Browsing Department of Earth Science by Title
Now showing items 90-109 of 1251
Calendar year age estimates of Allerød - Younger Dryas sea-level oscillations at Os, western Norway
(Journal article, 2004)A detailed shoreline displacement curve documents the Younger Dryas transgression in western Norway. The relative sea-level rise was more than 9m in an area which subsequently experienced an emergence of almost 60 m. The ... -
Calibration of seismic and well data: Towards Improved Quantitative Seismic Reservoir Characterisation of the Triassic to Middle-Jurassic Gullfaks Reservoir Units of the northern North Sea
(Master thesis, 2011-11-20)Abstract: Characterization and evaluation of (oil and gas) reservoirs is typically achieved using a combination of seismic and well data. It is therefore critical that the two data types are well calibrated to correct and ... -
Calibration, validation and application of the foraminiferal Mg/Ca. Reconstructing the intermediate water masses structure and origin in the Western Tropical Atlantic
(Doctoral thesis, 2015-05-22)The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) plays a central role in the northward distribution of heat. It is a key mechanism in the climatic system that needs to be further understood. Most studies focused on ... -
Cambrian (Series 3 - furongian) conodonts from the alum shale formation at Slemmestad, Oslo region, Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-05-09)Nine samples from the Alum Shale of Slemmestad, Oslo Region, were processed for conodonts. The limestone-rich interval extending from the mid Cambrian Paradoxides paradoxissimus trilobite Zone to the Lower Ordovician ... -
Can we use ice sheet reconstructions to constrain meltwater for deglacial simulations?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012)Freshwater pulses from melting ice sheets are thought to be important for driving deglacial climate variability. This study investigates challenges in simulating and understanding deglacial climate evolution within this ... -
"Candidatus Subterrananammoxibiaceae," a New Anammox Bacterial Family in Globally Distributed Marine and Terrestrial Subsurfaces
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Bacteria specialized in anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) are widespread in many anoxic habitats and form an important functional guild in the global nitrogen cycle by consuming bio-available nitrogen for energy rather ... -
The Cascadia subduction zone: Kinky or not? An implementation of a 2D background velocity model in teleseismic scattered-wave inversion.
(Master thesis, 2017-06-23)This thesis, within the field of seismology, investigates the process and effect of implementing a complex reference model in a teleseismic migration technique based on the Inverse Generalized Radon Transform. This migration ... -
Case study of combined marine- and land-based passive seismic surveying in front of Nordenskiöldbreen outlet glacier, Adolfbukta, Svalbard
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Glaciers generate seismic waves due to calving and fracturing, meaning that recording and following event classification can be used to monitor glacier dynamics. Our aim with this study is to analyse seismic data acquired ... -
Causality from palaeontological time series
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-07)As custodians of deep time, palaeontologists have an obligation to seek the causes and consequences of long‐term evolutionary trajectories and the processes of ecosystem assembly and collapse. Building explicit process ... -
Causes of bias and uncertainty in fracture network analysis
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-04-24)Fault and fracture networks are analysed to determine the deformation history and to help with such applications as engineering geology and fluidflow modelling. These analyses rely on quantifying such factors as length, ... -
The Cenozoic western Svalbard margin: sediment geometry and sedimentary processes in an area of ultraslow oceanic spreading
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011-04-17)The northeastern high-latitude North Atlantic is characterised by the Bellsund and Isfjorden fans on the continental slope off west Svalbard, the asymmetrical ultraslow Knipovich spreading ridge and a 1,000 m deep rift ... -
Centennial variability in Southeast Pacific Hydrography and its link to the Bipolar Seesaw
(Master thesis, 2019-12-11) -
Centennial-millennial scale variations in West Antarctic Ice Sheet discharge and their relationship to climate and ocean changes during the late Holocene
(Master thesis, 2017-06-23)The West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) may be highly sensitive to future warming and to ocean driven changes in subsurface melting. Understanding this sensitivity is critical as WAIS dynamics are a major source of uncertainty ... -
The chalk depositional system in the Central Graben – concepts of regional geology, sedimentology and stratigraphy
(Working paper, 2011-12-08) -
Changing provenance and stratigraphic signatures across the Triassic–Jurassic boundary in eastern Spitsbergen and the subsurface Barents Sea
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)A change to more sandstone dominated deposits and increasing condensation across the Triassic–Jurassic boundary is generally associated with improved reservoir quality in the Barents Sea. However, spatial and temporal ... -
Characterisation of extensional faults in carbonate rocks (Suez Rift, Egypt); with particular focus on the role of shale smear
(Master thesis, 2012-04-27)The distribution, composition and flow-properties of fault core and shale smear along faults in carbonate reservoirs is less well understood compared to faults in siliciclastic rocks. This study uses field data to characterize ... -
Characterization and Correction of Evaporative Artifacts in Speleothem Fluid Inclusion Isotope Analyses as Applied to a Stalagmite From Borneo
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Fluid inclusion water isotope measurements in speleothems have great potential for paleoclimate studies as they enable the reconstruction of precipitation dynamics and land temperatures. Several previous observations, ... -
Characterization and Modelling of a faulted oil and gas field (Syria)
(Master thesis, 2013-06-16)The FC is a faulted oil and gas field located onshore, in the southeast of Syria along the Euphrates Graben. In the 2011, a static reservoir model was built by students of IFP School. The same database used in the 2011 ... -
Characterization of seabed properties from Scholte waves acquired on floating ice on shallow water
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Seismic surveying of the coastal areas in the Arctic is best facilitated during wintertime when the sea ice is land-fast. This eases the logistics of the operation and assures that there is no damage made to the vulnerable ... -
Characterizing the distribution of microbial sulfate reduction in Loki`s Castle hydrothermal system of the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge (AMOR)
(Master thesis, 2016-06-01)Studies on the distribution of microbial sulfate reduction, and its impact on the global carbon and sulfur cycle, have mostly been conducted in shallow and deep-marine sediments. Little is therefore known about the ecological ...