Browsing The Norwegian Institute at Athens by Title
Now showing items 89-108 of 278
Hellenistic Portraits between the Ideal and the Real
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Hellenistic portraiture comprises many visual expressions ranging from the ideal to the real. Several factors play a part in the shaping of this diverse portrait art. From the 4th century BC onwards, there was a growing ... -
Hermogenes' 'On Staseis': rhetoric as legal philosophy
(Papers and Monographs from the Norwegian Institute at Athens. series 4o, volume 2, Chapter, 2014) -
A House for Athena Alea? On Two Fragments of House Models from the Sanctuary at Tegea
(Papers of the Norwegian Institute at Athens, Chapter, 2002)During the recent excavations below the Skopadian temple for Athena Alea at Tegea two fragments of building models were found, both in disturbed layers. It is suggested that they date to the early archaic period, presenting ... -
Human remains from Tegea
(Papers and Monographs from the Norwegian Institute at Athens. series 4o, volume 4, Chapter, 2014) -
Hypsipyle et ses soeurs. Notes d'analyse structurale et historique
(Papers of the Norwegian Institute at Athens, Chapter, 2004) -
Ibsen and Sallust
(Papers and Monographs from the Norwegian Institute at Athens. series 4o, volume 2, Chapter, 2014) -
Identities and 'precious' commodities at Midea and Dendra in the Mycenaean Argolid
(Papers and Monographs from the Norwegian Institute at Athens. volume 5, Chapter, 2016)The material basis for this investigation is the so-called precious finds from the LH IIIB2 destruction deposits at the Mycenaean citadel site of Midea. These finds reflect the inhabitants´ specific choices regarding the ... -
Institution of Sponsorship from Ancient to Modern Times
(Book, 2019) -
Interpretatio and inventio: the case of Servius' commentary on Virgil's 'Eclogues'
(Papers and Monographs from the Norwegian Institute at Athens. series 4o, volume 2, Chapter, 2014) -
Ist bei Euripides Medea als heroisch-männliche Persönlichkeit geschildert?
(Papers and Monographs from the Norwegian Institute at Athens. series 4o, volume 2, Chapter, 2014) -
A joke with the inevitable: Men as women and women as men in Aristophanes' Thesmophoriazousai and Ekklesiazousai
(Papers of the Norwegian Institute at Athens, Chapter, 1995) -
Kant, rhetoric, and paideia
(Papers and Monographs from the Norwegian Institute at Athens. series 4o, volume 2, Chapter, 2014) -
Karystos revisited: interaction networks of an Aegean island polity (sources and finds)
(Papers and Monographs from the Norwegian Institute at Athens, Chapter, 2017)Οι αρχαιολογικές πληροφορίες για τη νότια Εύβοια ήταν μέχρι πρόσφατα αρκετά περιορισμένες. Το 1852 ο Έλληνας διπλωμάτης και αρχαιολόγος από την Κωνσταντινούπολη Αλέξανδρος Ρίζος Ραγκαβής που είχε τολμήσει μια δια ξηράς ... -
Krig og folkelig politikk i republikkens Roma
(Skrifter utgitt av det Norske Institutt i Athen, Chapter, 2003) -
Krig og Idyll: Vergils 1. ekloge som stemme i tiden
(Skrifter utgitt av det Norske Institutt i Athen, Chapter, 2003) -
Krigere og veversker: Om Perthenonfrisen, Panatheneerfesten og initiasjon
(Skrifter utgitt av det Norske Institutt i Athen, Chapter, 2003) -
L' agora di Megalopoli vista da Pausania: alla ricerca del tempo perduto in una citta sinecizzata
(Papers of the Norwegian Institute at Athens, Chapter, 2005)In his organization of the material, Pausanias is interested in a coherent recomposition of the literary evidence rather than in the precise topographical reconstruction of the different sites. The case of the agoni of ... -
De l' Atlantide a Masada. Reflexions sur querelle, mythe, histoire et politique
(Papers of the Norwegian Institute at Athens, Chapter, 2004) -
La Fin des Maux. Un nom-Pausanias-et un symbole (d'Homere a Pausanias le Periegete, en passant par Platon)
(Papers of the Norwegian Institute at Athens, Chapter, 2004) -
Large Scale Clay Sculpture from Arcadia
(Papers of the Norwegian Institute at Athens, Chapter, 2005)Size, technique and mainly the concept of the work as an άγαλμα are the criteria we need in order to study large scale clay sculpture. In this paper we are dealing with such works found in Arcadia. More specifically, a ...