• C/EBPB-dependent adaptation to palmitic acid promotes tumor formation in hormone receptor negative breast cancer 

      Liu, Xiaozheng; Rulina, Anastasiia; Choi, Man Hung; Pedersen, Line; Lepland, Johanna; Takle, Sina Thorsen; Madeleine, Noëlly; Peters, Stacey D'mello; Wogsland, Cara Ellen; Grøndal, Sturla Magnus; Lorens, James Bradley; Goodarzi, Hani; Lønning, Per Eystein; Knappskog, Stian; Molven, Anders; Halberg, Nils Henrik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Epidemiological studies have established a positive association between obesity and the incidence of postmenopausal breast cancer. Moreover, it is known that obesity promotes stem cell-like properties of breast cancer ...
    • Carbon Dot Therapeutic Platforms: Administration, Distribution, Metabolism, Excretion, Toxicity, and Therapeutic Potential 

      Truskewycz, Adam Leo; Yin, Hong; Halberg, Nils Henrik; Lai, Daniel T. H.; Ball, Andrew S.; Truong, Vi Khanh; Rybicka, Agata; Cole, Ivan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Ultrasmall nanoparticles are often grouped under the broad umbrella term of “nanoparticles” when reported in the literature. However, for biomedical applications, their small sizes give them intimate interactions with ...
    • High-dimensional immunotyping of tumors grown in obese and non-obese mice 

      Wogsland, Cara Ellen; Lien, Hilde Eide; Pedersen, Line; Hanjra, Pahul; Grøndal, Sturla Magnus; Brekken, Rolf A; Lorens, James Bradley; Halberg, Nils Henrik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Obesity is a disease characterized by chronic low-grade systemic inflammation and has been causally linked to the development of 13 cancer types. Several studies have been undertaken to determine whether tumors evolving ...
    • The phospholipid transporter PITPNC1 links KRAS to MYC to prevent autophagy in lung and pancreatic cancer 

      Entrialgo-Cadierno, Rodrigo; Cueto-Ureña, Cristina; Welch, Connor; Feliu, Iker; Macaya, Irati; Vera, Laura; Morales, Xabier; Michelina, Sandra Vietti; Scaparone, Pietro; Lopez, Ines; Darbo, Elodie; Erice, Oihane; Vallejo, Adrian; Moreno, Haritz; Goñi-Salaverri, Ainhoa; Lara-Astiaso, David; Halberg, Nils Henrik; Cortes-Dominguez, Ivan; Guruceaga, Elizabeth; Ambrogio, Chiara; Lecanda, Fernando; Vicent, Silve (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Background The discovery of functionally relevant KRAS effectors in lung and pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (LUAD and PDAC) may yield novel molecular targets or mechanisms amenable to inhibition strategies. Phospholipids ...