Sashes and rosaries: Scottish sectarianism and the old firm
This thesis deals with the religious antagonism between Catholics and Protestants in Glasgow, while emphasizing the role of the football clubs Rangers and Celtic as identity carriers in this antagonism. Through the term sectarianism" it is shown how the religious antagonism in Scotland is expressed and understood. Here the religious history of Scotland is presented in order to gain the background information needed to understand the background and references relevant to this topic. The debate surrounding the term sectarianism" is presented, as well as how the informants interviewed understands it. Sectarianism" is usually seen in relation with three areas: Education, employment and football, and here some of the initiatives that do anti- sectarian work is presented. Through focusing on the rivalry of Celtic and Rangers, the origins of their role as identity carriers and their role in the religious antagonism is presented. Similarly, the role of identity in the issue is presented, while focusing on the informants interviewed during my fieldwork and their experience of the Scottish sectarianism".
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