Department of Archaeology, History, Cultural Studies and Religion - AHKR
Recent Submissions
Religious Minorities in Islamic Legal Traditions
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Islam accepts the presence of certain non-Muslim groups, like Jews and Christians, in the Muslim state, under certain conditions. Islamic legal scholars discussed at length which religious groups should come under this ... -
Mellom fjord og fjell: En casestudie i visuell rekonstruksjon av hustuftlokalitet fra yngre jernalder i Rivedal i Ytre Sunnfjord, Vest-Norge
(Master thesis, 2024-11-20)Kulturminneforvaltning i Skandinavia har lenge fokusert ressursene sine på vern og forvaltning av kulturminner, men mange forhistoriske lokaliteter har minimalt med publisert informasjon eller illustrasjoner utenfor ... -
Den avkledde Fryne. Hvordan har Fryne sine avkledninger blitt fremstilt og hva kan det fortelle oss om holdninger til den avkledde kvinnekroppen?
(Master thesis, 2024-11-20)I have in this thesis seen how three different undressing scenes that are tied to Phryne have been portrayed and what they can tell us about the undressed body. Phryne was a high-class prostitute who lived in Athens in the ... -
Forestillinger om et bæredygtigt liv : Praksis, skalering og meningsdannelse i hverdagslivets klimaaktivisme i Bærekraftige liv Landås
(Doctoral thesis, 2024-11-29)Denne afhandling svarer på forskningsspørgsmålene, hvordan de abstrakte begreber klimaforandringer og bæredygtighed bliver gjort meningsfulde i et hverdagslivsperspektiv. Den indskriver sig i feltet kulturvidenskabelige ... -
The politics of heritage education: an analysis of national curriculum guidelines in Estonia, Finland, and Sweden
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Heritage education is present in many educational institutions and their study programmes but not often directly addressed in national curriculum guidelines. The guideline documents of Estonia, Finland, and Sweden for ... -
Neighbourhoods by the Tiber: Life at Two Harbours in Rome
(Chapter, 2023)This study looks at two locations in Rome, at Ripetta and Pietra Papa, that could function as a departure for a discussion about harbour neighbourhoods in the city. Since we lack complete preserved ancient urban districts ... -
Quantifying Devotion : A Mixed-Methods Study of Pious Donation in the Nidaros Province, c. 1160–1540
(Doctoral thesis, 2024-11-15)‘Slik tida glepp unna og forsvinn, falmar òg handlingar frå manns minne, om dei ikkje blir styrkte av skriftlege vitnesbyrd. Derfor, i framsynets kloke skikk, vernar ein seg mot dødens usikre time og uføresette hendingar ... -
Archaeological Artefact Database of Finland (AADA)
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)This paper presents the archaeological artefact Database of Finland (aaDa) of prehistoric (covering period of almost 11,000 years) artefacts in Finland that are categorised by type and are accompanied with photos of the ... -
Fra Gud til Mendel: Arvelighet og ekteskapshindringer, ca. 1870-1920
(Master thesis, 2024-09-02) -
Å velja fortid - å skapa framtid. Bunad som uttrykk for motkulturell verksemd
(Master thesis, 1985) -
Weird quantities: characterising monstrous landscapes of extraction in the Anthropocene
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Modern mining operates on enormous scales and quantities that go beyond everyday comprehension, which in turn has existential and metaphysical implications, and this article is an experiment in characterising ‘existentially ... -
Maritime trade
(Journal article, 2023)The Arabian Peninsula is bordered by the Red Sea, the Arabian-Persian Gulf, and the Arabian Sea. Maritime contacts constituted important links with the outside world. Arabian ships ventured overseas, and visitors came to ... -
COVID-19, the mark of the beast, and the Last Days. A study on vaccine hesitancy in Norwegian Christian charismatic movements.
(Chapter, 2024)Vaccine hesitancy is not a new phenomenon in Norway. It has been connected to animal protection in the 1920s–1950s, and religion and medicine in the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries. After the launch of the internet and ... -
Urban Heritage, and the Theory of Fragmentation: The Development of Archaeology in the City of Turku, Finland
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Despite the shift from object- to landscape-based approaches in urban heritage management, the analysis of heritage as objects is still viable, as the current archaeological theories of material culture do not see objects ... -
The Production and Transmission of Knowledge in Islamicate Courts of the Middle and Early Modern Periods
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)