• A conjugate fault revealed by the destructive Mw 5.6 (November 21, 2022) Cianjur earthquake, West Java, Indonesia 

      Supendi, Pepen; Winder, Tom; Rawlinson, Nicholas; Bacon, Conor Andrew; Palgunadi, Kadek Hendrawan; Simanjuntak, Andrean; Kurniawan, Andri; Widiyantoro, Sri; Nugraha, Andri Dian; Shiddiqi, Hasbi Ash; Ardianto, NN; Daryono, NN; Adi, Suko Prayitno; Karnawati, Dwikorita; Priyobudi, NN; Marliyani, Gayatri Indah; Imran, Iswandi; Jatnika, Jajat (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      On 21 November 2022, a destructive earthquake (Mw 5.6) struck Cianjur, West Java, Indonesia, resulting in at least 321 deaths, damage to 47,000 buildings, and economic losses of up to 7.7 trillion Indonesian Rupiahs (∼US ...
    • On the potential for megathrust earthquakes and tsunamis off the southern coast of West Java and southeast Sumatra, Indonesia 

      Supendi, Pepen; Widiyantoro, Sri; Rawlinson, Nicholas; Yatimantoro, Tatok; Muhari, Abdul; Hanifa, Nuraini Rahma; Gunawan, Endra; Shiddiqi, Hasbi Ash; Imran, Iswandi; Anugrah, Suci Dewi; Daryono, Daryono; Prayitno, Bambang Setyo; Adi, Suko Prayitno; Karnawati, Dwikorita; Faizal, Lutfi; Damanik, Ruben (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      High seismicity rates in and around West Java and Sumatra occur as a result of the Indo-Australian plate converging with and subducting beneath the Sunda plate. Large megathrust events associated with this process likely ...