Master theses
Recent Submissions
Sedimentology and reservoir properties of the Jurassic Cook Formation, in the Northeastern Norwegian North Sea
(Master thesis, 2024-11-20)Porosity and permeability vary significantly within the Lower Jurassic Cook Formation which is a problem when exploring for hydrocarbons or storage of CO2. Reservoir quality varies significantly from well to well, but the ... -
Simulating surface mass balance for Jostedalsbreen from 1971-2100
(Master thesis, 2024-11-20) -
Rekonstruksjon av deglasiasjonsforløpet på Andøya ved fjern-og feltkartlegning
(Master thesis, 2024-11-01)Sammendrag Denne masteroppgaven fokuserer på rekonstruksjon av deglasiasjonsforløpet på nordre Andøya ved hjelp av felt- og fjernkartlegging. Andøya, som ligger ved eggakanten, gir en unik mulighet til å studere de glasiale ... -
Quantifying earth system interactions during the last glacial period
(Master thesis, 2024-10-07)The earth system is a complex dynamical system, which makes it challenging to infer causal interactions and mechanism. Understanding causal interactions during periods of rapid climate change in the past is crucial for ... -
Assessing rock glaciers for their hydrological significance in the Semi-arid Andes, Chile
(Master thesis, 2024-08-05)Rock glacier plays an important hydrological role in the semi-arid Chilean Andes, acting as buffers against water scarcity in a warming climate. This role will become more significant in the future since the glaciers in ... -
3D seismic investigation of tunnel valleys in the Sørlige Nordsjø II offshore wind site: morphology, cross-cutting relationships, and glacial history
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Sørlige Nordsjø II (SNII) is an offshore wind site situated in the Southern Norwegian North Sea and is part of the larger goal to decarbonise the energy industry. The shallow geology of the North Sea is highly heterogeneous, ... -
An investigation on the development of liquid water content in different snow types during slushflow-inducing weather conditions
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Slushflows, defined as rapid mass-movements of water-saturated snow, occur when high liquid water content (LWC) causes bonds to melt and the snowpack to lose cohesion, triggering flow. Characterized by their shallow release ... -
Flomavsetninger i Øyeren og identifisering av ulike sedimentkilder
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)I denne oppgaven er geokjemiske og magnetiske egenskaper analysert i jordartsprøver fra nedbørsfeltene til Øyeren i Glommavassdraget. Prøvene er sammenlignet med sedimenter fra innsjøens dypbasseng, og analysert gjennom ... -
Investigation of fungal growth and its influence on the permeability of the oceanic crust - Method Development using Penicillium Rubens
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)The deep biosphere within the oceanic crust is a tantalizing frontier of the geomicrobiology field with many unanswered questions owing to great challenges that need to be overcome when investigating this habitat. Fungi ... -
Insights Into CO2 Storage Using the FluidFlower
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is essential for mitigating climate change. Geological sequestration stores CO2 in the subsurface, however, geological uncertainties and risks, especially leakage, present significant ... -
Maringeologisk undresøkelse an Utsira Nord havvindområdet
(Master thesis, 2024-03-05) -
Isavsmelting og senglasial strandforskyvning på Bokn i Rogaland
(Master thesis, 2018-12-21) -
On the importance of temperature and precipitation changes for glacial ice sheet stability
(Master thesis, 2023-11-20)Ice sheets undergo periodic advances and retreats, resulting in glacial-interglacial cycles. The Last Glacial Period is widely believed as involving a long-time buildup phase followed by a rapid termination over approximately ... -
Assessing the influence of supraglacial lakes to the mass balance of Tapado Glacier
(Master thesis, 2023-11-27)Glaciers are an important source of water for agriculture, mining and large population residing in downstream basins in the semiarid Andes. The Tapado Complex (2.44 km2) is the main glacier in the catchment Coquimbo-La ... -
Effects of near-surface thawing on elastic properties and signatures of seismic surface waves
(Master thesis, 2023-09-04)The ongoing temperature rise in the Arctic may have severe effects on large areas of today’s permanently frozen ground. Therefore, it is important to establish robust systems that can monitor permafrost changes with time. ... -
3D reservoir characterization of paleokarst reservoirs on Loppa High through seismic modelling
(Master thesis, 2023-09-04) -
Zircon provenance of Devonian deposits in Western Norway
(Master thesis, 2011-06-01)The provenance of the Devonian deposits of western Norway has been studied by detrital zircon geochronology. These deposits are found in the Fensfjorden -, Solund -, Kvamshesten -, Hornelen - and Smøla basin. A total of ... -
Automated characterisation of Deep-sea imagery using Machine Learning: implications for future conservation and mineral extraction
(Master thesis, 2023-06-01)This thesis aimed to develop a methodology using Machine Learning (ML) techniques for the interpretation of deep-sea resources. The deep-sea hosts diverse ecosystems and valuable resources, but potential environmental ... -
Interpretation of fluvial deposits in Deep Directional Resistivity data - Comparison of the Skagerrak Formation at the Ivar Aasen Field to the Morrison Formation, Utah, USA
(Master thesis, 2023-06-01)Fluvial deposits are important reservoirs in the subsurface and may host significant amounts of hydrocarbons and will offer significant volume for subsurface CO2-storage in the future. Such reservoirs are commonly complex ... -
Årlig flomvariabilitet i Øyeren de siste 250 år basert på sedimentkjerner
(Master thesis, 2023-06-01)Flomskader er en av de mest kostbare naturfarene i Norge. Å innhente ny kunnskap om hvordan de varierer over lengre tidsintervall kan gi verdifull kunnskap om hva det er som driver variasjonen, og i hvilken grad den er ...