• Optimized mesoscale growth of microalgae: A modelling approach 

      Haddal, Nicolai Skailand (Master thesis, 2017-11-20)
      Photosynthesis is a process that uses water, carbon dioxide and light to create sugar and oxygen. Sugar and oxygen is then used by the cell for maintenance and growth purposes through cellular respiration. We would then ...
    • Optimizing hydroxyl airglow retrievals from long-slit astronomical spectroscopic observations 

      Franzen, Christoph; Hibbins, Robert; Espy, Patrick Joseph; Djupvik, Anlaug Amanda (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017-08-25)
      Astronomical spectroscopic observations from ground-based telescopes contain background emission lines from the terrestrial atmosphere's airglow. In the near infrared, this background is composed mainly of emission from ...
    • Optisk goniometer for optimalisering av retningsbestemt solenergi 

      Frette, Kristian (Master thesis, 2017-06-13)
      Det er et økende fokus på fornybar energi og bærekraftig matproduksjon, det vil derfor være nyttig med teknologi som kan føre til økt effektivitet i produksjon av dette. Utnyttelse av solenergi er et felt som er mye brukt, ...
    • An organ deformation model using Bayesian inference to combine population and patient-specific data 

      Rørtveit, Øyvind Lunde; Hysing, Liv Bolstad; Stordal, Andreas Størksen; Pilskog, Sara Margareta Cecilia (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Objective. Organ deformation models have the potential to improve delivery and reduce toxicity of radiotherapy, but existing data-driven motion models are based on either patient-specific or population data. We propose to ...
    • The Organ Sparing Potential of Different Biological Optimization Strategies in Proton Therapy 

      Henjum, Helge; Dahle, Tordis Johnsen; Fjæra, Lars Fredrik; Rørvik, Eivind; Pilskog, Sara Margareta Cecilia; Stokkevåg, Camilla H.; Mairani, Andrea; Ytre-Hauge, Kristian Smeland (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Purpose: Variable relative biological effectiveness (RBE) models allow for differences in linear energy transfer (LET), physical dose, and tissue type to be accounted for when quantifying and optimizing the biological ...
    • Origin and development of the Godbert-Greenwald furnace for measuring minimum ignition temperatures of dust clouds 

      Eckhoff, Rolf Kristian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Hot surfaces that can ignite explosible dust clouds can occur in various process situations in industry, e.g. inside furnaces, burners and dryers of various kinds. Hot surfaces can also be generated accidentally e.g. by ...
    • Outlook of solar energy in Europe based on economic growth characteristics 

      Madsen, Dorte Nørgaard; Hansen, Jan Petter (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Solar power production in Europe has raised from about 130 MW to 110 GW of installed capacity (corresponding to 90 GWh to 120 TWh in annual electricity generation) during the present century. Together with wind power, it ...
    • Overview of solar wind - magnetosphere - ionosphere - atmosphere coupling and the generation of magnetospheric currents 

      Milan, Stephen Eric; Clausen, Lasse Boy Novock; Coxon, John Charles; Carter, Jenny A.; Walach, Maria Theresia; Laundal, Karl Magnus; Østgaard, Nikolai; Tenfjord, Paul Arne Riksheim; Reistad, Jone Peter; Snekvik, Kristian; Korth, Haje; Anderson, Brian J. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017-03)
      We review the morphology and dynamics of the electrical current systems of the terrestrial magnetosphere and ionosphere. Observations from the Active Magnetosphere and Planetary Electrodynamics Response Experiment (AMPERE) ...
    • Overview of the Rocket Experiment for NeutralUpwelling Sounding Rocket 2 (RENU2) 

      Lessard, Marc R.; Fritz, Bruce; Sadler, Brent; Cohen, Ian J.; Kenward, David; Godbole, Niharika; Clemmons, James H.; Hecht, James H.; Lynch, Kristina A.; Harrington, Meghan; Roberts, Thomas M.; Hysell, David; Crowley, Geoff; Sigernes, Fred; Syrjäsuo, Mikko; Ellingsen, Pål Gunnar; Partamies, Noora; Moen, Jøran Idar; Clausen, Lasse Boy Novock; Oksavik, Kjellmar; Yeoman, Timothy (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      The Rocket Experiment for Neutral Upwelling 2 (RENU2) rocket was launched on 13 December 2015 at 07:34 UT. The payload transited the cusp region during a neutral upwelling event, supported by a comprehensive set of onboard ...
    • Oxidized Graphene on Ir(111): Wetting and Icephobic Properties Investigated on the Macroscopic and Atomic Scale 

      Kyrkjebø, Signe (Master thesis, 2020-08-09)
      Icing remains a huge challenge in a wide range of industries, from airplanes to optical sensors and wind turbines. Today's ice-combating approaches include thermal, mechanical, and chemical methods, which come with power, ...
    • Parameter Scans and Machine Learning for beyond Standard Model Physics 

      Strümke, Inga (Doctoral thesis, 2019-05-02)
      This thesis focuses on different beyond Standard Model theories, and the use of statistical methods to investigate them. Supersymmetry is considered in different contexts. First, the supersymmetry breaking scheme of gaugino ...
    • Particle Energization in Space Plasmas: Towards a Multi-Point, Multi-Scale Plasma Observatory 

      Retinò, Alessandro; Khotyaintsev, Y; Le Contel, O; Marcucci, Maria Federica; Plaschke, Ferdinand; Vaivads, Andris; Angelopoulos, Vassilis; Blasi, Pasquale; Burch, Jim; De Keyser, Johan; Dunlop, Malcolm; Dai, Lei; Eastwood, Jonathan; Fu, Huishan; Håland, Stein Egil; Hoshino, Masahiro; Johlander, Andreas; Kepko, Larry; Kucharek, Harald; Lapenta, Gianni; Lavraud, Benoit; Malandraki, Olga; Matthaeus, William; McWilliams, Kathryn; Petrukovich, Anatoli; Pinçon, Jean-Louis; Saito, Yoshifumi; Sorriso-Valvo, Luca; Vainio, Rami; Wimmer-Schweingruber, Robert (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      This White Paper outlines the importance of addressing the fundamental science theme “How are charged particles energized in space plasmas” through a future ESA mission. The White Paper presents five compelling science ...
    • Particle identification in ALICE: a Bayesian approach 

      Adam, Jaroslav; Adamová, Dagmar; Aggarwal, Madan M.; Aglieri Rinella, Gianluca; Agnello, Michelangelo; Agrawal, Nikita; Ahammed, Zubayer; Ahmad, Shafiq F.; Ahn, Sang Un; Aiola, Salvatore; Alme, Johan; Helstrup, Håvard; Hetland, Kristin Fanebust; Kileng, Bjarte; Altinpinar, Sedat; Djuvsland, Øystein; Haaland, Øystein Senneset; Lønne, Per-Ivar; Nystrand, Joakim; Rehman, Attiq ur; Røhrich, Dieter; Tambave, Ganesh Jagannath; Ullaland, Kjetil; Velure, Arild; Wagner, Boris; Zhang, Hui; Zhou, Zhuo; Zhu, Hongsheng; Arsene, Ionut Christian; Bätzing, Paul Christoph; Dordic, Olja; Lindal, Svein; Mahmood, Sohail Musa; Milosevic, Jovan; Qvigstad, Henrik; Richter, Matthias; Røed, Ketil; Skaali, Toralf Bernhard; Tveter, Trine Spedstad; Wikne, Jon Christopher; Zhao, Chengxin; Langøy, Rune; Lien, Jørgen André; Akindinov, Alexander; Alam, Sk Noor; De Albuquerque, Danilo Silva; Aleksandrov, Dimitry; Alessandro, Bruno; Alexandre, Didier; Alfaro Molina, José Rubén; ALICE, Collaboration (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-05-25)
      We present a Bayesian approach to particle identification (PID) within the ALICE experiment. The aim is to more effectively combine the particle identification capabilities of its various detectors. After a brief explanation ...
    • Particle Production in p+p and d+Au Collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV 

      Yang, Hongyan (Doctoral thesis, 2007-12-14)
    • Particle size distribution of methane hydrates and particle growth using a CFD-PBM model 

      Mevik, Claus (Master thesis, 2018-08-30)
      Gas hydrates are solid crystalline compounds that contain water and gas molecules, and can be considered to be a natural occurring phenomena located in enormous amounts around the world. Particle growth and agglomeration ...
    • Particle-yield modification in jet-like azimuthal dihadron correlations in Pb-Pb collisions at \(\sqrt{s_{NN}}\) = 2.76 TeV 

      Aamodt, Kenneth; Altinpinar, Sedat; Djuvsland, Øystein; Fehlker, Dominik; Haaland, Øystein Senneset; Huang, Meidana; Kanaki, Kalliopi; Larsen, Dag Toppe; Lien, Jørgen; Liu, Lijiao; Lønne, Per-Ivar; Nystrand, Joakim; Øvrebekk, Gaute; Richter, Matthias; Røhrich, Dieter; Skjerdal, Kyrre; Szostak, Artur Krzysztof; Ullaland, Kjetil; Wagner, Boris; Alme, Johan; Erdal, Hege Austrheim; Helstrup, Håvard; Hetland, Kristin Fanebust; Kileng, Bjarte; Dordic, Olja; Eyyubova, Gyulnara; Lindal, Svein; Løvhøiden, Gunnar; Milosevic, Jovan; Nilsson, Mads Stormo; Pocheptsov, Timur Anatolievich; Qvigstad, Henrik; Skaali, Toralf Bernhard; Tveter, Trine Spedstad; Wikne, Jon Christopher; Abelev, Betty; Abrahantes Quintana, Arian; Adamová, Dagmar; Adare, Andrew Marshall; Aggarwal, Madan M.; Aglieri Rinella, Gianluca; Agocs, Andreas Gabor; Agostinelli, Andrea; Aguilar Salazar, Saul; Ahammed, Zubayer; Ahmad, Nazeer; Ahmad Masoodi, Arshar; Ahn, Sang Un; Akindinov, Alexander; Aleksandrov, Dimitry (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012-03)
      The yield of charged particles associated with high-pT trigger particles (8 < pT < 15 GeV/c) is measured with the ALICE detector in Pb-Pb collisions at \(\sqrt{s_{NN}}\) = 2.76 TeV relative to proton-proton collisions at ...
    • Particle–wave discrimination in Poisson spot experiments 

      Reisinger, Thomas; Bracco, Gianangelo; Holst, Bodil (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011)
      Matter–wave interferometry has been used extensively over the last few years to demonstrate the quantum-mechanical wave nature of increasingly larger and more massive particles. We have recently suggested the use of the ...
    • Parton energy loss: new theoretical progress 

      Tywoniuk, Konrad (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      The physics of jet quenching combines the dynamics of the QCD parton shower with bremsstrahlung radiation and decoherence processes induced by interactions with an underlying medium. Here we present a brief overview of the ...
    • Patient selection, inter-fraction plan robustness and reduction of toxicity risk with deep inspiration breath hold in intensity-modulated radiotherapy of locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer 

      Fjellanger, Kristine; Rossi, Linda; Heijmen, Ben J.M.; Pettersen, Helge Egil Seime; Sandvik, Inger Marie; Breedveld, Sebastiaan; Sulen, Turid Husevåg; Hysing, Liv Bolstad (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Background: State-of-the-art radiotherapy of locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer (LA-NSCLC) is performed with intensity-modulation during free breathing (FB). Previous studies have found encouraging geometric ...
    • Patterns of practice for adaptive and real-time radiation therapy (POP-ART RT) part II: Offline and online plan adaption for interfractional changes 

      Bertholet, Jenny; Anastasi, Gail; Noble, David; Bel, Arjan; van Leeuwen, Ruud; Roggen, Toon; Duchateau, Michael; Pilskog, Sara; Garibaldi, Cristina; Tilly, Nina; García-Mollá, Rafael; Bonaque, Jorge; Oelfke, Uwe; Aznar, Marianne C.; Heijmen, Ben J.M. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Purpose The POP-ART RT study aims to determine to what extent and how intrafractional real-time respiratory motion management (RRMM), and plan adaptation for interfractional anatomical changes (ART) are used in clinical ...