Browsing Geophysical Institute by Issue Date
Now showing items 21-40 of 1298
Simulert Dynamisk Atmosfærerespons til Endringer i Arktisk Sjøisdekke
(Master thesis, 2003) -
Effects of diapycnal and isopycnal mixing on the ventilation of CFCs in the North Atlantic in an isopycnic coordinate OGCM
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2003)Simulated distributions of the chlorofluorocarbons CFC-11 and CFC-12 are used to examine the ventilation of the North Atlantic Ocean in a global version of the Miami Isopycnic Coordinate Ocean Model (MICOM). Three simulations ... -
Observations of the Storfjorden overflow
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2003)The mixing and spreading of the Storfjorden overflow were investigated with density and horizontal velocity profiles collected at closely spaced stations. The dense bottom water generated by strong winter cooling, enhanced ... -
Strandforskyvningsundersøkelser og kartlegging av tsunamisedimenter i Nordland
(Master thesis, 2003)I Nordland er sedimentene i seks glasiale basseng i Hommelstø, tre basseng på Straumøya og et basseng på Kjerringøy undersøkt, beskrevet og tolket litostratigrafisk. I de fleste basseng er isolasjonskontakten bestemt ... -
Strømmer langs sokkelskråningen ved Ormen Lange-feltet, Storegga
(Master thesis, 2003) -
Interannual variability in the wintertime air–sea flux of carbon dioxide in the northern North Atlantic, 1981–2001
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2003)Gridded fields of sea surface temperature (SST), sea level pressure (SLP), and wind speed were used in combination with data for the atmospheric mole fraction of CO2 and an empirical relationship between measured values ... -
An investigation of the Faroe Shelf Front
(Master thesis, 2003)The water mass on the Faroe Shelf is distinct from the off-shelf water surrounding the shelf. This difference of water masses is reflected in the temperature and salinity distributions. The on-shelf water is colder and ... -
Variability at Ocean Weather Station M in the Norwegian Sea
(ICES Marine Science Symposia; 219, Chapter, 2003)Time series of temperature and salinity from Ocean Weather Station M are analysed for periodic cycles of interannual to decadal scale. Time evolutions of the spectra show various spectral peaks at all depths, but none of ... -
Greenland-Scotland overflow studied by hydro-chemical multivariate analysis
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2003-01)Hydrographic, nutrient and halocarbon tracer data collected in July-August 1994 in the Norwegian Sea, the Faroe Bank Channel (FBC), the Iceland and Irminger Basins and the Iceland Sea are resented. Special attention was ... -
Monitoring the Norwegian Atlantic slope current using a single moored current meter
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2003-01)Monitoring the Atlantic inflow (AI) of warm and saline water into the Nordic Seas (Norwegian, Greenland and Iceland Seas) is of great importance becauce of its impact on climate and ecology in Northern Europe and Arctic. ... -
Implementation of slope irradiance in Mesoscale Model version 5 and its effect on temperature and wind fields during the breakup of a temperature inversion
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2003-01-27)The atmospheric mesoscale model MM5 has been used at high horizontal resolution to simulate the breakup of a temperature inversion in complex topography. To improve the surface parameterizations during daytime, slope and ... -
Annual cycles of sea level and sea surface temperature in the western Mediterranean Sea
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2003-03-01)In the western Mediterranean Sea, sea level variations are the result of seasonal steric effect, atmospheric forcing and mesoscale circulation activity, particularly in the Alboran and Algerian basins, as well as water ... -
Coupled Al-Si geochemistry in an ocean general circulation model: A tool for the validation of oceanic dust deposition fields?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2003-03-19)We introduced the marine cycle of Al into a geochemical ocean general circulation model in order to assess the potential of modeled surface ocean dissolved Al as a tracer for dust input to the world ocean. The geochemical ... -
Simulated North Atlantic-Nordic Seas water mass exchanges in an isopycnic coordinate OGCM
(Journal article, 2003-05-29)The variability in the volume exchanges between the North Atlantic and the Nordic Seas during the last 50 years is investigated using a synoptic forced, global version of the Miami Isopycnic Coordinate Ocean Model (MICOM). ... -
Description and evaluation of the Bergen climate model: ARPEGE coupled with MICOM
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2003-07)A new coupled atmosphere–ocean–sea ice model has been developed, named the Bergen Climate Model (BCM). It consists of the atmospheric model ARPEGE/IFS, together with a global version of the ocean model MICOM including a ... -
The European gravity field and steady-state ocean circulation explorer satellite mission: its impact on geophysics
(Journal article, 2003-07)Current knowledge of the Earth’s gravity field and its geoid, as derived from various observing techniques and sources, is incomplete. Within a reasonable time, substantial improvement will come by exploiting new approaches ... -
Water mass modification over the continental shelf north of Ronne Ice Shelf, Antarctica
(Journal article, 2003-08-13)We use new data from the southern Weddell Sea continental shelf to describe water mass conversion processes in a formation region for cold and dense precursors of Antarctic Bottom Water. The cruises took place in early ... -
The impact of the wind stress curl in the North Atlantic on the Atlantic inflow to the Norwegian Sea toward the Arctic
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2003-09-04)The Norwegian Atlantic Current (NwAC) through the Norwegian Sea serves as a conduit of warm and saline Atlantic water from the North Atlantic to the Arctic Ocean, an important factor for climate and ecology. In this study, ... -
Sensitivity of the marine biospheric Si cycle for biogeochemical parameter variations
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2003-09-06)A systematic quantitative assessment of the marine silicon cycle is presented, based on a prognostic coupled water column-sediment global biogeochemical ocean general circulation model (HAMOCC). The resulting tracer ... -
The sensitivity of the present day Atlantic meriodinal overturning circulation to freshwater forcing
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2003-09-09)Mounting evidence indicates that the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) was strongly reduced during cold climate episodes in the past, possible due to freshwater influx from glacial melting. It is also ...