• A Highly Depleted and Subduction-Modified Mantle Beneath the Slow-Spreading Mohns Ridge 

      Bjerga, Anders; Stubseid, Håvard Hallås; Pedersen, Leif-Erik Rydland; Beinlich, Andreas Michael; Pedersen, Rolf B. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      The Mohns Ridge is a very slow-spreading ridge that, together with the Knipovich Ridge, marks the boundary between the North American and Eurasian plates in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea. In this study, we report the major ...
    • Mapping Microbial Abundance and Prevalence to Changing Oxygen Concentration in Deep-Sea Sediments Using Machine Learning and Differential Abundance 

      Møller, Tor Einar; Moine-Bauer, Sven Le; Hannisdal, Bjarte; Zhao, Rui; Baumberger, Tamara; Roerdink, Desiree Lisette; Dupuis, Amandine; Thorseth, Ingunn Hindenes; Pedersen, Rolf B.; Jørgensen, Steffen Leth (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Oxygen constitutes one of the strongest factors explaining microbial taxonomic variability in deep-sea sediments. However, deep-sea microbiome studies often lack the spatial resolution to study the oxygen gradient and ...
    • Radiation damage allows identification of truly inherited zircon 

      Bjerga, Anders; Stubseid, Håvard Hallås; Pedersen, Leif-Erik Rydland; Pedersen, Rolf B. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Many studies have reported U-Pb dates of zircon that are older than the igneous rocks that contain them, and they are therefore thought to be inherited from older rock complexes. Their presence has profound geodynamic ...
    • Trace Element and Sulfur Isotope Signatures of Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide (VMS) Mineralization: A Case Study from the Sunnhordland Area in SW Norway 

      Strmic Palinkas, Sabina; Fjellet, Trond; Stubseid, Håvard Hallås; Liu, Xuan; Spangenberg, Jorge E.; Čobić, Andrea; Pedersen, Rolf B. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024-04-07)
      The Sunnhordland area in SW Norway hosts more than 100 known mineral occurrences, mostly of volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) and orogeny Au types. The VMS mineralization is hosted by plutonic, volcanic and sedimentary ...
    • Upper cretaceous-paleogene stratigraphy and development of the Mímir High, Vøring transform margin, Norwegian Sea 

      Polteau, Stephane; Planke, Sverre; Zastrozhnov, Dmitrii; Abdelmalak, Mohamed Mansour; Lebedeva-Ivanova, Nina; Eckhoff Planke, Ellen; Svensen, Henrik; Mazzini, Adriano; Gernigon, Laurent; Myklebust, Reidun; Kjølhamar, Bent; Pedersen, Rolf B.; Sandstå, Nils Rune; Bünz, Stefan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Transform margins represent strike-slip type of plate boundaries that form during continental breakup and initial ocean opening. They are often characterized by margin-parallel highs with exposed pre- and syn-rift sequences. ...
    • Volcanic evolution of an ultraslow-spreading ridge 

      Stubseid, Håvard Hallås; Bjerga, Anders; Haflidason, Haflidi; Pedersen, Leif-Erik Rydland; Pedersen, Rolf B. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Nearly 30% of ocean crust forms at mid-ocean ridges where the spreading rate is less than 20 mm per year. According to the seafloor spreading paradigm, oceanic crust forms along a narrow axial zone and is transported away ...