Browsing Department of Chemistry by Title
Now showing items 21-40 of 542
Alkyl-phenanthrenes in early life stage fish: differential toxicity in Atlantic haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) embryos
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Tricyclic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are believed to be the primary toxic components of crude oil. Such compounds including phenanthrene are known to have direct effects on cardiac tissue, which lead to ... -
Alkylation of TEB Acetylide Using Tosylates
(Master thesis, 2018-12-19)Alkylated products of 3,3,4,4-tetraethoxybut-1-yne (TEB) where prepared from alkylation of the TEB acetylide with a selection of alkyl tosylates, obtained by tosylation of the corresponding tosylates, and alkyl iodides in ... -
Alkylfenolers innvirkning på glyserofosfolipidmembraner og kolesterol i torskehjerne
(Master thesis, 2003)Oljeindustrien slipper ut store mengder produsert vann, som inneholder flere potensielle giftstoffer, blant annet alkylfenoler. Det ble tidlig vist at alkylfenoler kan ha skadelig virkning, særlig på grunn av østrogenhermende ... -
Amino-Functionalised Pillared-Layered Metal-Organic Frameworks: Characterisation and Selective Adsorption Properties
(Master thesis, 2021-06-01)Materials technology, with the focus of discovery of new materials which are tailor-designed with a very particular set of properties suitable for application, has provided essential developments for the modern society ... -
Analyse av antocyaner i bjørnebær (Rubus fruticosus)
(Master thesis, 2010)Tema for denne oppgaven er analyse av antocyaner i bjørnebær. Antocyaner er naturlige pigmenter som gir opphav til farger varierende fra oransje og rød til fiolette og blå i blomster, frukt og andre planter (Melo et al. ... -
Analyse av forbindelser av høymolekylær vekt i pollen ved bruk av termokjemolyse-GC-MS og FT-IR
(Master thesis, 2016-11-21)Organisk materiale inneholder komplekse polymerer med høy molekylvekt og stor kjemisk stabilitet, som det er vanskelig å analysere med tradisjonelle metoder. Termokjemolyse er en teknikk som kan omdanne de komplekse ... -
Analyse og derivatisering av fenolar i biooljer
(Master thesis, 2011-06-01)Dagens samfunn er i stor grad avhengige av fossile brensel for å kunne fungere, og med fleire folkerike land i rask økonomisk vekst, er det venta at forbruket av fossile brensel vil auke ytterlegare i åra framover. Dette ... -
Analysemetoder anvendt på antocyaner
(Master thesis, 2001) -
Analysis and Simulation of Polymer Injectivity Test in a High Temperature High Salinity Carbonate Reservoir
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021-05-27)Polymer flooding has gained much interest within the oil industry in the past few decades as one of the most successful chemical enhanced oil recovery (CEOR) methods. The injectivity of polymer solutions in porous media ... -
An Analysis of CO2, CH4 and Mixed CO2-CH4 Gas Hydrates: Experimental Phase Equilibria Measurements and Simulations with State-of-the-Art Software
(Master thesis, 2014-06-14)The enormous amount of CH4 trapped in gas hydrates has led to a growing focus on gas hydrates as a potential future energy source. One of the proposed methods for the production of CH4 from these deposits, is to exchange ... -
Analysis of DCE-MRI data from patients with endometrial cancer
(Master thesis, 2023-06-02) -
Analysis of Fatty Acids by High Performance Liquid Chromatography and Electrospray Ionization-Mass Spectrometry
(Master thesis, 2019-09-28)Fatty acids (FA) have been traditionally analyzed by gas chromatography (GC) as fatty acids methyl esters (FAME) and more recently using mass spectrometry (MS) detection. Since high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) ... -
Analysis of Polymer Injectivity in Porous Media
(Doctoral thesis, 2021-07-01)Polymers are chemical substances that occur both naturally or synthesized and consist of large macromolecules. They are created by the process of polymerization of many smaller molecules also known as monomers. Due to their ... -
Analysis of polyphenolic content in marine and aquatic angiosperms from Norwegian coastal waters
(Doctoral thesis, 2018-04-26)In this work, the polyphenolic content in extracts of Zostera marina L., Zostera noltii Hornemann, Ruppia cirrhosa (Petagna) Grande and Ruppia maritima L. from Norwegian coastal waters was characterized for the first time. ... -
Analysis of Polyphenols from Laminaria hyperborea for application as Life Science ingredients
(Doctoral thesis, 2023-09-01)Makroalger, også kjent som tang og tare, er anerkjent som en verdifull kilde til bioaktive forbindelser. Av disse har polyfenoler fått særlig oppmerksomhet. Polyfenoler har blitt assosiert med en rekke helsefordeler, og ... -
Analysis of the flavonoids and phenolics found in the marine angiosperm Plantago maritima collected in Norway
(Master thesis, 2023-05-11)This master project has a focus on extraction, separation and identification of flavonoids and other phenolic compounds in Plantago maritima. Previously in Norway there has only been done one small pilot study (bachelor ... -
Analysis of the FLVR motif of SHIP1 and its importance for the protein stability of SH2 containing signaling proteins
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Binding of proteins with SH2 domains to tyrosine-phosphorylated signaling proteins is a key mechanism for transmission of biological signals within the cell. Characterization of dysregulated proteins in cell signaling ... -
Analysis of the marine sponge Pachymatisma normani
(Master thesis, 2020-06-12)Marine sponges are evolutionary some of the oldest multicellular organisms on earth and have in the last few decades attracted an increasing amount of attention. Sponges are simple filter feeders that host symbiotic ... -
Analytisk karakterisering av asfaltener felt ut ved forskjellige betingelsar frå Athabasca bitumen
(Master thesis, 2014-05-30)Bitumen inneheld organiske sambindingar kor nokre har polare strukturelle trekk som varierar i oppbygnad, eigenskapar og molekylmasse. Dei største og mest polare av desse sambindingane blir under ein samlebetegnelse kalla ...