Browsing Department of Earth Science by Title
Now showing items 855-874 of 1251
Quantifying Dynamical Proxy Potential Through Shared Adjustment Physics in the North Atlantic
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Oceanic quantities of interest (QoIs), for example, ocean heat content or transports, are often inaccessible to direct observation, due to the high cost of instrument deployment and logistical challenges. Therefore, ... -
Quantifying Earth System Interactions across the Mid-Pleistocene Transition
(Master thesis, 2020-12-17)Many different mechanisms have been proposed to explain the change in glacial intensity and duration that occurred during the Mid-Pleistocene Transition (MPT), 1250-700 thousand years ago. Despite a growing volume of ... -
Quantifying earth system interactions during the last glacial period
(Master thesis, 2024-10-07)The earth system is a complex dynamical system, which makes it challenging to infer causal interactions and mechanism. Understanding causal interactions during periods of rapid climate change in the past is crucial for ... -
Quantifying structural controls on fluid flow: Insights from carbonate-hosted fault damage zones on the Maltese Islands
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017-08)Structural complexity along faults (e.g., relay zones, fault intersections and jogs) exert strong controls on fluid flow, yet few attempts have been made to quantify and visualise such relationships. This paper does that ... -
Quantitative Comparison of Offshore Sediment Volumes and Onshore Erosion Potential in Norway in the Neogene and Quaternary.
(Master thesis, 2018-06-13)The geodynamic evolution of the Scandinavian topography is the cause of a controversy with several competing hypotheses. Western Scandinavia is characterized by dramatic fjords and high-altitude low-relief surfaces, which ... -
Quantitative interpretation using inverse rock-physics modeling on AVO data
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-08)Quantitative seismic interpretation has become an important and critical technology for improved hydrocarbon exploration and production. However, this is typically a resource-demanding process that requires information ... -
Quantitative interpretation using inverse rock-physics modeling on AVO data
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-08)Quantitative seismic interpretation has become an important and critical technology for improved hydrocarbon exploration and production. However, this is typically a resource-demanding process that requires information ... -
Quantitative seismic interpretation in thin-bedded geology using full-wavefield elastic modelling
(Doctoral thesis, 2023-09-28)Refleksjonsseismikk brukes til å lage seismiske «bilder» av den øverste delen av jordskorpen, blant annet med tanke på leting etter reservoarer for olje, gass, karbonlagring og geotermisk energi. I tillegg til å gi grunnlag ... -
Quartz overgrowth textures and fluid inclusion thermometry evidence for basin-scale sedimentary recycling: An example from the Mesozoic Barents Sea Basin
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Sedimentary recycling has the potential to obscure source-to-sink relationships, provenance interpretations, burial history reconstructions and robust reservoir quality predictions in siliciclastic sedimentary basins. Here, ... -
Radiation damage allows identification of truly inherited zircon
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Many studies have reported U-Pb dates of zircon that are older than the igneous rocks that contain them, and they are therefore thought to be inherited from older rock complexes. Their presence has profound geodynamic ... -
Rapid and sustained environmental responses to global warming: the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum in the eastern North Sea
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)The Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM; ∼ 55.9 Ma) was a period of rapid and sustained global warming associated with significant carbon emissions. It coincided with the North Atlantic opening and emplacement of the ... -
Rapid post-glacial bedrock weathering in coastal Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Quantifying bedrock weathering rates under diverse climate conditions is essential to understanding timescales of landscape evolution. Yet, weathering rates are often difficult to constrain, and associating a weathered ... -
Rapid retreat of a Scandinavian marine outlet glacier in response to warming at the last glacial termination
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Marine outlet glaciers on Greenland are retreating, yet it is unclear if the recent fast retreat will persist, and how atmosphere and ocean warming will impact future retreat. We show how a marine outlet glacier in ... -
Rapid Tephra Identification in Geological Archives With Computed Tomography: Experimental Results and Natural Applications
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Volcanic ash (tephra) horizons represent powerful chronological and stratigraphic markers: rapid and widespread deposition allows for correlation of geological records in time and space. Recent analytical advances enable ... -
Ray-Born Modelling and Full Waveform Inversion
(Master thesis, 2013-06-03)Seismic forward modelling is used to simulate seismic wave propagation in the subsurface. Common modelling techniques include methods such as the ray-Born approximation and the finite difference method. In this thesis I ... -
Re-evaluation and extension of the Marine Isotope Stage 5 tephrostratigraphy of the Faroe Islands region: The cryptotephra record
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-09-01)Previous studies of marine sequences from the Faroe Islands region have identified a series of coarse-grained tephra horizons deposited during Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5. Here we reassess the MIS 5 tephrostratigraphy of ... -
A reappraisal of the H–κ stacking technique: implications for global crustal structure
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)H–κ stacking is used routinely to infer crustal thickness and bulk-crustal VP/VS ratio from teleseismic receiver functions. The method assumes that the largest amplitude P-to-S conversions beneath the seismograph station ... -
Recent Evolution of Glaciers in the Manaslu Region of Nepal From Satellite Imagery and UAV Data (1970–2019)
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Glacierized mountain ranges such as the Himalaya comprise a variety of glacier types, including clean and debris-covered glaciers. Monitoring their behaviour over time requires an assessment of changes in area and elevation ... -
Reconnaissance report and preliminary ground motion simulation of the 12 May 2008 Wenchuan earthquake
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2010)The Mw = 8.0Wenchuan earthquake of May 12, 2008, caused destruction over a wide area. The earthquake cost more than 69,000 lives and the damage is reported to have left more than 5 million people homeless. It is estimated ...