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dc.contributor.authorTveit, Svenneng
dc.contributor.authorBakr, Shaaban A.eng
dc.contributor.authorLien, Marthaeng
dc.contributor.authorMannseth, Trondeng
dc.description.abstractWe consider the inverse problem of identifying large-scale subsurface structures using the controlled source electromagnetic method. To identify structures in the subsurface where the contrast in electric conductivity can be small, regularization is needed to preserve structural information. We propose to combine two approaches for regularization of the inverse problem. In the first approach we utilize a model-based, reduced, composite representation of the electric conductivity that is highly flexible, even for a moderate number of degrees of freedom. With a low number of parameters, the inverse problem is efficiently solved using a standard, second-order gradient-based optimization algorithm. Further regularization is obtained using structural prior information, available, e.g., from interpreted seismic data. The reduced conductivity representation is suitable for incorporation of structural prior information. Such prior information can, however, not be accurately modeled with a gaussian distribution. To alleviate this, we incorporate the structural information using shape priors. The shape prior technique requires the choice of kernel function, which is application dependent. We argue for using the conditionally positive definite kernel which is shown to have computational advantages over the commonly applied gaussian kernel for our problem. Numerical experiments on various test cases show that the methodology is able to identify fairly complex subsurface electric conductivity distributions while preserving structural prior information during the inversion.en_US
dc.relation.ispartof<a href="" target="_blank">Inversion of CSEM Data for Subsurface Structure Identification and Numerical Assessment of the Upstream Mobility Scheme</a>en_US
dc.subjectInverse problemeng
dc.subjectElectric conductivity estimationeng
dc.subjectReduced parameterizationeng
dc.subjectShape priorseng
dc.titleIdentification of subsurface structures using electromagnetic data and shape priorsen_US
dc.typeJournal article
dc.rights.holderCopyright 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.en_US
dc.source.journalJournal of Computational Physics

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