Browsing Department of Earth Science by Title
Now showing items 373-392 of 1242
Generation of intermediate-depth earthquakes and the fate of subduction fluids : Insights from mantle wedge seismicity and case studies in the Western Hellenic subduction zone
(Doctoral thesis, 2019-06-07)The occurrence of intermediate depth earthquakes at 50-300 km depth in subduction zones is puzzling, because high temperatures and pressures at these depths do not allow standard brittle failure. Instead, two main candidate ... -
Genomes of Thaumarchaeota from deep sea sediments reveal specific adaptations of three independently evolved lineages
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Marine sediments represent a vast habitat for complex microbiomes. Among these, ammonia oxidizing archaea (AOA) of the phylum Thaumarchaeota are one of the most common, yet little explored, inhabitants, which seem ... -
Geo-modelling of an exhumed reservoir cap rock succession, Utah, USA
(Master thesis, 2017-06-23)Carbon capture and storage (CCS) can potentially play an important role in mitigating global CO2 emissions. The storage sites must be understood in detail to ensure safe storage on a millennial time scale. Outcrop analogs ... -
Geo-modelling of paleokarst reservoirs - from cave-survey to geocellular paleokarst model
(Master thesis, 2016-11-20)Hydrocarbon reservoirs exhibiting features inherited from former karst processes acting on the reservoir rocks are relatively common worldwide. However, on the Norwegian continental shelf, paleokarst plays have only recently ... -
Geocellular rendering of cave surveys in paleokarst reservoir models
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Infilled and collapsed cave systems are an important component of many paleokarst reservoirs. Incorporating these features into industrial reservoir models commonly relies on geostatistical modelling methods that often ... -
Geochemical and Isotopic Fractionation in the Hypogene Ore, Gossan, and Saprolite of the Alvo 118 Deposit: Implications for Copper Exploration in the Regolith of the Carajás Mineral Province
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)In the Carajás Mineral Province, gossan formation and lateritization have produced numerous supergene orebodies at the expense of IOCG deposits and host rocks. The Alvo 118 deposit comprises massive and disseminated hypogene ... -
Geochemical and microtextural characteristics reflect the formation mechanics of laminated iron deposits at the Perle & Bruse and Troll Wall vent fields
(Master thesis, 2017-08-31)Located at the southern section of the Artic Mid-Ocean Ridge, the Jan Mayen Vent Fields (JMVF) consist of three main hydrothermal sites, the Troll Wall, Perle & Bruse and Soria Moria. These sites contain numerous Fe-deposits, ... -
Geochemical characteristics of the gold-bearing quartz veins in the Lykling area, Bømlo, SW Norway
(Master thesis, 2021-09-11) -
Geochemical characteristics of volcanogenic massive sulfide mineralizations on Bømlo and Stord islands, Sunnhordaland, SW Norway
(Master thesis, 2021-09-11)The results from the present study have brought forward new knowledge about geochemical, mineralogical, stable isotope and trace element data for volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits hosted within Early Ordovician Ophiolitic ... -
Geochemical characterization of ophiolites in the Alpine-Himalayan Orogenic Belt: Magmatically and tectonically diverse evolution of the Mesozoic Neotethyan oceanic crust
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Ophiolites are important archives of oceanic crust development and preservation in the rock record, and the Alpine-Himalayan Orogenic Belt (AHOB) is one of the most comprehensive ophiolite depositories in earth’s history. ... -
Geochemical characterization of the Gnitahei seafloor massive sulfide deposit, Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge
(Master thesis, 2022-06-29)The Gnitahei SMS deposit (72.75°N 3.81°E) is a newly discovered seafloor massive sulfide deposit located on the slow to ultraslow spreading Mohns Ridge in the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge system. The deposit was discovered by ... -
Geochemistry and geochronology of hydrothermally enriched sediments associated with three vent fields along the Mohns Ridge
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Hydrothermally enriched sediments are linked to hydrothermal systems on the seafloor, and thus, studies utilizing sediment cores represent a narrative method to investigate hydrothermal activity. Plume particles from active ... -
Geochemistry of hydrothermal fluids from the E2-segment of the East Scotia Ridge: Magmatic input, reaction zone processes, fluid mixing regimes and bioenergetic landscapes
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)The compositions of hydrothermal fluids in back-arc basins (BABs) can be affected by the influx of magmatic fluids into systems that are dominated by reactions between basement rocks and seawater-derived fluids. The East ... -
Geochemistry of lava samples collected near the oceanic detachments at 13°N along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
(Master thesis, 2017-09-25)The structure and composition of the oceanic lithosphere is mainly controled by the supply of magmatic melts to the ridge axis. At slow-spreading, mid-oceanic ridges are characterized by complex spreading styles, where ... -
A geochronological review of magmatism along the external margin of Columbia and in the Grenville-age orogens forming the core of Rodinia
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)A total of 4344 magmatic U-Pb ages in the range 2300 to 800 Ma have been compiled from the Great Proterozoic Accretionary Orogen along the margin of the Columbia / Nuna supercontinent and from the subsequent Grenvillian ... -
Geochronology and tectonic setting of voluminous granitoids and related rocks and associated extensional structures in Dronning Maud Land (East Antarctica)
(Master thesis, 2011-06-15)The history of the tectonic evolution in central Dronning Maud Land (cDML), East Antarctica can be inferred from various zircon grains for U-Pb zircon age determination with the Laser-Ablation Inductively-Coupled-Plasma ... -
Geofaglig vurdering av konsekvenser ved klimaframskrivinger for verdensarvområdet Vestnorsk fjordlandskap, delområde Geirangerfjorden
(Master thesis, 2022-06-01)I Møre og Romsdal er det forventet en økning i temperatur og nedbør frem mot perioden 2071-2100. Dette inkluderer en økning i årlig middeltemperatur på ca. 3,5-4,0 ºC og en økning i årsnedbør på 15%. Økningen vil føre til ... -
Geofaglige vurderinger og kvantifisering av stislitasje i daler rundt Jostedalsbreen og i Jostedalsbreen nasjonalpark, Vestland fylke
(Master thesis, 2024-11-20)Det er forventet at det i fremtiden vil bli økt nedbør og høyere temperaturer, i tillegg til at flere turister vil komme til Vestlandet. En økt ferdsel vil kunne gi utfordringer knyttet til å bevare verneverdiene og ... -
Geofysiske og sedimentologiske undersøkelser av israndavsetningene fremfor Esmarkmorenen, Rogaland
(Master thesis, 2016-09-01)Det første geologiske arbeidet som ble gjort i Forsand ble gjort av Jens Esmark på 1800- tallet, da han beskrev det vi i dag kaller Esmarkmorenen/Vassryggen og sletteområdet foran. Han konkluderte med at dette var ... -
Geologic controls on fluid flow and seismic imaging of faults in carbonate rocks : Insights from quantitative outcrop analysis and reflection seismic modeling
(Doctoral thesis, 2023-06-16)Utforsking av undergrunnen har historisk sett hovudsakleg vore drive av økonomiske insentiv gjennom leiting etter hydrokarbon og andre geologiske ressursar. I nyare tid, derimot, har geologiens rolle i det grøne skiftet ...