Browsing Department of Physics and Technology by Subject "752223"
Now showing items 1-20 of 74
A 2-D Visualisation Study of the Mechanisms behind Increased Recovery due to Polymer Injection in Sandstone
(Master thesis, 2011-11-20)The potential of synthetic polymer injection, such as hydrolysed polyacrylamide (HPAM), in reservoirs has been a field of study since the 1960's [1]. The main intension of polymer injection is to improve the problems with ... -
Acoustic Signatures of Gas Hydrates - Observations and Modelling
(Master thesis, 2017-08-08)Interpretation of a Bottom Simulating Reflector (BSR) associated with gas hydrate accumulations in seismic, depend on gas hydrate saturation and distribution in pore voids. The BSR cannot predict gas hydrate saturation or ... -
Application of MRI in studies of tetrahydrofuran hydrates in quartz sand at atmospheric pressure
(Master thesis, 2017-12-06)Natural gas hydrates form under low temperatures and high pressures. They can be found in abundance in permafrost environments and under the sea floor, where the temperature and pressure conditions ensure their stability. ... -
Catalysts for Enhanced CO2-CH4 Exchange in Natural Gas Hydrates. An experimental feasibility study of exchange enhancement by use of chemical additives
(Master thesis, 2013-06-01)Gas hydrate is a solid state of gas and water at high pressure and low temperature conditions. Vast energy potential is associated with gas hydrates and extensive on-going research aims at addressing the technical viability ... -
Characterization of Associating Polymer (AP) Solutions. Influences on flow behavior by the degree of hydrophobicity and salinity
(Master thesis, 2013-06-02)The most applied polymer today for chemical improved oil recovery (IOR) processes, such as polymer flood and/or polymer well treatments, is the synthetic partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide (HPAM) and its derivatives. ... -
CO2 Foam Stabilization with Nanoparticles and EOR in Fractured Carbonate Systems
(Master thesis, 2015-06-18)This thesis is a part of an ongoing study of CO2 foam mobility control in the Reservoir Physics group at the Department of Physics and Technology (IFT) at the University of Bergen. The goal of this thesis was to evaluate ... -
CO2 Injection in Hydrate Bearing Sandstone with Excess Water
(Master thesis, 2013-05-31)It has previously been shown that methane can be produced from gas hydrates by exposing it to carbon dioxide. Since CO2 is the preferred hydrate former below 10 °C it will spontaneously replace CH4 as the guest molecule ... -
CO2 injeksjon for økt oljeutvinning i kalk
(Master thesis, 2013-05-31)Denne masteroppgaven studerer CO2 injeksjon for økt oljeutvinning i kalkstein, og hvordan parametere som sprekker, initielt vann og mobilitetskontroll påvirker oljeproduksjon. Det ble gjennomført 15 eksperimenter med ... -
CO2-injeksjon i Utsiraformasjonen - et studie av CO2/vann-kontakten og temperaturavhengige parametere
(Master thesis, 2012-06-01)Since the start-up in 1996 over 15 Mt CO2 have been injected in to the geological formation Utsira at the commercial CO2 storage project Sleipner. The propagation of CO2 in the reservoir has been monitored by time-lapse ... -
Combining Nanoparticles and Surfactants to Stabilize CO2 Foam for CCUS
(Master thesis, 2020-05-28) -
Diffusion as an Oil Recovery Mechanism During CO2 Injection in Fractured Reservoirs
(Master thesis, 2013-11-19)This thesis is part of an ongoing study of enhanced oil recovery by CO2 injection in the Reservoir Physics research group at the Department of Physics and Technology (IFT) at the University of Bergen. This work investigates ... -
Effect of Combined Low Salinity and Surfactant Injection on Oil Recovery in Aged Bentheimer Sandstones at Different Temperatures
(Master thesis, 2012-06-01)A moderate increase in crude oil recovery by reduction in salinity of the injection brine has been observed for numerous laboratory core flood experiments. The underlying mechanisms behind increased recovery by low salinity ... -
Effect of different surfactant structures on the brine-crude oil and brine-alkane interface in different aqueous environments.
(Master thesis, 2017-06-16)In producing oil fields, both the production rate and ultimate recovery from the field can be enhanced by injection of chemicals into the reservoir formation. To optimise the commercial benefits, it is important to understand ... -
En eksperimentell studie av CO2 injeksjon for økt oljeutvinning i oppsprukket kalk
(Master thesis, 2013-05-31)I denne eksperimentelle masteroppgaven studeres CO2 og CO2 skum injeksjon for økt oljeutvinning i dagbrudd kalk, siden injeksjon av CO2 har et stort potensiale som en økt oljeutvinningsmetode og utvikler blandbarhet med ... -
En eksperimentell studie av CO2 lagring i sandstein og kalkstein med bruk av ulike avbildningsteknikker
(Master thesis, 2012-11-20)De naturlige klimagassene sørger for at middeltemperaturen på jorda er ca. 15 C, og ikke -18 C som den ville vært uten klimagassene. De menneskeskapte (antropogene) utslippene av klimagassene CO2, CH4, N2O og fluorholdige ... -
En tilnærming til prediksjon av faseoppførsel for anioniske mikroemulsjonssystemer - optimering med eksperimentelt design og utarbeidelse av estimeringsprosedyrer til beskrivelse av faseoppførsel
(Master thesis, 2010-08-19)Mikroemulsjoner har egenskaper som gjør de aktuelle innen flere anvendelsesområder, deriblant økt oljeutvinning. Flere av egenskapene til mikroemulsjonene er koblet sammen med deres faseoppførsel, deriblant lave ... -
Enhanced Oil Recovery by CO2 and CO2-Foam in Fractured Carbonates
(Master thesis, 2013-06-04)This thesis is a part of an ongoing study of integrated enhanced oil recovery methods in the Reservoir Physics research group at the Department of Physics and Technology at the University of Bergen. The aim of this thesis ... -
Enhanced Oil Recovery by CO2 and CO2-foam Injection in Fractured Limestone Rocks
(Master thesis, 2013-06-03)This thesis is part of an ongoing study of integrated enhanced oil recovery methods in Reservoir Physics group at the Department of Physics and Technology at the University of Bergen. This experimental thesis investigates ... -
Establishing a homogeneous and stable sand pack to study parameters during spontaneous imbibition
(Master thesis, 2018-06-20)Spontaneous imbibition is an important process for oil production during water flooding in porous media and has been widely studied for decades to understand the physics of the process for different boundary conditions. ... -
Estimation of In-situ Polymer Rheology by Simulation of Radial Flow Experiment
(Master thesis, 2017-06-22)Most experiments about in-situ rheology of polymer flow in porous media presented in literature is executed on linear cores and hence, performed during steady state conditions where the pressure drop is constant over the ...