A setup for electrical tests of ATLAS SCT barrel modules
The ATLAS SemiConductor Tracker (SCT) is part of the inner detector in the ATLAS detector at the LHC complex at CERN. SCT will consist of a system of silicon strip detectors with digital readout, reading out space point information from high-energy proton-proton collisions. The detector will be assembled from over 4088 detector modules, with one type of module for the barrel part (2112 modules) and one for the endcaps (1976 modules). Before the assembly, the modules need to undergo a thorough quality assurance (QA) procedure, both in terms of physical properties and electrical performance. This thesis describes the setup of an electrical QA system for SCT barrel modules at the University of Bergen The University of Bergen is part of the SCT group Scandinavian Cluster, together with the University of Oslo and the University of Uppsala. The group is responsible for building and testing 384 detector modules.
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