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dc.contributor.authorHansen, Torbjørn Leifen_US
dc.contributor.authorSchriwer, Christianen_US
dc.contributor.authorØilo, Mariten_US
dc.contributor.authorGjengedal, Haralden_US
dc.PublishedHansen TL, Schriwer C, Øilo M, Gjengedal H. Monolithic zirconia crowns in the aesthetic zone in heavy grinders with severe tooth wear – An observational case-series. Journal of Dentistry. 2018;72:14-20eng
dc.description.abstractObjectives The aim of this study was to assess the clinical outcomes and patient satisfaction with monolithic zirconia crowns in patients with severe tooth wear (≥1/3 of the tooth crown) in the aesthetic zone. Methods The historical prospective study sample consisted of 13 patients previously treated with a total of 84 monolithic zirconia crowns. The patients had been treated in a private clinic in Bergen, Norway, in the period 2012 to 2014. All patients were men, aged 35–67 years (mean age 56.3 years) and had been in need of prosthetic rehabilitation because of severe tooth wear in the aesthetic zone. Technical complications as well as biologic findings were registered when the crowns had been in function one to three years (mean 20 months). The patients completed a self-administered questionnaire regarding satisfaction with aesthetic and function. Results No biological complications were registered in 79 of the crowns (94%), and technical complications were registered in only two patients. All patients were satisfied with the aesthetic and function of the monolithic zirconia crowns and would choose the same treatment modality if they were to be treated again. Conclusions Within the limitations of this study, we conclude that the rate of clinical complications was low and that the patients were satisfied with the aesthetic as well as the function of the monolithic zirconia crowns. Clinical significance Monolithic zirconia crowns may provide a valid treatment modality in the aesthetic zone in patients with severe tooth wear.en_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs CC BY-NC-NDeng
dc.titleMonolithic zirconia crowns in the aesthetic zone in heavy grinders with severe tooth wear – An observational case-seriesen_US
dc.typePeer reviewed
dc.typeJournal article
dc.rights.holderCopyright 2018 The Author(s)
dc.source.journalJournal of Dentistry

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