Master theses: Nye registreringer
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An experimental study of foams stabilized by anionic and non-ionic surfactants for geological carbon storage in saline aquifers.
(Master thesis, 2024-06-17)CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) is regarded as an important contributor in mitigating CO2 emissions and combating climate change. With increased focus on CCS as an option to reduce CO2 emissions, new CCS projects include ... -
A Matheuristic Algorithm for an Offshore Multi-period Location Routing Problem
(Master thesis, 2024-06-28)With the recent increase in energy production generated by offshore wind farms, regular maintenance is important for wind farm owners to ensure that they remain operational. Currently, maintenance tasks are performed by ... -
Hyperheuristic Frameworks for Combinatorial Optimization Problems using Deep Reinforcement Learning
(Master thesis, 2024-06-17)Many metaheuristic frameworks exist for solving different combinatorial optimization problems. Despite formulating general strategies that can be applied to many problems, they often rely on problem-specific implementation. ... -
Machine learning for early detection of structure loss in the Czochralski process
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)This thesis investigates the use of machine learning techniques to predict structural loss in the Czochralski process. The Czochralski process is the industry standard for producing high-quality mono-crystalline silicon ... -
The Effect of Near-Well Heterogeneity on Spatial Distribution of Salt Precipitation During CO2 Injection
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)The world is in need of a shift to cleaner energy, and carbon storage is expected to be an important part of the transition. Geological carbon storage is a process in which captured carbon dioxide (CO2) is injected into ... -
Hydrogen production from fluctuating small-scale hydropower
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)As the world seeks renewable alternatives to fossil fuels, hydrogen emerges as a valuable energy carrier to facilitate the green shift. When produced from renewable energy, hydrogen is considered a green fuel that can be ... -
Aerodynamic simulations of offshore wind turbines by using a potential flow approach
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)This thesis explores the aerodynamic performance of floating offshore wind turbines (FOWTs) using a potential flow approach. The primary objective is to understand how the output power of an FOWT is affected by imposing different ... -
Decadal Variability and Trends of Atlantic Water and Adjacent Water Masses Along the Continental Slope West and North of Svalbard
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)In recent decades, the temperature of the West Spitsbergen Current north of Svalbard has risen substantially, with major implications for the Arctic Ocean and the Arctic sea ice cover. However, our understanding of long- term ... -
A Comparative Study of Different Hydrogen Delivery and Storage Systems for Industrial Applications
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is crucial to addressing global warming. In response, emission-intensive industries with significant emissions prioritize efforts to cut their greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to a ... -
Investigating genesis and early development of Arctic cyclones using an isentropic analysis
(Master thesis, 2024-06-10)Cyclones are frequently found in the Arctic and can have wide-ranging impacts on the region. Nevertheless, few studies have focused on the development of cyclones originating in the Arctic, in contrast to the extensively ... -
Wind Farm Layout Assessment in Sørlige Nordsjø II
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)The rapid development of the offshore wind industry has led to more wind farm clusters worldwide. In 2022, the Norwegian government announced an ambitious plan to develop 30 GW of offshore wind capacity by 2040. Sørlige ... -
Smart operations for low-emission maintenance vessels at offshore wind farms
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)This thesis investigates the efficiency of maintenance operations for offshore wind farms (OWFs) using mathematical programming. The aim is to find cost-effective solutions focusing on implementing hybrid battery technology ... -
Optimization Models for Wake Mitigation in Floating Offshore Wind Farms
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Multiple methods for mitigating wake at floating offshore wind farms have been studied, and in this thesis yaw control and turbine repositioning are investigated. Four optimization models are proposed, yaw control, winch-based ... -
Investigating the Southern Ocean Biogeochemical Divide
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)The Southern Ocean plays a crucial role in Earth's climate and biogeochemical (BGC) cycles due to its unique features, such as strong westerly winds, intense ocean circulation, and its high-latitude location. This study ... -
Optimization of routes for electric crew transfer vessels - A heuristic approach
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Denne oppgaven presenterer en heuristisk tilnærming for optimalisering av ruter for en heterogen flåte av elektriske mannskapsfartøy (ECTVs) til og fra offshore vindturbiner (OTWs). Den raske veksten i offshore vindenergisektoren ... -
Optimization of Inter-Array Cable Layouts in Offshore Wind Farms Considering Reliability
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Offshore wind plays an important role in the transition to renewable energy sources. With technological advancements and maturation, floating offshore wind farms are becoming an economically viable option. However, reliability ... -
Control Strategies Impacts during Low-Level Jet Events on a 15MW Floating Wind Turbine
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)The size and complexity of wind turbines are increasing as the energy demand continues to grow. Offshore wind energy has significant potential, and the floating 15MW wind turbine has become the new standard in the venture. ... -
Developing a Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework For Aggregators In The Norwegian Reserve Markets
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)In recent years, the escalation of electricity generation from variable renewable energy sources coupled with rising electricity consumption, has introduced greater instabilities within the power grids. These instabilities ... -
How effective is the Mann turbulence model in predicting horizontal turbulence from vertical data?
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Offshore wind turbines are approaching 300 m.a.s.l., where the dynamics of the atmospheric turbulence remain unclear. Present understanding is limited, with direct measurements above 100 m from the sea surface being scarce. ... -
A Short-Term Optimization Model for Routing and Scheduling of Maintenance on Offshore Wind Farms
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Drift og vedlikehold bidrar til en stor del av den totale kostnaden på havvindparker. Derfor er det et mål å minimere disse kostnadene, samt maksimere produksjonen på vindparken. I denne masteroppgaven blir det presentert ...