Security Analysis Of Lightweight Schemes for RFID Systems
This thesis mainly examines the security analysis of lightweight protocols proposed for providing security and privacy for RFID systems. To achieve this goal, first we give a brief introduction of RFID systems. The introduction includes: the history, system components, applications, standards and related issues of RFID systems. The main issues which are highlighted in the thesis are security and privacy. One possible solution to provide RFID systems with privacy and security is using cryptography. But conventional cryptography is too big for the highly constrained devices such as RFIDs. The alternative solution is using lightweight cryptography which aims at squeezing the cryptographic schemes into the RFID tags. A brief overview of the thesis is illustrated in Figure 1. This thesis consists of a categorization of the lightweight proposals and related works in the literature. Finally, we try to explain how the security of a lightweight scheme can be analyzed and evaluated. To do so, the security requirements, adversarial models and potential attacks for lightweight schemes are presented. In this part, we mainly focus on the security analysis of the lightweight protocols because the security analysis of the lightweight primitives and algorithms is more or less the same as conventional primitives and has already been widely discussed in the literature.
Has parts
Paper I: Mohammad Reza Sohizadeh Abyaneh,“On the Security of Non-Linear HB (NLHB) Protocol Against Passive Attack”, IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC-TrustCom2010) in Hong Kong, China. The paper is available at: II: Mohammad Reza Sohizadeh Abyaneh, “Passive Cryptanalysis of the UnConditionally Secure Authentication Protocol for RFID Systems”, International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (ICISC 2010) in Seoul, Korea. The paper is available at:
Paper III: Mohammad Reza Sohizadeh Abyaneh, “Security Analysis of two Distance- Bounding Protocols”, Workshop on RFID Security and Privacy (RFIDSec 2011) in Amherst, Massachusetts, USA. The paper is available at:
Paper IV: Mohammad Reza Sohizadeh Abyaneh, “Colluding Tags Attack on the ECCbased Grouping Proofs for RFIDs”, International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2011) in Seville, Spain. The paper is available at:
Paper V: Mohammad Reza Sohizadeh Abyaneh, “On the Privacy of Two Tag Ownership Transfer Protocols for RFIDs”, IEEE International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST2011) in Abu Dhabi, UAE. The paper is available at: