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"Integrering er ikke bare å sitte i samme rom, altså". En studie av lærernes erfaringer med integrering av fysisk funksjonshemmede elever i grunnskolen
(Master thesis, 2000)Integration of children with disabilities is regulated through legislation aiming at normalising and improving children's quality of life. School is an important arena for realisation. The aim of the study is to examine ... -
Assessment of Chronic Social Stress and Related Psychological Distress at the Community Level
(HEMIL-report; 5-2001, Research report, 2001)This is a technical report from a research programme at the University of Bergen, on the influence of the near social environment on individuals’ physical and mental health. The aim of the report is to provide background ... -
The Experience of Social Strain
(HEMIL-report; 6-2001, Research report, 2001)Purpose: The purpose of the study was to explore in-depth the experience of social strain, within the context of an epidemiological study in which a brief self measure of social strain was used. Thirteen individuals who ... -
Participation and Empowerment? Health Promotion for Youth at the Community Level
(Master thesis, 2003)During the past few decades there has been a renewed awareness of the need for health promotion internationally. The World Health Organisations’ strategies for health promotion have also influenced the Norwegian policy. ... -
The Enigma of HIV/AIDS-related Stigma. A theoretical exploration of HIV/AIDS-related stigma in Sub Saharan Africa
(Master thesis, 2003)29.4 million people are living with HIV/AIDS in Sub Saharan Africa. Despite this high prevalence, HIV/AIDS is a highly stigmatised disease. The United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS recognize HIV/AIDS-related stigma as one ... -
Chronic social stress and psychological distress in Russia
(Master thesis, 2004)From background summary: In the last two decades, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, chronic social stress and poor mental health have been recognized in Russia as important research areas. The current study is part ... -
Relations between job insecurity and job satisfaction, subjective health complaints, and organizational attitudes among industrial workers in Norway
(Master thesis, 2004)In order to stay vital and competitive in a changing labour market, organizations engage in various adaptive strategies such as downsizing and mergers. Adaptation strategies may vary but they all have one ting in common; ... -
Hidden Wounds: Orphanhood, Expediency and Cultural Silence in Botswana
(Doctoral thesis, 2005)This thesis focuses on the social impact of orphanhood in Botswana, i.e. the effect that loss of parents has on children and the implications for caregivers of taking on responsibility for orphans. Historic and ongoing ... -
Bestiller-utførerorganisering og brukermedvirkning. En evalueringsstudie av Bodø kommunes organisering av kommunale hjemmetjenester
(Master thesis, 2005)This thesis is an evaluation of the citizen participation in municipal home based care services for older adults. The implementation of the Principal-Agent model1 wins popularity among the decision makers in the municipally. ... -
Småbarnsforeldre og samlivskurs. Holdninger til og barrierer mot å delta på samlivskurs i et utvalg av den norske befolkningen.
(HEMIL-report; 6-2005, Research report, 2005)Med utgangspunkt i et landsdekkende utvalg av par med barn mellom 3 og 12 måneder er denne undersøkelsens hovedfokus på de generelle forventninger, holdninger og barrierer i forhold til å delta på samlivskurs, og hva som ... -
Chronic Social Stress and Depressive Symptoms in Adolescents
(HEMIL-report; 5-2005, Research report, 2005)The participants in this cross-sectional study were Romanian students in secondary and high schools in Bucharest. The data were collected with the assistance of the Youth to Youth Foundation of Romania. The study was ... -
Chronic social stress and psychological distress in Russia
(HEMIL-report; 4-2005, Research report, 2005)The data for this study were collected in a cross-sectional population-based survey in 2003. A second wave of data was collected from the same participants several months later, but only the cross-sectional data are included ... -
The Association of Chronic Social Stress with Psychological Distress in Thailand
(HEMIL-report; 3-2005, Research report, 2005)This study investigated chronic social stress emanating from troublesome interpersonal relationships, and its association with psychological distress (e.g., depressive symptoms). Five-hundred and twenty-six women and men ... -
Social differences in health behaviour: the motivational role of perceived control and coping
(Doctoral thesis, 2005-07-28)Social economic inequalities in health have been documented in most European countries including Norway. While the components of socio-economic status (SES) occupation, income and education may each have a unique effect ... -
Worry among primary school children in Somanya, Ghana
(Master thesis, 2006)This study assessed the content, frequency and distribution of worries among primary school children in Somanya, Ghana. In part one, 85 primary school children aged between 10-to-15 years listed their worries through a ... -
”Empowerment i praksis”. Evaluering av Kirkens bymisjons nærmiljøarbeid - Ada
(HEMIL-report; 3-2006, Research report, 2006)En evaluering av Nærmiljøprosjektet Ada (drevet av Stiftelsen Kirkens Bymisjon i Bergen). Ada består av tiltakene Åpen barnehage, Bamsehiet, Home-start, og EMPO. Tiltakene er rettet inn mot sårbare familier og utsatte barn. ... -
Evaluering av "SPIS MER" - et tiltaksprogram for å stimulere til økt inntak av frukt og grønnsaker blant skolebarn
(HEMIL-report; 2-2006, Research report, 2006)I denne rapporten presenteres evaluering av "SPIS MER"; et tiltaksprogram for elever på sjette klassetrinn. Designet for evalueringen var et pre-/posttestdesign med kontroll- og tiltakskoler. Tiltaket ble gjennomført ved ... -
Evalueringsrapport Fysisk aktivitet og måltider
(HEMIL-rapport;4/2006, Research report, 2006) -
Utilization of health services in relation to mental health problems in adolescents: A population based survey
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2006-02-16)Background: Only a minority of adolescents reporting symptoms above case-levels on screenings for mental health seeks and receives help from specialist health services. The objective of this study was to a) examine ... -
The past, present and future of the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity
(Journal article, 2006-03-28)