Now showing items 691-710 of 1050

    • The post-Caledonian history of the Røldal Shear Zone (SW Norway): an apatite fission track study 

      Hermansen, Camilla (Master thesis, 2015-04-27)
      The post-Caledonian tectonic history and landscape evolution of southwestern Norway is not very well understood and therefore the subject of an ongoing debate. The lack of onshore post-Devonian sediments makes the study ...
    • The post-Caledonian tectono-thermal evolution of Western Norway 

      Hestnes, Åse (Doctoral thesis, 2023-06-19)
      En riftet kontinentalmargin viser ofte et karakteristisk landskap som domineres av høye og flate fjell som er separert fra en lavtliggende kyststripe av en tydelig skrent. Mye av vår nåværende forståelse av disse områdene ...
    • Postglacial mass movements and depositional environments in a high-latitude fjord system – Hardangerfjorden, Western Norway 

      Bellwald, Benjamin; Hjelstuen, Berit Oline Blihovde; Sejrup, Hans Petter; Haflidason, Haflidi (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-09)
      High resolution acoustic data and a 15.7 m long sediment core from the Hardangerfjorden system, western Norway, have been analyzed to increase our knowledge on depositional environments, submarine mass movement trigger ...
    • Postglacial species arrival and diversity buildup of northern ecosystems took millennia 

      Alsos, Inger Greve; Rijal, Dilli Prasad; Ehrich, Dorothee; Karger, Dirk Nikolaus; Yoccoz, Nigel; Heintzman, Peter D.; Brown, Antony; Lammers, Youri; Pellissier, Loïc; Alm, Torbjørn; Bråthen, Kari Anne; Coissac, Eric; Merkel, Marie Føreid; Alberti, Adriana; Denoeud, France; Bakke, Jostein (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      What drives ecosystem buildup, diversity, and stability? We assess species arrival and ecosystem changes across 16 millennia by combining regional-scale plant sedimentary ancient DNA from Fennoscandia with near-complete ...
    • Postglasiale sedimentære prosesser og avsetningsmiljø i Skagerrak 

      Bergeland, Jørgen Isachsen (Master thesis, 2015-11-30)
      Målet med denne studien har vært å kartlegge og studere avsetninger i Skagerrak og sørøstlige deler av Norskerenna for å gi et innblikk i den postglasiale utviklingen mot et moderne sedimentasjonsmønster. I tillegg er ...
    • Potential and limitation of 230Th-excess as a chronostratigraphic tool for late Quaternary Arctic Ocean sediment studies: An example from the Southern Lomonosov Ridge 

      Purcell, Karl Guy Romeo; Hillaire-Marcel, Claude; de Vernal, Anne; Ghaleb, Bassam; Stein, Ruediger (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Recently, the use of “extinction ages” of excesses in U-series isotopes (230Thxs, 231Paxs) has been proposed for the setting of benchmark ages of up to ~350 and ~150 ka, respectively, in late Quaternary marine records from ...
    • The potential of sedimentary ancient DNA for reconstructingpast sea ice evolution 

      De Schepper, Stijn; Ray, Jessica Louise; Skaar, Katrine Sandnes; Sadatzki, Henrik; Ijaz, Umer Zeeshan; Stein, Ruediger; Larsen, Aud (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-06-24)
      Sea ice is a crucial component of the Arctic climate system, yet the tools to document the evolution of sea ice conditions onhistorical and geological time scales are few and have limitations. Such records are essential ...
    • Potential secondary events caused by early Holocene paleoearthquakes in Fennoscandia – a climate-related review 

      Eldholm, Olav; Bungum, Hilmar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      During the last deglaciation of Fennoscandia, large earthquakes may have induced secondary effects on the high-latitude coastal regions and continental margins primarily from surface rock avalanches, large and small submarine ...
    • Potential Use of Time-Lapse Surface Seismics for Monitoring Thawing of the Terrestrial Arctic 

      Stemland, Helene Meling; Johansen, Tor Arne; Ruud, Bent Ole (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      The terrestrial Arctic is warming rapidly, causing changes in the degree of freezing of the upper sediments, which the mechanical properties of unconsolidated sediments strongly depend upon. This study investigates the ...
    • Pre-existing intra-basement shear zones on the development of non-colinear rift fault network, Utsira High – Heimdal Terrace, North Sea 

      Osagiede, Edoseghe Edwin; Rotevatn, Atle; Gawthorpe, Rob; Kristensen, Thomas Berg; Jackson, Christopher; Marsh, Nicola (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Pre-existing intra-basement shear zones can induce mechanical and rheological heterogeneities that may influence rifting and the overall geometry of rift-related normal faults. However, the extent to which physical and ...
    • Precessional Cyclicity of Seawater Pb Isotopes in the Late Miocene Mediterranean 

      Modestou, Sevasti Eleni; Gutjahr, Marcus; van der Schee, Marlies; Ellam, Rob; Flecker, Rachel (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-12)
      Astronomical tuning in the Mediterranean region is primarily based on organically‐mediated proxies, such as cyclicity of organic rich layers or changes in foraminiferal assemblages. Both during and post deposition, organic ...
    • Present day Jakobshavn Isbræ close to the Holocene minimum extent 

      Kajanto, Karita Anneli; Seroussi, Hélène; de Fleurian, Basile; Nisancioglu, Kerim Hestnes (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Marine terminating glaciers evolve on millenial timescales in response to changes in oceanic and atmospheric conditions. However, the relative role of oceanic and atmospheric drivers remains uncertain. The evolution of ...
    • Preserved eolian bedforms control reservoir heterogeneity: Characterization and modeling workflow for the Avilé Member, Neuquén Basin, Argentina 

      Arguello Scotti, Agustin; Matías, Mortaloni; Martino, Luis; Veiga, Gonzalo Diego; Mayoral, Joaquín Pérez (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Under certain conditions, most commonly abrupt flooding events, entire eolian bedforms can be incorporated into the geological record. Sediment that was essentially ‘in transport’ within these bedforms at the time of ...
    • Prestack inversion and multiattribute analysis for porosity, shale volume, and sand probability in the Havert Formation of the Goliat field, southwest Barents Sea 

      Yenwongfai, Honore Dzekamelive; Mondol, Nazmul Haque; Faleide, Jan Inge; Lecomte, Isabelle; Leutscher, Johan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017-08)
      An integrated innovative multidisciplinary approach has been used to estimate effective porosity (PHIE), shale volume (Vsh), and sand probability from prestack angle gathers and petrophysical well logs within the Lower ...
    • Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Analysis (PTHA): multiple sources and global applications 

      Grezio, Anita; Babeyko, Andrey; Baptista, Maria Ana; Behrens, Jörn; Costa, Antonio; Davies, Gareth; Geist, Eric; Glimsdal, Sylfest; Gonzáles, Frank; Griffin, Jonathan; Harbitz, Carl Bonnevie; LeVeque, Randall J.; Lorito, Stefano; Løvholt, Finn; Omira, Rachid; Mueller, Christof; Paris, Raphaël; Parsons, Tom; Polet, Jascha; Power, William; Selva, Jacopo; Sørensen, Mathilde B.; Thio, Hong Kie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017-12)
      Applying probabilistic methods to infrequent but devastating natural events is intrinsically challenging. For tsunami analyses, a suite of geophysical assessments should be in principle evaluated because of the different ...
    • Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard and Risk Analysis: A Review of Research Gaps 

      Behrens, Jörn; Løvholt, Finn; Jalayer, Fatemeh; Lorito, Stefano; Salgado-Gálvez, Mario A.; Sørensen, Mathilde Bøttger; Abadie, Stephane; Aguirre-Ayerbe, Ignacio; Aniel-Quiroga, Iñigo; Babeyko, Andrey; Baiguera, Marco; Basili, Roberto; Belliazzi, Stefano; Grezio, Anita; Johnson, Kendra; Murphy, Shane; Paris, Raphaël; Rafliana, Irina; De Risi, Raffaele; Rossetto, Tiziana; Selva, Jacopo; Taroni, Matteo; Del Zoppo, Marta; Armigliato, Alberto; Bureš, Vladimír; Cech, Pavel; Cecioni, Claudia; Christodoulides, Paul; Davies, Gareth; Dias, Frédéric; Bayraktar, Hafize Başak; González, Mauricio; Gritsevich, Maria; Guillas, Serge; Harbitz, Carl Bonnevie; Kânoǧlu, Utku; Macías, Jorge; Papadopoulos, Gerassimos A.; Polet, Jascha; Romano, Fabrizio; Salamon, Amos; Scala, Antonio; Stepinac, Mislav; Tappin, David R.; Thio, Hong Kie; Tonini, Roberto; Triantafyllou, Ioanna; Ulrich, Thomas; Varini, Elisa; Volpe, Manuela; Vyhmeister, Eduardo (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Tsunamis are unpredictable and infrequent but potentially large impact natural disasters. To prepare, mitigate and prevent losses from tsunamis, probabilistic hazard and risk analysis methods have been developed and have ...
    • Processes Prior and during the Early 18th Century Irish Famines—Weather Extremes and Migration 

      Engler, Steven; Werner, Johannes (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-12-10)
      This paper advances the current debates on famine and famine history, with a focus on the first half of the 18th century in Ireland. Ireland was often hit by severe famines and two of them, specifically the famines of ...
    • Processing and Interpretation of Multichannel Seismic Data from Isfjorden, Svalbard 

      Asghar, Abrar (Master thesis, 2011-11-20)
      This research project is based on the processing and interpretation of nine 2D multichannel seismic profiles from Isfjorden, acquired in 2008, 2009 and 2010 by the University of Bergen. The first part of the thesis describes ...
    • Processing and Interpretation of Multichannel Seismic Data from Van Mijenfjorden, Svalbard 

      Knudsen, Eric Willgohs (Master thesis, 2015-05-31)
      This work was done based on 10 multichannel seismic lines from Van Mijenfjorden, collected during Svalex in 2013 and 2014-. The objective of the thesis is twofold: 1. In the first part processing is done where emphasis has ...
    • Processing and interpretation of multichannel seismic data from Van Mijenfjorden, Svalbard 

      Nasseri, Maryam (Master thesis, 2011-10-23)
      This work was done based on 19 seismic lines from Van Mijenfjorden, collected during Svalex in 2007 and 2008. In the first part of the thesis the seismic data, with particular emphasis on removal of seabed multiples have ...