Now showing items 650-669 of 1050

    • Outcrop-scale fracture analysis and seismic modelling of a basin-bounding normal fault in platform carbonates, central Italy 

      Volatili, Tiziano; Agosta, Fabrizio; Cardozo, Nestor; Zambrano, Miller; Lecomte, Isabelle Christine; Tondi, Emanuele (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Faults are characterized by a complex internal architecture. In carbonates, the geometry, attitude, and distri­bution of fault-related fractures and subsidiary faults can largely affect the petrophysical properties and hy­ ...
    • Overprinting translational domains in passive margin salt basins: insights from analogue modelling 

      Ge, Zhiyuan; Rosenau, Matthias; Warsitzka, Michael; Gawthorpe, Rob (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-08-02)
      Current models of gravitational tectonics on the structural styles of salt-influenced passive margins typically depict domains of upslope extension and corresponding downslope contraction separated by a mid-slope domain ...
    • The overturning circulation in a changing Arctic 

      Bretones, Anais Magali (Doctoral thesis, 2023-11-22)
      Ved å begrense varmeutvekslingen mellom hav og atmosfære bestemmer sjøisen området for dannelse av dypvann i Arktis. Under økte klimagassutslipp trekker sjøisen seg nordover. Mens nyere studier tyder på at Arktis kan være ...
    • An overview of the Upper Palaeozoic-Mesozoic stratigraphy of the NE Atlantic region 

      Stoker, Martyn S.; Stewart, Margaret A.; Shannon, Patrick M.; Bjerager, Morten; Nielsen, Tove; Blischke, Anett; Hjelstuen, Berit Oline Blihovde; Gaina, Carmen; Mcdermott, Kenneth G.; Ólavsdóttir, Jana (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)
      This study describes the distribution and stratigraphic range of the Upper Palaeozoic–Mesozoic succession in the NE Atlantic region, and is correlated between conjugate margins and along the axis of the NE Atlantic rift ...
    • Ötzi, 30 years on: A reappraisal of the depositional and post-depositional history of the find 

      Pilø, Lars; Reitmaier, Thomas; Fischer, Andrea; Barrett, James; Nesje, Atle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      When Ötzi, the Iceman, was found in a gully in the Tisenjoch pass in the Tyrolean Alps in 1991, he was a huge surprise for the archaeological community. The lead initial investigator of the find argued that it was unique, ...
    • PaCTS 1.0: a crowdsourced reporting standard for paleoclimate data 

      Khider, Deborah; Emile-Geay, Julien; McKay, Nicholas P.; Gil, Yolanda; Garijo, Daniel; Ratnakar, Varun; Alonso-Garcia, Montserrat; Bertrand, Sebastien; Bothe, Oliver; Brewer, Peter; Bunn, Andrew G.; Chevalier, Manuel; Comas-Bru, Laia; Csank, Adam; Dassié, Emilie; DeLong, Kristine L.; Felis, Thomas; Francus, Pierre; Frappier, Amy; Gray, William R.; Goring, Simon; Jonkers, Lukas; Kahle, Michael; Kaufman, Darrell S.; Kehrwald, Natalie M.; Martrat, Belen; McGregor, Helen V; Richey, Julie; Schmittner, Andreas; Scroxton, Nick; Sutherland, Elaine K.; Thirumalai, Kaustubh; Allen, Kathryn J.; Arnaud, Fabien; Axford, Yarrow; Barrows, Timothy T.; Bazin, Lucie; Pilaar Birch, Suzanne E.; Bradley, Elizabeth; Bregy, Joshua; Capron, Emilie; Cartapanis, Olivier; Chiang, Hong-Wei; Cobb, Kim M.; Debret, Maxime; Dommain, René; Du, Jianghui; Dyez, Kelsey A.; Emerick, Suellyn; Erb, Michael P.; Falster, Georgina; Finsinger, Walter; Fortier, Daniel; Gauthier, Nicholas; George, Steve; Grimm, Eric C.; Hertzberg, Jennifer; Hibbert, Fiona D.; Hillman, Aubrey; Hobbs, William R; Huber, Matthew; Hughes, Anna L.C.; Jaccard, Samuel L.; Ruan, Jiaoyang; Kienast, Markus; Konecky, Bronwen; Le Roux, Gael; Lyubchich, Vyacheslav; Novello, Valdir F.; Olaka, Lydia; Partin, Judson; Pearce, Christof; Phipps, Steven J.; Pignol, Cecile; Piotrowska, Natalia; Poli, Maria-Serena; Prokopenko, Alexander; Schwank, Franciele; Stepanek, Christian; Swann, George E.A.; Telford, Richard; Thomas, Elizabeth R.; Thomas, Zoe; Truebe, Sarah; Von Gunten, Lucien; Waite, Amanda J.; Weitzel, Nils; Wilhelm, Bruno; Williams, John W.; Williams, Joseph J.; Winstrup, Mai; Zhao, Ning; Zhou, Yuxin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-09)
      The progress of science is tied to the standardization of measurements, instruments, and data. This is especially true in the Big Data age, where analyzing large data volumes critically hinges on the data being standardized. ...
    • Palaeo-productivity record from Norwegian Sea enables North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) reconstruction for the last 8000 years 

      Becker, Lukas; Sejrup, Hans Petter; Hjelstuen, Berit Oline Blihovde; Haflidason, Haflidi; Kjennbakken, Heidi; Werner, Johannes (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      The North Atlantic Oscillation is the dominant atmospheric driver of North Atlantic climate variability with phases corresponding to droughts and cold spells in Europe. Here, we exploit a suggested anti-correlation of North ...
    • Paleoceanographic reconstructions across the Plio-Pleistocene from clumped isotope thermometry 

      Braaten, Anna Hauge (Doctoral thesis, 2023-12-06)
      Bruk av isotopklyngetermometri (Δ47) på foraminiferer er en relativt ny tilnærming for å estimere havtemperaturer tilbake i tid. I motsetning til mange andre paleotermometre gir denne metoden temperaturer som er upåvirket ...
    • Paleoceanography and paleoclimate in the Nordic Seas and the northern North Atlantic during the last 22 000 years 

      Meland, Marius Yddal (Doctoral thesis, 2006-09-01)
      The paleoceanography of the Nordic Seas and the northern North Atlantic during glacial and deglacial times was studied, using oxygen isotopes and Mg/Ca of foraminifera. The specific objectives are listed below: 1) Sea ...
    • Paleoclimate changes inferred from stable isotopes and magnetic properties of organic-rich lake sediments in Arctic Norway 

      Janbu, Aina Dahlø; Paasche, Øyvind; Talbot, Michael R. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011-03-22)
      Stable isotope measures in organic matter are frequently used as indicators of past climate change. Although such analyses can provide valuable information, there is considerable uncertainty associated with studies of ...
    • Paleoenvironmental and diagenetic evolution of the Aptian Pre-Salt succession in Namibe Basin (Onshore Angola) 

      Moragas, Mar; Baqués, Vinyet; Martín-Martín, Juan Diego; Sharp, Ian R.; Lapponi, Fabio; Hunt, David W.; Zeller, Michael; Vergés, Jaume; Messager, Grégoire; Gindre-Chanu, Laurent; Swart, Roger; Machado, Vladimir (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      The Aptian Pre-Salt sedimentary succession cropping out in Cangulo palaeovalley onshore Namibe Basin (Angola) was studied by a combination of field and analytical techniques to constrain the sedimentary and diagenetic ...
    • Paleokarst reservoir modelling - A concept-driven approach 

      Lønøy, Bjarte (Doctoral thesis, 2021-08-20)
      A significant proportion of the world's hydrocarbon production comes from paleokarst reservoirs. Although these reservoirs boast some of the most productive wells in oil history, the recovery factor is relatively low ...
    • Paleomagnetisk bestemmelse av lokale blokkrotasjoner ved Izmir, Tyrkia 

      Maal, Stine Tjomlid (Master thesis, 2010-09-03)
      Dagens Tyrkia ligger midt i sonen hvor den Arabiske- og Afrikanske platen kolliderer med den Eurasiske platen. Kollisjonen har ført til at den Anatoliske mikroplaten blir "presset" vestover, og ut i Egeerhavet, som igjen ...
    • Paleomagnetiske undersøkingar av dei ediacariske Stappogjedde og Mortensnes formasjonane, Varangerhalvøya, Finnmark 

      Osa, Katrine (Master thesis, 2012-05-19)
      Det tilgjengelege paleomagnetiske datagrunnlaget frå Baltica er mangelfullt og knapt i sein neoptroterozoisk tid, og gjev eit forvirrande bilete av paleogeografien til Baltica. Dette har ført til teoriar om raske ...
    • Palynological dating of the upper part of the De Geerdalen Formation on central parts of Spitsbergen and Hopen 

      Ask, Marianne (Master thesis, 2013-05-31)
      The Late Triassic is the most problematic period in terms of resolution and age control. The period spans about 36 million years and consists of three stages - Carnian, Norian and Rhaetian. Only four clusters of radiometric ...
    • Passive seismic recording of cryoseisms in Adventdalen, Svalbard 

      Romeyn, Rowan; Hanssen, Alfred; Ruud, Bent Ole; Stemland, Helene Meling; Johansen, Tor Arne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      A series of transient seismic events were discovered in passive seismic recordings from 2-D geophone arrays deployed at a frost polygon site in Adventdalen, Svalbard. These events contain a high proportion of surface wave ...
    • The Patos-Pernambuco shear system of NE Brazil: Partitioned intracontinental transcurrent deformation revealed by enhanced aeromagnetic data 

      Fossen, Haakon; Harris, Lyal B.; Cavalcante, Carolina; Archanjo, Carlos José; Ávila, Carlos F. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      The Neoproterozoic-Cambrian (Brasiliano) intracontinental Patos-Pernambuco shear system is developed in Archean to Neoproterozoic crust, reactivating rift margins N of the São Francisco Craton. We here use enhanced ...
    • Permian-Triassic tectonic-stratigraphic evolution of the Stord Basin, northern North Sea 

      Ågotnes, Synne Skaar (Master thesis, 2016-08-19)
      The Stord Basin is one of the less explored areas of the northern North Sea, hence the Permian- Triassic tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the basin is not well known. This MSc thesis aims to use available 2D seismic and ...
    • Persistence of arctic-alpine flora during 24,000 years of environmental change in the Polar Urals 

      Clarke, Charlotte, L.; Edwards, Mary, E.; Gielly, L; Ehrich, Dorothee; Hughes, P.D.M.; Morozova, L.M.; Haflidason, Haflidi; Mangerud, Jan; Svendsen, John-Inge; Alsos, Inger Greve (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-12-23)
      Plants adapted to extreme conditions can be at high risk from climate change; arctic-alpine plants, in particular, could “run out of space” as they are out-competed by expansion of woody vegetation. Mountain regions could ...