Fatwabruk blant norsk-pakistanere bosatt i Oslo-området
Master thesis
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Denne oppgaven omhandler fatwabruk blant norsk-pakistanske sunnimuslimer bosatt i Oslo-området. Dette er undersøkt ved intervjuer av individer fra den pakistanske gruppen, samt ved undersøkelser av norske muslimske nettsteder. Jeg har intervjuet fem informanter og en imam. Temaer som tas opp er hvordan det oppleves å være muslim i Norge, hvilket forhold informantene har til moskeen, hva de definerer som fatwa. Hvilken erfaring de har med fatwa og hvilke kilder se anser for å ha autoritet til å gi fatwa. In this thesis I have researched the relationship Pakistani Sunni Muslims in the Oslo area have to fatwas. A fatwa is a scholarly opinion on a matter of Islamic law. In order to research this topic, I have interviewed five informants and the imam of the mosque Central Jamaat-E Ahl-e Sunnat (CJAS) in Oslo. Some of the questions I was interested in getting answered was on topics such as, how it is to be a Muslim in Norway. What their relationship to the mosque is. Do they have personal experience with fatwa, what kind of questions have they asked, which sources do they use for fatwas and whom do they recognise as an authority on the subject. I have compared and discussed the answers in the analyses. I discovered that the Internet is a commonly used source to fatwas and religious guidance. I have therefore given a overview of the Norwegian Muslim webpages that offers religious guidance, fatwas and open discussion forums.