Blar i Master theses på tittel
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3D modelling and interpretation of depositional elements in the Aspelintoppen Formation, Spitsbergen, Svalbard, a facies analysis
(Master thesis, 2021-07-03)The Aspelintoppen Formation is the youngest formation in the Central Tertiary Basin, a foreland basin in Spitsbergen. It comprises an up to 1000 m thick succession of near-coastal to continental deposits. Due to the high ... -
3D reservoir characterization of paleokarst reservoirs on Loppa High through seismic modelling
(Master thesis, 2023-09-04) -
3D seismic investigation of tunnel valleys in the Sørlige Nordsjø II offshore wind site: morphology, cross-cutting relationships, and glacial history
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Sørlige Nordsjø II (SNII) is an offshore wind site situated in the Southern Norwegian North Sea and is part of the larger goal to decarbonise the energy industry. The shallow geology of the North Sea is highly heterogeneous, ... -
A high-resolution reconstruction of climate variability at Lagoa Negra Lake Flores, Azores
(Master thesis, 2023-02-07) -
A study of normal fault structure and along-strike variations, based on the northern Moab fault system, Utah.
(Master thesis, 2022-11-07)Fault systems are complex structures where multiple elements generate a network that can deeply impact fluid flow, affecting subsurface hydrocarbon and groundwater reservoirs. However, seismic data from such structures are ... -
Abrupt deglacial changes in the properties of the Atlantic Water entering the Arctic
(Master thesis, 2021-12-15)The Arctic Ocean and Barents Sea are currently experiencing rapid changes, with recent reductions in sea ice being linked to increased heat transport by warm Atlantic Water (AW) flowing into the Arctic Ocean. Knowledge of ... -
Aktsomhetskart for jordfallshull i Nordland: en forstudie
(Master thesis, 2019-06-13)Store deler av Nordland utgjør områder hvor karstbergarter er tildekket av kvartære løsmasser. Ved slike forhold kan suffosjonsdoliner og katastrofale jordfallshull utvikles. Jordfallshull er en type doline (lukket ... -
An investigation on the development of liquid water content in different snow types during slushflow-inducing weather conditions
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Slushflows, defined as rapid mass-movements of water-saturated snow, occur when high liquid water content (LWC) causes bonds to melt and the snowpack to lose cohesion, triggering flow. Characterized by their shallow release ... -
Assessing rock glaciers for their hydrological significance in the Semi-arid Andes, Chile
(Master thesis, 2024-08-05)Rock glacier plays an important hydrological role in the semi-arid Chilean Andes, acting as buffers against water scarcity in a warming climate. This role will become more significant in the future since the glaciers in ... -
Assessing the influence of supraglacial lakes to the mass balance of Tapado Glacier
(Master thesis, 2023-11-27)Glaciers are an important source of water for agriculture, mining and large population residing in downstream basins in the semiarid Andes. The Tapado Complex (2.44 km2) is the main glacier in the catchment Coquimbo-La ... -
Automated characterisation of Deep-sea imagery using Machine Learning: implications for future conservation and mineral extraction
(Master thesis, 2023-06-01)This thesis aimed to develop a methodology using Machine Learning (ML) techniques for the interpretation of deep-sea resources. The deep-sea hosts diverse ecosystems and valuable resources, but potential environmental ... -
Avalanches, climate and glaciers - a reconstruction based on lake sediments from lake Kjøsnesfjorden
(Master thesis, 2023-03-20)To kjerneprøver fra Kjøsnesfjorden, Vestland, har blitt analysert for å undersøke den glasiale historien og massebevegelser i holocen. Tidligere undersøkelser, klimatiske data og et kvartærgeologisk kart ble brukt for å ... -
AVO Inversion using Data Assimilation
(Master thesis, 2019-06-26) -
Biomineralisering i kalde grotter: eksempler fra Nordland
(Master thesis, 2019-06-26)Samhandlingen mellom biologi og geologi i grotter er fortsatt lite forstått. Dette gjelder spesielt for biomineralisering; prosessen der mikroorganismer danner mineraler. Med bakgrunn i dette er det i denne oppgaven ... -
(Master thesis, 2022-03-07)Åtte blokkhavsdekkede topper på ytre Sunnmøre og langs indre Romsdalsfjorden viser varierende overflatekarakteristikk og en stor spredning i 10Be-aldre. Aldrene strekker seg fra 15 ± 1 ka til 151 ± 2 ka, uten noen tydelige ... -
Centennial variability in Southeast Pacific Hydrography and its link to the Bipolar Seesaw
(Master thesis, 2019-12-11) -
Controls of fault zone structure on synthetic seismic images of the Maghlaq Fault, Malta
(Master thesis, 2020-06-25)Application of seismic reflection data and 2D seismic modelling studies based on field analogues, contribute to closing the scale gap between field observations and interpretation of seismic data. This has improved the ... -
Deglaciation history of Frøyabanken and Halsafjorden, Norway
(Master thesis, 2023-02-06)This thesis aims to reconstruct post-glacial ice sheet dynamics on the Norwegian coast and adjacent continental shelf area, a region for which there is significant uncertainty regarding ice sheet movement due to a lack of ... -
Deglasial isdynamikk på Vesterålenmarginen
(Master thesis, 2019-06-13)Hvordan marinbaserte isdekker og isstrømmer responderer på endringer i miljø og klima er et stort usikkerhetsmoment i klimaforskning. Derfor er det viktig å studere hvordan tidligere isdekker og isstrømmer responderte på ... -
Depositional history and pockmarks in Vartdalsfjorden, Sunnmøre
(Master thesis, 2022-09-01)