourism in a small mountain village in the Nepal Himalayas. During the 1980s, especially, there was a strong global increase in tourism to “remote” places. This increase consequently led ... -
Towards a Greener Economy : Entrepreneurs, Clusters and Changing Markets
(Doctoral thesis, 2021-03-02)A shift towards a greener economy is inevitable, given the urgency to deal with climate change and other pressing environmental challenges. The aim of the thesis is to contribute to the theoretical and empirical understanding ... -
Towards Understanding the Causal Relationships in Proliferating SD Education—A System Dynamics Group Modelling Approach in China
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Given the growing importance of system dynamics (SD) in solving increasingly complex and dynamic problems in any country, we believe SD education will become an imperative leverage point in helping us deal with our uncertain ... -
Tragedy of the Commons in Groundwater Resources And Evaluating Strategies to Achieve Sustainable Development (A Case Study of Iran)
(Master thesis, 2019-09-10)At present, many countries (including Iran) face "extremely high" levels of water stress, which means more than 80 percent of the water available to agricultural, domesc, and industrial users is withdrawn from groundwater ... -
Transformation as relational mobilisation: The networked geography of Addis Ababa’s sustainable transport interventions
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Literatures on sustainability transition and transformation increasingly emphasise the role of spatiality and local agency. This paper argues that relational thinking has much more to offer this debate than presently ... -
Transforming food systems at local levels: using participatory system dynamics in an interactive manner to refine small-scale farmers’ mental models
(Journal article, 2017-10)Food systems will need to undergo considerable transformation. To be better prepared for and resilient to uncertainty and disturbances in the future, resource users and managers need to further develop knowledge about the ... -
Transforming knowledge systems for life on Earth: Visions of future systems and how to get there
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Formalised knowledge systems, including universities and research institutes, are important for contemporary societies. They are, however, also arguably failing humanity when their impact is measured against the level of ... -
Trials, errors and improvements in co-production of climate services
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Climate change yields both challenges and opportunities. In both cases, costly adaptations and transformations are necessary and desirable, and these must be based on realistic and relevant climate information. However, ... -
Tverrsektorielle samarbeid som regional utvikling. En komparativ studie av TAF-opplæring i Måløy og Ulsteinvik
(Master thesis, 2017-01-02)Studien tok for seg samarbeid mellom videregående skoler, private foretak og tredjeparter i forbindelse med opplæringsløpet Teknisk Allmennfag (TAF). Struktur, ansvarsfordeling og oppbygningen av videregående opplæring ... -
Understanding Hydrologic, Human, and Climate System Feedback Loops: Results of a Participatory Modeling Workshop
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Groundwater depletion threatens global freshwater resources, necessitating urgent water management and policies to meet current and future needs. However, existing data-intensive approaches to assessments do not fully ... -
Understanding maternal mortality ratio reduction bottlenecks in Uganda. A system dynamics approach for policy development
(Master thesis, 2014-06-02)Understanding Maternal Mortality ratio reduction bottlenecks in Uganda: A System Dynamics Approach for Policy Development. Nuwagira Cranmer Abstract. Despite all efforts initiated by government and its partners , maternal ...