• Sequential Monte Carlo Methods in Practice 

      Lamo, Eivind Mathias (Master thesis, 2023-11-27)
      With the continuous increase in computational power, sequential Monte Carlo methods have emerged as an efficient technique for estimating unknown data in a world consisting of nonlinearity and non-Gaussianity. In this ...
    • Sequential multilevel assimilation of inverted seismic data 

      Nezhadali, Mohammad; Bhakta, Tuhin; Fossum, Kristian; Mannseth, Trond (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      We consider estimation of absolute permeability from inverted seismic data. Large amounts of simultaneous data, such as inverted seismic data, enhance the negative effects of Monte Carlo errors in ensemble-based Data ...
    • Sequestration of Carbon in Saline Aquifers Mathematical and Numerical Analysis 

      Nordbotten, Jan Martin (Doctoral thesis, 2004-04-30)
      The work in this thesis focuses equally on two main topics. The first of these subjects deals with development of criteria for monotonicity of con- trol volume methods. These methods are important and frequently used for ...
    • Severi varieties on blow-ups of the symmetric square of an elliptic curve 

      Ciliberto, Ciro; Dedieu, Thomas; Galati, Concettina; Knutsen, Andreas Leopold (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      We prove that certain Severi varieties of nodal curves of positive genus on general blow-ups of the twofold symmetric product of a general elliptic curve are nonempty and smooth of the expected dimension. This result, ...
    • Sexual dimorphism in the familial aggregation of tinnitus 

      Trpchevska, Natalia; Bulla, Jan; Prada Hellberg, Matilda; Edvall, Niklas K.; Lazar, Andra; Mehraei, Golbarg; Uhlen, Inger; Schlee, Winfried; Canlon, Barbara; Gallus, Silvano; Lopez-Escamez, Jose Antonio; Cederroth, Christopher R (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-11)
      Twin and adoption studies point towards a genetic contribution to tinnitus; however, how the genetic risk applies to different forms of tinnitus is poorly understood. Here, we perform a familial aggregation study and ...
    • Shift modules, strongly stable ideals, and their dualities 

      Fløystad, Gunnar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      We enrich the setting of strongly stable ideals (SSI): We introduce shift modules, a module category encompassing SSIs. The recently introduced duality on SSIs is given an effective conceptual and computational setting. ...
    • Ship wave patterns on floating ice sheets 

      Johnsen, Kristoffer; Kalisch, Henrik; Părău, Emilian I. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      This paper aims to explore the response of a floating icesheet to a load moving in a curved path. We investigate the effect of turning on the wave patterns and strain distribution, and explore scenarios where turning ...
    • The Sibling Distribution for Multivariate Life Time Data 

      Helgøy, Ingvild Margrethe; Skaug, Hans Julius (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      A flexible class of multivariate distributions for continuous lifetimes is proposed. The distribution is defined in terms of the age-at-death of m siblings. The expression for the joint density is derived using classical ...
    • Sigma coordinate pressure gradient errors and the basin problem 

      Ness, Borghild (Master thesis, 2010-04-15)
      This work will focus on how the internal pressure gradient errors affect the numerical instability in idealised ocean basins. The nature of the errors will be investigated and discussed. First, in Chapter 1, the ocean model ...
    • A simple wavelet-based test for serial correlation in panel data models 

      Li, Yushu; Andersson, Fredrik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Hong and Kao (2004) proposed a class of general applicable wavelet-based tests for serial correlation of unknown form in the residuals from a panel regression model. The tests can be applied to both static and dynamic panel ...
    • Simplified energy landscape for modularity using total variation 

      Boyd, Zachary; Bae, Egil; Tai, Xue-Cheng; Bertozzi, Andrea L. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)
      Networks capture pairwise interactions between entities and are frequently used in applications such as social networks, food networks, and protein interaction networks, to name a few. Communities, cohesive groups of nodes, ...
    • Simplified models for numerical simulation of geological CO2 storage 

      Andersen, Odd (Doctoral thesis, 2017-02-03)
      Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a proposed strategy to reduce global emissions of greenhouse-gases. The basic principle is to capture CO2 from power generation or other industrial activities and inject it into deep ...
    • Simulating spatial and temporal varying CO2 signals from sources at the seafloor to help designing risk-based monitoring programs 

      Ali, Alfatih Omer Mohammed Ahmed; Frøysa, Håvard G; Avlesen, Helge; Alendal, Guttorm (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-01)
      Risk-based monitoring requires quantification of the probability of the design to detect the potentially adverse events. A component in designing the monitoring program will be to predict the varying signal caused by an ...
    • Simulation of 3D hydrothermal circulation and application to faulted oceanic ridge systems 

      Jacobsen, Ingrid Kristine (Master thesis, 2022-06-01)
      Hydrothermal circulation in locations close to oceanic spreading ridges gives dissolved minerals from the crustal rock a chance to reach the seafloor. Temperature is increasing steadily with depth, heating water which ...
    • Simulation of Flow and Mechanics in the Brain 

      Skoglund, Nadia Emilie (Master thesis, 2019-06-15)
    • Simulation of fracture slip and propagation in hydraulic stimulation of geothermal reservoirs 

      Dang, Hau Trung (Doctoral thesis, 2023-09-01)
      Rollen til hydraulisk stimulering i å øke produksjonen fra geotermiske reservoarer, og muliggjøre kommersiell utnyttelse av et større spekter av geotermiske ressurser, har fått økt oppmerksomhet de siste tiårene. Under ...
    • Simulation of injection-induced deformation for a stimulation experiment at the Grimsel underground laboratory 

      Ervik, Haakon Ludvig Langeland (Master thesis, 2020-11-06)
      Numerical models have increasingly become important tools to complement planning, testing, and implementation of technologies and strategies for geothermal reservoir projects in basement and crystalline igneous rock. Access ...
    • Simulation of Reactive Transport in Fractured Porous Media 

      Banshoya, Shin Irgens; Berre, Inga; Keilegavlen, Eirik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Numerical simulations of reactive transport in fractured porous media require the solution of coupled physical and chemical processes that depend on the fractures. Such coupled processes are described by a system of nonlinear ...
    • A Simulation Study of Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Binary Regression with Applications to Norwegian Intensive Care Registry Data 

      Nygaard, Ellisif (Master thesis, 2019-01-31)
      When using statistical methods to fit a model, the consensus is that it is possible to represent a complex reality in the form of a simpler model. It is helpful to systematically measure a model’s ability to capture the ...
    • A simulation workflow for large-scale CO2 storage in the Norwegian North Sea 

      Lie, Knut-Andreas; Nilsen, Halvor Møll; Andersen, Odd; Møyner, Olav (Journal article, 2016-06)
      Large-scale CO2 injection problems have revived the interest in simple models, like percolation and vertically-averaged models, for simulating fluid flow in reservoirs and aquifers. A series of such models have been collected ...