Browsing Department of Physics and Technology by Subject "752199"
Now showing items 1-20 of 213
Adaptive transdure basert på tidsreversering. Målinger på en 5x5 array prototype
(Master thesis, 2009-06-11)Utvikling av adaptiv transduserarray som er ment for tidsreverserende bruk på en olje/gass-separator. Prinsippet består i styring av en transduser oppdelt i små ankeltceller (array). Hver celle styres av sin egen elektronikk, ... -
Aircraft interaction with electric field of thundercloud and observations of hard radiation
(Master thesis, 2018-06-16)The purpose of this thesis is to study the relationship between the different phases of lightning flashes and the production of high-energy emissions, as well as highenergy emissions observed from thunderclouds. The data ... -
ALICE TPC Upgrade Activities for LHC Run 3 and Beyond: "SAMPA ASIC Tests with GEM Detector Prototype"
(Master thesis, 2015-09-11)The Time Projection Chamber (TPC) signal readout of the ALICE detector is being upgraded to accommodate the higher collision rates and -energies during LHC Run 3 in 2018. Due to the increased collision rates, the TPC drift ... -
Altering the wetting properties of FEP films by nano-structuring the surface using reactive ion etching
(Master thesis, 2017-10-18)Renewable energy sources has become a large field of research, and in the recent years, methods to harvest energy from rain drops have been developed. This technology is based on rain drops rolling or sliding on a polymer ... -
Analysis of 3D Pixel Detectors for the ATLAS Inner Tracker Upgrade
(Master thesis, 2017-06-16)The silicon 3D pixel detector represent a detector technology that has a higher radiation tolerance compared to the conventional planar pixel detectors. This detector technology is one of the technologies proposed to be ... -
Anisotropic reflectance of Arctic snow and sea ice
(Master thesis, 2017-12-21)We present an investigation of the angular distribution of reflected light on snow and sea ice, for three selected wavelengths; 500, 800 and 1100 nm. Our analysis covers how the angular reflectance distribution is affected ... -
Antennelse av oksiderbar røykgass fra ulmebrann i et lukket miljø. Utvikling av eksperimentelt oppsett
(Master thesis, 2017-06-20)Oppgaven er todelt; første del beskriver utformingen av det eksperimentelle oppsettet, andre del er eksperimentell og tar for seg antennelse av oksiderbar røykgass i et lukket miljø. Det var stilt følgende krav til forsøkets ... -
Asymmetric Ionospheric Equivalent Currents at Magnetic Conjugate Points
(Master thesis, 2017-07-01)In this thesis we will study high-latitude ionospheric equivalent currents at magnetic conjugate points. The following questions have been addressed in this thesis: What solar zenith angle defines the dark-sunlit terminator? ... -
ATLAS Detector Monitoring with Jets
(Master thesis, 2009-10-02)The purpose of this thesis was to provide a high level software framework for detecting large problems with the ATLAS detector at the LHC and estimate the jet resolution from the f irst data. The result was the program ... -
Automated XY-table for the characterisation of arrays of pixel sensors for photons and charge particles
(Master thesis, 2010-06-01)A variety of arrays of pixels sensors (pixel = picture elements) have been developed during the last 30 years for the detection of photons and charge particles. Pixel based semiconductor detectors are not only used for ... -
Beam diffraction effects in guided-wave transmission of fluid embedded elastic plate. Influence of receiver distance and finite aperture.
(Master thesis, 2018-06-23)For the past decades, plate transmission effects have been extensively studied with the incentive of applying the knowledge in GUW methods in the industry. With these studies, multiple anomalous effects have been identified, ... -
Bestemmelse av egenskaper til piezoelektriske skiver med lavt diameter/tykkelse forhold
(Master thesis, 2009-11-20)Oppgaven tar for seg mekaniske, elektriske og akustiske målinger i luft på piezoelektriske skiver av typen PZT-5A med et diameter/tykkelsesforhold på 7.5. Målingene blir sammenlignet med teoretiske modeller for skivenes ... -
Calibration of the ALICE Photon Spectromter (PHOS) using the neutral pion to gamma gamma decay
(Master thesis, 2009-09-01)The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is under construction beneath the border between Switzerland and France. If it is successful, it will accelerate and collide protons at 7 T eV per proton in center of mass. Furthermore, it ... -
CFD-Model for the Photothermal Conversion Process in Ionic Nanofluids
(Master thesis, 2018-06-20)Harnessing energy from a sustainable source like the Sun may be one of the key solutions for the increasing demand of energy. However, conventional solar harvesters are relatively low efficient so that use of solar energy ... -
Challenges related to storage and transfer of solar energy with a case study on long distance power transfer
(Master thesis, 2010-06-21)The challenges that will be discussed in this thesis are two-fold; the problems related to trans- mission of power over long distances, and the need for energy storage, especially at night. Both of the issues are accentuated ... -
Characterization of a neutral helium beam for helium microscopy
(Master thesis, 2015-06-29)Neutral helium beam microscopy is a new development in scientific instrumentation where neutral helium atoms are utilized to image a sample. The main advantage of using neutral helium is the significantly smaller energy ... -
Characterization of Hyper Spectral Irradiance and Radiance Sensors
(Master thesis, 2013-09-11)It is surprisingly problematic to to accurately measure light in the laboratory. Even more so when measuring in the field. There are lots of areas where measuring light spectrum and irradiance outside a laboratory is of ... -
Characterization of the ALPIDE chip with Helium-4 ions for Proton Computed Tomography
(Master thesis, 2018-12-06)Particle therapy has become an appealing therapeutic option for patients with various tumor types. The physical properties of charged particles allow for an improved dose distribution conformality compared to conventional ... -
Characterization of the ALPIDE Detector with Proton Beams for the Development of a Prototype Computed Tomography Machine at the University of Bergen
(Master thesis, 2018-07-04)In conventional radio therapy, photons is used in the treatment. Treatment with protons, however, greatly reduce the energy which is deposited in healthy tissue surrounding the tumor. The aim for the pCT group at the ... -
Characterization studies of a GEM detector prototype for the ALICE TPC upgrade for LHC Run 3 and beyond
(Master thesis, 2016-11-21)The multiwire proportional chamber signal readout of the ALICE Time Projection Chamber (TPC) will be replaced by Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) detectors to meet the new requirements due to higher collision rate and energies ...