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dc.contributor.authorKohne, Saraeng
dc.description.abstractOppgaven handler om to steder i endring og hvordan menneskene på disse steder opplever og tilknytter seg til disse. For undesøkelsen ble det valgt to gater i Berlin og Oslo, som underligger en transformasjonsprosess kalt for gentrifisering. Først undersøkes det hver gate for seg selv, for så i etterkant se på dem i et komparativt nivå og finne frem likheter og ulikheter i menneskenes opplevelse og oppfattelse av disse. Hvilken mening og verdi tilskriver aktørene stedet.en_US
dc.description.abstractThis thesis is focusing on the experience of people that are living in areas going through a certain change. We have, more specifically, chosen two streets (one in Oslo and one in Berlin) that have been subject to a transformational process affecting their physical, social and cultural outlook. This process is called gentrification. Using a qualitatively oriented method we have taken a closer look into how the agents of these streets are describing the places. This we have done with a view to how place-attachments find expression. Our approach to this field of study is operating on two levels, one descriptive and the other comparative. Regarding the first we will mainly take into consideration how the agents in each street are experiencing the places, how they are using them and how the places are being ascribed meaning and value. A main question in this connection will thus be formulated: What kind of qualities belonging to each street is being put to the fore as valuable in relation to peoples sense of belonging to a place? This question will however be seen in interaction with the other level of comparison as this will be found as an own subject of treatment towards the end of the thesis.en_US
dc.format.extent4274745 byteseng
dc.publisherThe University of Bergeneng
dc.subjectPrenzlauer Bergnob
dc.titleSted og kompleksitet:et komparativt kulturvitenskaplig studium av to gater i Berlin og Oslo.eng
dc.typeMaster thesis
dc.description.degreeMaster i Kulturvitenskap
dc.subject.nsiVDP::Humanities: 000::Cultural science: 060

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