• Occupational issues of adults with ADHD 

      Adamou, Marios; Arif, Muhammad; Asherson, Philip; Aw, Tar-Ching; Bolea, Blanca; Coghill, David; Guðjónsson, Gísli; Halmøy, Anne; Hodgkins, Paul; Müller, Ulrich; Pitts, Mark; Trakoli, Anna; Williams, Nerys; Young, Susan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013-02-17)
      Background: ADHD is a common neurodevelopmental disorder that persists into adulthood. Its symptoms cause impairments in a number of social domains, one of which is employment. We wish to produce a consensus statement on ...
    • OLS Client and OLS Dialog: Open source tools to annotate public omics datasets 

      Perez-Riverol, Yasset; Ternent, Tobias; Koch, Maximilian; Barsnes, Harald; Vrousgou, Olga; Jupp, Simon; Vizcaíno, Juan Antonio (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)
      The availability of user‐friendly software to annotate biological datasets and experimental details is becoming essential in data management practices, both in local storage systems and in public databases. The Ontology ...
    • On the Effect of DCE MRI Slice Thickness and Noise on Estimated Pharmacokinetic Biomarkers – A Simulation Study 

      Jurek, Jakub; Reisæter, Lars Anders Rokne; Kocinski, Marek; Materka, Andrzej (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Simulation of a dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE MRI) multiple sclerosis brain dataset is described. The simulated images in the implemented version have 1×1×1mm3 voxel resolution and arbitrary ...
    • Oncolytic H-1 parvovirus binds to sialic acid on laminins for cell attachment and entry 

      Kulkarni, Amit; Ferreira, Tiago; Bretscher, Clemens; Grewenig, Annabel; El-Andaloussi, Nazim; Bonifati, Serena; Marttila, Tiina; Palissot, Valèrie; Hossain, Jubayer A.; Azuaje, Francisco; Miletic, Hrvoje; Ystaas, Lars Andreas Rømo; Golebiewska, Anna; Niclou, Simone Pierrette; Roeth, Ralf; Niesler, Beate; Weiss, Amélie; Brino, Laurent; Marchini, Antonio (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      H-1 parvovirus (H-1PV) is a promising anticancer therapy. However, in-depth understanding of its life cycle, including the host cell factors needed for infectivity and oncolysis, is lacking. This understanding may guide ...
    • Oncolytic H-1 Parvovirus Hijacks Galectin-1 to Enter Cancer Cells 

      Ferreira, Tiago; Kulkarni, Amit; Bretscher, Clemens; Nazarov, Petr V.; Hossain, Md Jubayer al; Ystaas, Lars Andreas Rømo; Miletic, Hrvoje; Röth, Ralph; Niesler, Beate; Marchini, Antonio (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Clinical studies in glioblastoma and pancreatic carcinoma patients strongly support the further development of H-1 protoparvovirus (H-1PV)-based anticancer therapies. The identification of cellular factors involved in the ...
    • One ring closer to a closure: the crystal structure of the ES<inf>3</inf> hydroxymethylbilane synthase intermediate 

      Bustad, Helene J.; Sæter, Marthe Christie; Laitaoja, Mikko; Aarsand, Aasne Karine; Martinez, Aurora; Jänis, Janne; Kallio, Juha Pekka (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Hydroxymethylbilane synthase (HMBS), involved in haem biosynthesis, catalyses the head-to-tail coupling of four porphobilinogens (PBGs) via a dipyrromethane (DPM) cofactor. DPM is composed of two PBGs, and a hexapyrrole ...
    • Online interactive analysis of protein structure ensembles with Bio3D-web 

      Skjærven, Lars; Jariwala, Shashank; Yao, Xin-Qiu; Grant, Barry J. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-11)
      Bio3D-web is an online application for analyzing the sequence, structure and conformational heterogeneity of protein families. Major functionality is provided for identifying protein structure sets for analysis, their ...
    • Oral microbiome in a general population - The influence of sample site and sampling method 

      Jensen, Tuva Norderud (Master thesis, 2023-08-02)
      Oral microbiome profiles reflect the sample types and methodology used to investigate them. The composition of microbes in the oral cavity is site specific. It can also vary due to differences in how a site is sampled. ...
    • An overview of deep learning in medical imaging focusing on MRI 

      Lundervold, Alexander Selvikvåg; Lundervold, Arvid (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-12-13)
      What has happened in machine learning lately, and what does it mean for the future of medical image analysis? Machine learning has witnessed a tremendous amount of attention over the last few years. The current boom started ...
    • An overview on G protein-coupled receptor-induced signal transduction in acute myeloid leukemia 

      Selheim, Frode; Aasebø, Elise; Ribas, Catalina; Aragay, Anna M. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Background: Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) is a genetically heterogeneous disease characterized by uncontrolled proliferation of precursor myeloid-lineage cells in the bone marrow. AML is also characterized by patients with ...
    • Oxygen-dependent regulation of tumor growth and metastasis in human breast cancer xenografts 

      Sletta, Kristine Yttersian; Tveitarås, Maria Kathrine; Lu, Ning; Svendsen, Agnete; Reed, Rolf K.; Garmann-Johnsen, Annette; Stuhr, Linda Elin Birkhaug (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017-08-23)
      Background: Tumor hypoxia is relevant for tumor growth, metabolism, resistance to chemotherapy and metastasis. We have previously shown that hyperoxia, using hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBOT), attenuates tumor growth and ...
    • The Pah-R261Q mouse reveals oxidative stress associated with amyloid-like hepatic aggregation of mutant phenylalanine hydroxylase 

      Aubi Catevilla, Oscar; Prestegård, Karina Skjervheim; K C, Kunwar Jung; Shi, Tie-Jun; Ying, Ming; Grindheim, Ann Kari; Scherer, Tanja; Ulvik, Arve; McCann, Adrian; Spriet, Endy; Thöny, Beat; Martinez, Aurora (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Phenylketonuria (PKU) is caused by autosomal recessive variants in phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH), leading to systemic accumulation of L-phenylalanine (L-Phe) that may reach neurotoxic levels. A homozygous Pah-R261Q mouse, ...
    • The Parkinson's-disease-associated mutation LRRK2-G2019S alters dopaminergic differentiation dynamics via NR2F1 

      Walter, Jonas; Bolognin, Silvia; Poovathingal, Suresh K.; Magni, Stefano; Gérard, Deborah; Antony, Paul M. A.; Nickels, Sarah L.; Salamanca, Luis; Berger, Emanuel; Smits, Lisa M.; Grzyb, Kamil; Perfeito, Rita; Hoel, Fredrik; Qing, Xiaobing; Ohnmacht, Jochen; Bertacchi, Michele; Jarazo, Javier; Ignac, Tomasz; Monzel, Anna S.; Gonzalez-Cano, Laura; Krüger, Rejko; Sauter, Thomas; Studer, Michèle; Pereira de Almeida, Luis; Tronstad, Karl Johan; Sinkkonen, Lasse; Skupin, Alexander; Schwamborn, Jens C. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Increasing evidence suggests that neurodevelopmental alterations might contribute to increase the susceptibility to develop neurodegenerative diseases. We investigate the occurrence of developmental abnormalities in ...
    • PARP14 is a PARP with both ADP-ribosyl transferase and hydrolase activities 

      Đukić, Nina; Strømland, Øyvind; Elsborg, Jonas Damgaard; Munnur, Deeksha; Zhu, Kang; Schuller, Marion; Chatrin, Chatrin; Kar, Pulak; Duma, Lena; Suyari, Osamu; Rack, Johannes Gregor Matthias; Baretić, Domagoj; Crudgington, Dorian Richard Kenneth; Groslambert, Joséphine; Fowler, Gerissa; Wijngaarden, Sven; Prokhorova, Evgeniia; Rehwinkel, Jan; Schüler, Herwig; Filippov, Dmitri V.; Sanyal, Sumana; Ahel, Dragana; Nielsen, Michael L.; Smith, Rebecca; Ahel, Ivan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      PARP14 is a mono–ADP-ribosyl transferase involved in the control of immunity, transcription, and DNA replication stress management. However, little is known about the ADP-ribosylation activity of PARP14, including its ...
    • Patient-derived organoids and orthotopic xenografts of primary and recurrent gliomas represent relevant patient avatars for precision oncology 

      Golebiewska, Anna; Hau, Ann-Christin; Oudin, Anaïs; Stieber, Daniel; Yabo, Yahaya A.; Baus, Virginie; Barthelemy, Vanessa; Klein, Eliane; Bougnaud, Sébastien; Keunen, Olivier; Wantz, May; Michelucci, Alessandro; Neirinckx, Virginie; Muller, Arnaud; Kaoma, Tony; Nazarov, Petr V.; Azuaje, Francisco; De Falco, Alfonso; Flies, Ben; Richart, Lorraine; Poovathingal, Suresh K; Arns, Thais; Grzyb, Kamil; Mock, Andreas; Herold-Mende, Christel; Steino, Anne; Brown, Dennis; May, Patrick; Miletic, Hrvoje; Malta, Tathiane M.; Noushmehr, Houtan; Kwon, Yong-Jun; Jahn, Winnie; Klink, Barbara; Tanner, Georgette; Stead, Lucy F.; Mittelbronn, Michel; Skupin, Alexander; Hertel, Frank; Bjerkvig, Rolf; Niclou, Simone Pierrette (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Patient-based cancer models are essential tools for studying tumor biology and for the assessment of drug responses in a translational context. We report the establishment a large cohort of unique organoids and patient-derived ...
    • PeptideShaker Online: A User-Friendly Web-Based Framework for the Identification of Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics Data 

      Farag, Yehia Mokhtar; Horro Marcos, Carlos; Vaudel, Marc; Barsnes, Harald (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Mass spectrometry-based proteomics is a high-throughput technology generating ever-larger amounts of data per project. However, storing, processing, and interpreting these data can be a challenge. A key element in simplifying ...
    • The Peripheral Binding of 14-3-3γ to Membranes Involves Isoform-Specific Histidine Residues 

      Bustad, Helene J.; Skjærven, Lars; Ying, Ming; Halskau, Øyvind; Baumann, Anne; Rodriguez-Larrea, David; Costas, Miguel; Underhaug, Jarl; Sanchez-Ruiz, Jose M.; Martinez, Aurora (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012-11-26)
      Mammalian 14-3-3 protein scaffolds include seven conserved isoforms that bind numerous phosphorylated protein partners and regulate many cellular processes. Some 14-3-3-isoforms, notably γ, have elevated affinity for ...
    • Personality traits, risk factors and comorbidities in Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder 

      Instanes, Johanne Telnes (Doctoral thesis, 2020-06-19)
      Background: Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) comprises cognitive and behavioural traits present from childhood. During lifespan, people with ADHD are more prone to develop psychiatric- and somatic comorbidities ...
    • Personalized Medicine to Improve Treatment of Dopa-Responsive Dystonia—A Focus on Tyrosine Hydroxylase Deficiency 

      Nygaard, Gyrid; Szigetvari, Peter D.; Grindheim, Ann Kari; Ruoff, Peter; Martinez, Aurora; Haavik, Jan; Kleppe, Rune; Flydal, Marte I. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Dopa-responsive dystonia (DRD) is a rare movement disorder associated with defective dopamine synthesis. This impairment may be due to the fact of a deficiency in GTP cyclohydrolase I (GTPCHI, GCH1 gene), sepiapterin ...
    • PFN2 and NAA80 cooperate to efficiently acetylate the N-terminus of actin 

      Reed, Rasmus; Kind, Laura; Kaziales, Anna; Varland, Sylvia; Dai, Minglu; Richter, Klaus; Drazic, Adrian; Arnesen, Thomas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      The actin cytoskeleton is of profound importance to cell shape, division, and intracellular force generation. Profilins bind to globular (G-)actin and regulate actin filament formation. Although profilins are well-established ...