Browsing Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care by Document Types "Doctoral thesis"
Now showing items 1-20 of 358
The 2009 influenza pandemic in primary care. Clinical manifestations, attitudes and utilisation of services
(Doctoral thesis, 2015-03-25)Background: Primary care plays a major role in the response to a pandemic. The objectives of this thesis were to investigate the outbreak of the 2009 influenza pandemic from a primary care perspective with focus on clinical ... -
Access to Child and Adolescent Mental Health services in Uganda: Investigating the role of Primary Health Care and Traditional Healers
(Doctoral thesis, 2018-12-03)Introduction: Up to 20% of children and adolescents globally suffer from a debilitating mental illness and up to 50% of adult mental illness begins in adolescence. Early detection and management of Child and Adolescent ... -
Acute hospital admissions - a registry-based study of general practitioners’ and out-of-hours doctors’ roles as gatekeepers in Norway
(Doctoral thesis, 2023-02-03)For pasienter med akutte medisinske tilstander er det viktig å ha tilgang til nødvendige helsetjenester. I mange lands helsetjeneste må pasientene vurderes av en primærleger før innleggelse i sykehus, og dermed fungerer ... -
Acute hospital admissions from nursing homes. Rates and characteristics; unwarranted variation and effects of interventions to reduce them
(Doctoral thesis, 2014-02-28)Background: The geriatric nursing home population is vulnerable to acute incidences in their health condition, due to longevity, multiple chronic illnesses and a low level of physical and mental function. Aims: The overall ... -
Addressing alcohol in general practice
(Doctoral thesis, 2016-06-14)Alcohol use is integrated in many cultural settings, and the positive functions of alcohol as experienced by users are numerous. The Norwegian community has undergone major changes in the past two decades, with an increase ... -
Addressing implementation uncertainty in postdischarge malaria chemoprevention : Determinants of adherence, cost-effectiveness, and the value of further research in Malawi and other malaria-endemic African countries
(Doctoral thesis, 2023-11-08)Bakgrunn: Malaria fortsetter å være en ledende årsak til dødsfall og dødelighet for barn som bor i malaria-endemiske områder i Afrika sør for Sahara. Verdens helseorganisasjon (WHO) anbefaler chemoprevention av malaria for ... -
Adult life challenges in survivors of young age cancer. A Norwegian national cohort study focusing on reproduction, economic independence and violent deaths
(Doctoral thesis, 2017-06-09)Background: Cancer in childhood, adolescence and young adulthood now carries a survival rate of above 80%. This leads to an increasing proportion of young age cancer survivors in the adult population. These survivors are ... -
Advance Care Planning and the staff perspective: The development, implementation, and investigation of a complex intervention in the nursing home :
(Doctoral thesis, 2020-05-07)Abstract Background Nursing home patients represent a heterogeneous, complex, and clinically challenging population. A crucial concern is that most of the patients lack the capacity to provide informed consent, as approximately ... -
Adverse neonatal outcomes in migrant women in Norway
(Doctoral thesis, 2020-09-11)Background: With increasing international migration, more knowledge is needed regarding migrant women’s pregnancies and births. Migrant families represent great diversity and investigating the risk of adverse neonatal ... -
Akuttmedisin i ein distriktskommune
(Doctoral thesis, 2016-09-30)When medical emergencies happen, efficient organization of the emergency services and high competence among the personnel, is paramount. This dissertation contributes to the knowledge base of the medical emergency preparedness ... -
Allmennlegers erfaringer som portvakt. Utfordringer, håndtering og konsekvenser
(Doctoral thesis, 2018-04-12)Gatekeeping has been a natural part of the general practitioners’ (GPs’) duties for many decades. Recently, the gatekeeper’s function has been questioned, as ideals of shared decision-making and patient autonomy have been ... -
Analytical quality control of INR measurements in primary care
(Doctoral thesis, 2013-11-29)In Norway, most patients on oral anticoagulation with warfarin are treated in primary care. The treatment is monitored with the laboratory method prothrombin time, expressed as International normalized Ratio (INR). It is ... -
Anopheles species and malaria transmission risk in a highland area, south-central Ethiopia
(Doctoral thesis, 2016-01-15)Malaria is a growing public health problem in Butajira area, a highland in south-central Ethiopia. However, the occurrence of vectors and the entomological aspects of the disease remain poorly described. This thesis describes ... -
Antimicrobial resistance in bacterial infections in urban and rural Tanzania
(Doctoral thesis, 2007-05-16)Infectious diseases cause one in every six deaths worldwide. Antimicrobial drugs have helped dramatically in curing patients suffering from bacterial infections. However, emerging antimicrobial resistance in bacteria ... -
Anxiety and depression in the general population : issues related to assessment, comorbidity, and risk factors
(Doctoral thesis, 2004-06-18) -
Anxiety, depression and worklife : the Hordaland health study
(Doctoral thesis, 2004-06-04) -
“As soon as they can hold a glass” : Exploring the prevalence, context and social determinants of early childhood substance use before age 10: a multimethod study from 11 countries in Africa
(Doctoral thesis, 2024-02-22)Bakgrunn: Etter å ha funnet skadelig alkoholinntak blant 5-8 år gamle barn i Uganda har vi undersøkt denne praksisen ytterligere i Uganda spesielt og Afrika generelt. Rusbruk i tidlig barndom, før ungdomstid (dvs. før ... -
Aspects of internal quality control and external quality assurance to ensure correct medical laboratory test results
(Doctoral thesis, 2024-12-20)Medisinske laboratorieresultater spiller en viktig rolle i å forebygge, screene, diagnostisere, behandle og overvåke sykdom. Vi sammenligner ofte resultatene med tidligere resultater fra samme person, et referanseintervall ... -
Aspects of Oral Health Care Services in the context of HIV and AIDS in the Sudan
(Doctoral thesis, 2010-10-01)Introduction: Sub-Saharan Africa is a home to 67% of all people living with HIV-infection. War and the resulting population movements, Sudan's long borders with countries which have high HIV-prevalence, all these conditions ... -
Assessing the burden of missing tuberculosis cases in Pakistan
(Doctoral thesis, 2015-10-16)Approximately 3 million people get tuberculosis (TB) every year in the Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMRO) of World Health Organization (WHO) and a third does not get TB services. WHO urges countries to find, treat and ...