Department of Archaeology, History, Cultural Studies and Religion - AHKR
Recent Submissions
Maritime trade
(Journal article, 2023)The Arabian Peninsula is bordered by the Red Sea, the Arabian-Persian Gulf, and the Arabian Sea. Maritime contacts constituted important links with the outside world. Arabian ships ventured overseas, and visitors came to ... -
COVID-19, the mark of the beast, and the Last Days. A study on vaccine hesitancy in Norwegian Christian charismatic movements.
(Chapter, 2024)Vaccine hesitancy is not a new phenomenon in Norway. It has been connected to animal protection in the 1920s–1950s, and religion and medicine in the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries. After the launch of the internet and ... -
Urban Heritage, and the Theory of Fragmentation: The Development of Archaeology in the City of Turku, Finland
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Despite the shift from object- to landscape-based approaches in urban heritage management, the analysis of heritage as objects is still viable, as the current archaeological theories of material culture do not see objects ... -
The Production and Transmission of Knowledge in Islamicate Courts of the Middle and Early Modern Periods
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023) -
Middle and Upper Paleolithic occupations of Fumane Cave (Italy): a geoarchaeological investigation of the anthropogenic features
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Here we present the results of a microcontextual analysis of purported combustion features recovered from Middle and Upper Paleolithic occupations at the cave site of Fumane, Italy. Our analyses, which integrate micromorphology ... -
Turun myöhäiskeskiaikaisten piispojen nimitys Rooman kuuriassa
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Turun piispan virka oli korkein kirkollinen virka keskiaikaisen Suomen alueella, joten oli tärkeää, että virkaan tulisi nimitetyksi sopiva henkilö. Kanonisen oikeuden mukaan uuden piispan valinta edellisen kuoltua oli ... -
Religion på Arbeidsplassen: I hvilken grad, hvordan og hvorfor tilrettelegges det for religiøse ansatte på arbeidsplassen?
(Master thesis, 2024-05-29)This study explores the extent, methods, and reasons for accommodating religious employees in the workplace in Norway. As the country becomes increasingly diverse, both secular and religious pluralism are reflected in the ... -
«Det amerikanske fascisti» - En undersøkelse av hvordan Ku Klux Klan ble omtalt i norske aviser fra 1920 til 1930
(Master thesis, 2024-05-15)In this master’s thesis, I have examined how the American Ku Klux Klan-movement was portrayed in Norwegian newspapers from 1920 to 1930. I have divided the analysis of its portrayal into three categories: ideology (ideologi), ... -
Sacred and Secret: The Ambivalent Attitude towards Women in Tibetan Buddhism
(Master thesis, 2024-05-15)Temaet om den ambivalente holdningen til kvinner i tibetansk buddhisme er en del av studiet av kvinner og religion, som er et tema av stor betydning for religionsvitenskapen og for det religionspsykoanalytiske studiet av ... -
God of War Ragnaröks verdensskapelse: En analyse av et dataspills fremstilling av en norrøn gudeverden sammenlignet med religionshistorikeren Gro Steinslands fremstilling
(Master thesis, 2024-05-15)My research question reads as follows: On the basis of comparison between Santa Monica Studio’s video game God of War: Ragnarök (2022) and historian of religions Gro Steinsland’s book Norrøn Religion: Myter, Riter, Samfunn ... -
Novruz: a case study of the Azerbaijani diaspora in Stavanger and their celebration in 2023
(Master thesis, 2024-05-29)Sammendrag Denne oppgaven undersøker hvordan identiteter rekonstrueres gjennom feiringen av Novruz i Stavanger, Norge. Målet er å undersøke samspillet mellom tradisjoner, tilhørigheter og innvandreropplevelser i en ... -
Den norske dialogmodellen: Representasjon og dialog som svar på kulturell ulikhet
(Chapter, 2023)Kulturell og religiøs ulikhet kan lede til utfordringer for et samfunn som det norske. Men finnes det måter man kan håndtere kulturell og religiøs ulikhet på, slik at konflikter kan få konstruktive utfall? Basert på en ... -
Plato in Upper Egypt: Greek Philosophy and Monastic Origenism in the Coptic Excerpt from Plato’s Republic (NHC VI,5)
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2023) -
Mental helse som et tabubelagt tema: En Kvalitativ studie av sørasiatiske muslimer og katolikker i Bergen
(Master thesis, 2024-05-29) -
Water in the 'Dead Heart': The Impact of Water on the Colonial Development of Central Australia, 1857-1929.
(Master thesis, 2024-05-15)Denne masteroppgaven belyser vannets rolle i Sør-Australias koloniale utvikling av sentrale Australia mellom 1857 og 1929. Australia er verdens tørreste kontinent og selv i dag er det tørre innlandet tynt befolket. Oppgaven ... -
Urbaani kulttuuriperintö ja fragmentaatioteoria: Esimerkkinä Turun kaupunkiarkeologia
(Journal article, 2023)Despite the shift from a monument- or object-centred to a landscape-centred approach in the protection and management of urban cultural heritage, the analysis of cultural heritage as individual objects is still relevant. ... -
Recovering legacies: Property and heritage conflicts with returning Jews to Castilla between 1492 and 1525
(Master thesis, 2024-05-15)The consequences of the Expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492 in relationship to their properties is an open topic for research. This master thesis focuses on some cases related to property claims started by the following ... -
"Lett for oss å dømme" – rasediskurser og omtale av Emmett Tills lynsjing i norsk presse
(Master thesis, 2024-05-15)This master thesis examines the Norwegian newspaper press coverage of the racist lynching of fourteen year old Emmett Till in Mississippi, 1955. The lynching and the following trial sparked an outrage across the US, ...