• Arctic/Atlantic exchanges via the Subpolar Gyre 

      Langehaug, Helene Reinertsen; Medhaug, Iselin; Eldevik, Tor; Otterå, Odd Helge (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012)
      In the present study we investigate the decadal variability in the strength and shape of the Subpolar Gyre (SPG) in a 600-year pre-industrial simulation using the Bergen Climate Model. The atmospheric influence on the SPG ...
    • Barents Sea ice cover reflects Atlantic inflow 

      Årthun, Marius; Eldevik, Tor; Smedsrud, Lars Henrik; Skagseth, Øystein (Working paper, 2011)
      The recent Arctic winter sea-ice retreat is most pronounced in the Barents Sea. Using available observations of the Atlantic inflow to the Barents Sea and results from a regional ice-ocean model we assess the role of ...
    • A brief history of climate – the northern seas from the Last Glacial Maximum to global warming 

      Eldevik, Tor; Risebrobakken, Bjørg; Bjune, Anne Elisabeth; Andersson, Carin; Birks, Harry John Betteley; Dokken, Trond Martin; Drange, Helge; Glessmer, Mirjam Sophia; Li, Camille; Nilsen, Jan Even Øie; Otterå, Odd Helge; Richter, Kristin; Skagseth, Øystein (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-12)
      The understanding of climate and climate change is fundamentally concerned with two things: a well-defined and sufficiently complete climate record to be explained, for example of observed temperature, and a relevant ...
    • Convective chimneys and plumes in the Northern Greenland Sea 

      Johannessen, Ola M.; Lygre, Kjetil; Eldevik, Tor (Geophysical Monograph Series;30, Chapter, 2005)
      In the Boreas Basin in the northern Greenland Sea, convection has been observed to be localized as narrow structures - chimneys - in which the water masses may be homogeneous from the surface through great depths. An ...
    • How northern freshwater input can stabilise thermohaline circulation 

      Lambert, Erwin; Eldevik, Tor; Haugan, Peter M. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)
      The North Atlantic thermohaline circulation (THC) carries heat and salt towards the Arctic. This circulation is partly sustained by buoyancy loss and is generally believed to be inhibited by northern freshwater input as ...
    • Impact of initialization methods on the predictive skill in NorCPM: an Arctic–Atlantic case study 

      Passos, Leilane G.; Langehaug, Helene R.; Årthun, Marius; Eldevik, Tor; Bethke, Ingo; Kimmritz, Madlen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      The skilful prediction of climatic conditions on a forecast horizon of months to decades into the future remains a main scientific challenge of large societal benefit. Here we assess the hindcast skill of the Norwegian ...
    • Intermediate water from the Greenland Sea in the Faroe Bank Channel : spreading of released sulphur hexafluoride 

      Olsson, K. Anders; Jeansson, Emil; Anderson, Leif G.; Hansen, Bogi; Eldevik, Tor; Kristiansen, Regin; Messias, Marie-José; Johannessen, Truls; Watson, Andrew J. (Journal article, 2005-02)
      The Faroe Bank Channel is the deepest passage for dense water leaving the Nordic Seas into the North Atlantic. The contribution to this part of the Greenland-Scotland Overflow by intermediate water from the Greenland Sea ...
    • Mechanisms for decadal scale variability in a simulated Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation 

      Medhaug, Iselin; Langehaug, Helene Reinertsen; Eldevik, Tor; Furevik, Tore; Bentsen, Mats (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011-06-25)
      Variability in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) has been analysed using a 600-year pre-industrial control simulation with the Bergen Climate Model. The typical AMOC variability has amplitudes of 1 ...
    • Mechanisms of Ocean Heat Anomalies in the Norwegian Sea 

      Asbjørnsen, Helene; Årthun, Marius; Skagseth, Øystein; Eldevik, Tor (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-04)
      Ocean heat content in the Norwegian Sea exhibits pronounced variability on interannual to decadal time scales. These ocean heat anomalies are known to influence Arctic sea ice extent, marine ecosystems, and continental ...
    • Mechanisms of regional winter sea-ice variability in a warming arctic 

      Dörr, Jakob Simon; Årthun, Marius; Eldevik, Tor; Madonna, Erica (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      The Arctic winter sea ice cover is in retreat overlaid by large internal variability. Changes to sea ice are driven by exchange of heat, momentum, and freshwater within and between the ocean and the atmosphere. Using a ...
    • Mechanisms underlying recent Arctic atlantification 

      Asbjørnsen, Helene; Årthun, Marius; Skagseth, Øystein; Eldevik, Tor (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-06-20)
      Recent warming and reduced sea ice concentrations in the Atlantic sector of the Arctic Ocean are the main signatures of ongoing Arctic “Atlantification.” The mechanisms driving the warming trends are nevertheless still ...
    • NorCPM1 and its contribution to CMIP6 DCPP 

      Bethke, Ingo; Wang, Yiguo; Counillon, Francois Stephane; Keenlyside, Noel Sebastian; Kimmritz, Madlen; Fransner, Filippa; Samuelsen, Annette; Langehaug, Helene R.; Svendsen, Lea; Chiu, Ping-Gin; Passos, Leilane G.; Bentsen, Mats; Guo, Chuncheng; Gupta, Alok Kumar; Tjiputra, Jerry; Kirkevåg, Alf; Oliviè, Dirk Jan Leo; Seland, Øyvind; Vågane, Julie Solsvik; Fan, Yuanchao; Eldevik, Tor (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      The Norwegian Climate Prediction Model version 1 (NorCPM1) is a new research tool for performing climate reanalyses and seasonal-to-decadal climate predictions. It combines the Norwegian Earth System Model version 1 (NorESM1) ...
    • Nordic Seas Heat Loss, Atlantic Inflow, and Arctic Sea Ice cover over the last century 

      Smedsrud, Lars Henrik; Muilwijk, Morven; Eldevik, Tor; Årthun, Marius; Brakstad, Ailin; Madonna, Erica; Lauvset, Siv Kari; Spensberger, Clemens; Born, Andreas; Drange, Helge; Jeansson, Emil; Li, Camille; Olsen, Are; Skagseth, Øystein; Slater, Donald; Straneo, Fiammetta; Våge, Kjetil (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Poleward ocean heat transport is a key process in the earth system. We detail and review the northward Atlantic Water (AW) flow, Arctic Ocean heat transport, and heat loss to the atmosphere since 1900 in relation to sea ...
    • On radar imaging of current features: 2. Mesoscale eddy and current front detection 

      Johannessen, Johnny A.; Kudryavtsev, Vladimir; Akimov, D.; Eldevik, Tor; Winther, Nina Gjerde; Chapron, B. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2005-07-22)
      The surface signatures of meandering fronts and eddies have been regularly observed and documented in synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images. Wave-current interactions, the suppression of short wind waves by natural film, ...
    • On the Dynamics and Water Mass Transformation of a Boundary Current Connecting Alpha and Beta Oceans 

      Lambert, Erwin; Eldevik, Tor; Spall, Michael A. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-10-19)
      A subpolar marginal sea, like the Nordic seas, is a transition zone between the temperature-stratified subtropics (the alpha ocean) and the salinity-stratified polar regions (the beta ocean). An inflow of Atlantic Water ...
    • Pathways and export of Greenland Sea Water. In: The Nordic Seas: an integrated perspective 

      Eldevik, Tor; Straneo, Fiammetta; Sandø, Anne Britt; Furevik, Tore (Geophysical Monograph Series;158, Chapter, 2005)
    • The Role of Atlantic Heat Transport in Future Arctic Winter Sea Ice Loss 

      Årthun, Marius; Eldevik, Tor; Smedsrud, Lars H. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-05-14)
      During recent decades Arctic sea ice variability and retreat during winter have largely been a result of variable ocean heat transport (OHT). Here we use the Community Earth System Model (CESM) large ensemble simulation ...
    • The Seasonal and Regional Transition to an Ice-Free Arctic 

      Årthun, Marius; Onarheim, Ingrid H.; Dörr, Jakob; Eldevik, Tor (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      The Arctic sea ice cover is currently retreating and will continue its retreat in a warming world. However, the loss of sea ice is neither regionally nor seasonally uniform. Here, we present the first regional and seasonal ...
    • Skillful prediction of Barents Sea ice cover 

      Onarheim, Ingrid Husøy; Eldevik, Tor; Årthun, Marius; Ingvaldsen, Randi; Smedsrud, Lars Henrik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-07-08)
      A main concern of present climate change is the Arctic sea ice cover. In wintertime, its observed variability is largely carried by the Barents Sea. Here we propose and evaluate a simple quantitative and prognostic framework ...
    • Skillful prediction of northern climate provided by the ocean 

      Årthun, Marius; Eldevik, Tor; Viste, Ellen; Drange, Helge; Furevik, Tore; Johnson, Helen L.; Keenlyside, Noel (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017-06-20)
      It is commonly understood that a potential for skillful climate prediction resides in the ocean. It nevertheless remains unresolved to what extent variable ocean heat is imprinted on the atmosphere to realize its predictive ...