Department of Social Anthropology
Recent Submissions
Anthropology in Norway: Directions, Locations, Relations
(Book; Peer reviewed, 2021) -
Policing the Favelas of Rio de Janeiro: Cosmologies of War and the Far-Right
(Palgrave's Critical Policing Studies;, Book; Peer reviewed, 2024) -
2021 Elizabeth Colson Lecture, Refugee Studies Centre, Oxford. The Afterlives of Return and the Limits of Refugee Protection
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)This article features a long-term refugee in Greece who decided to return to his home country in the face of severe illness. I ask what his illness and treatment in Greece, and ultimately his return to Sudan, reveal about ... -
Frå Barth sitt aktørperspektiv og Geertz sin kulturhistorie til Pfeilstetter sitt omgrep «entrepreneurialization». Ei drøfting av nyttige perspektiv til forståinga av politiske entreprenørprosessar i Sudan
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Artikkelen introduserer først to klassiske antropologiske analyser av entreprenørprosessar, Barth sin aktørorientering der entreprenøren starter sosiale endringsprosessar, og Geertz sitt kulturorienterte perspektiv der ... -
Sudanesiske meklarar (brokers) i Yiwu
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Denne artikkelen fokuserer på sudanesiske meklarar i Yiwu, ein by på kysten av Kina der handelsmennn frå Sudan kom for å handle billege kinesiske varer. Artikkelen nevner to grupper av sudanesarar, den eine som kjem på ... -
Two theories of money. On the historical anthropology of the state-finance nexus
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)The last decade of financial crisis, “financialization” and “quantitative easing” has been a feast of public learning about money and finance. Anthropology, history, and political economy rediscovered a “forgotten” history ... -
Critical realism in political ecology: An argument against flat ontology
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)This theoretical article takes issue with how 'new materialisms' have been employed in political ecology, and it explores the 'depth ontology' of critical realism developed by Roy Bhaskar as an alternative to the 'flat ... -
Rethinking “surplus populations” Theory from the peripheries
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Critical scholarship on twenty-first century capitalist development has called attention to certain structural limits on employment growth. Large populations excluded from formal employment are seen to eke out a precarious ... -
The Meanings of Chronopolitics and Temporal Awareness in Feminist Ethnographic Research
(Chapter, 2023)In this chapter, the co-authors argue for the need to develop greater awareness of how feminist knowledge production is situated, not only in an uneven geopolitical terrain but also within a politics of time. Chronopolitics ... -
Solidarity, Motivation and Community: An ethnographic study about environmental activists in the climate justice movement in Montreal Canada
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)The climate movement is, in many aspects, a global movement. I find it particularly intriguing and fascinating to see how this movement manifests locally and how environmental activists are motivated to participate in this ... -
Sølvberget som et moderne arkitektonisk kompleks: En antropologisk studie av materielle objekter og dets føringer for sosialt liv
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Studiet om materialitet er ikke nytt. Akademikere har skrevet volumer om tingene som meningsfulle ikoner, metaforiske avbildninger eller som vare i økonomisk handel. Det som har manglet i slike diskurser er en anerkjennelse ... -
Samfunnsansvar Is Not CSR: Mapping Expectations and Practices of (Corporate) Social Responsibility in Norway
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2023) -
Vulnerability governance as differential inclusion: the struggles of asylum seekers in Marseille
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Concerns with ‘vulnerability’ increasingly proliferate in global and regional pacts, international and domestic legislations, and policy discourses and practices regarding migration and international protection. Also in ... -
Permanent Impermanence in the Anthropocene: The emergence of a guest-worker society in a Patagonian Mountain village
(Journal article, 2023)At a stage of capitalism where “the environment” emerges as an existential category, conservation policies become weaved into processes of expulsion. The idea that there is not enough for everyone reconfigures social ... -
Permaculture on the Iberian Peninsula: Networks and praxis
(Master thesis, 2023-12-13)This thesis explores the networks of permaculture, those that are natural, social and a mix of the two. Permaculture design is one of several alternative agricultural practices, made in response to climate change and living ... -
Innvandrerkvinner i Norge og deres tanker om lønnet arbeid: En etnografisk studie av kvinner og hva som påvirker deres valg i forhold til utdannelse og lønnet arbeid utenfor hjemmet
(Master thesis, 2023-12-18)Denne oppgaven handler om kvinner med migrasjonsbakgrunn og deres tanker om arbeid i Norge. Basert på et etnografisk feltarbeid utført i Bergen våren 2022 utforsker jeg hva som påvirker deres valg i forhold til utdannelse ...