Department of Psychosocial Science
Recent Submissions
Workplace bullying in a group context: are victim reports of working conditions representative for others at the workplace?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Previous research on psychosocial working conditions as risk factors of workplace bullying builds on the underlying assumption that targets’ subjective reports of their psychosocial working conditions are shared by their ... -
Terapeuters tanker om gjenopprettende prosess når barn begår seksuelle overgrep: en kvalitativ studie
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Background: Restorative process has been used as a treatment intervention in cases where children sexually abuse other children. However, empirical knowledge of the method is scarce. Aim: This study aims to explore ... -
Development and preliminary validation of a questionnaire to measure parental support for drawing
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Drawing is first learned and practised in the home environment, and therefore parental influence should play a significant role in the development of drawing skill. However, both the content and extent of parental support ... -
Theorizing the relationship between the digital economy and firm productivity: The idiosyncrasies of firm-specific contexts
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)With the rise of emerging economies such as China, the research environment for the digital economy (DE) has changed significantly. However, our understanding of the productivity impact of DE development in Chinese firms ... -
Too sleepy to be innovative? Ethical leadership and employee service innovation behavior: A dual-path model moderated by sleep quality
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)This research explores the association of ethical leadership with employee service innovation behavior through a moderated mediation model. Theorizing on uncertainty reduction theory, we explore psychological ownership and ... -
Analyzing the food waste reduction intentions of UK households. A Value-Attitude-Behavior (VAB) theory perspective
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Food waste is a complex and pervasive issue associated with growing corporate, political and public concerns. Addressing the issue of food waste is essential to achieve sustainable development. This study utilises the ... -
An explorative study of Police student’s decision-making in a critical incident scenario simulation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Sound use-of-force decisions are essential for police performance in critical incidents. In this exploratory study we seek to better understand the decision-making processes that are involved. Eighty-six third-year police ... -
A Wild Choose Chase: Exploring Researcher Degrees of Freedom in Event-Related Potential Preprocessing Through Multiverse Analysis
(Master thesis, 2024-05-31)Begrepet forskeres frihetsgrader («researcher degrees of freedom») refererer til de ulike metodologiske valgene som må gjøres av forskere som utfører en vitenskapelig studie. Ethvert resultat fra en studie er et produkt ... -
Taktisk pusting kan forbedre politistudenters prestasjoner under akutt stress i aktive, kritiske situasjoner
(Master thesis, 2024-05-31)Akutt stress kan få uheldige konsekvenser for feilbedømmelser og feilhandlinger, og dermed redusere politiets prestasjoner. Det finnes lite forskning om taktisk pusting og hvordan teknikken kan påvirke politiets akutte ... -
The Impact of Shift Schedules and Personality on Sleep Duration and Quality Among European Air Traffic Controllers: A Cross-Sectional Survey
(Master thesis, 2024-05-31)Shift work negatively impacts sleep, a finding supported by numerous studies among healthcare personnel. However, there is a scarcity of studies on how shift work impact sleep among air traffic controllers, a profession ... -
Acceptance and use of ChatGPT among German-speaking students and teachers
(Master thesis, 2024-06-07)Artificial intelligence (AI) has received widespread interest in recent years, particularly following the launch of the chatbot ChatGPT. This study aimed to explore which factors influence the adoption of ChatGPT in students ... -
Does De-Gendering Language Reduce Implicit Gender Bias in Real-World Contexts? A Systematic Literature Review
(Master thesis, 2024-05-31)Hensikt og motivasjon: Det virker å være en korrelasjon mellom kjønnet språk og implisitt kjønnsbias, men studier om å gjøre språket kjønnsnøytralt for å redusere implisitt kjønnsbias i den virkelige verden har ikke blitt ... -
Utforskende test-retest studie: Studenters konfidens og konsistens i vurderingen av risikable avhørsmetoder
(Master thesis, 2024-05-31)Avhør er en av politiets mest brukte og viktigste etterforskningsmetoder, og utgjør gjennomgående straffesakens mest sentrale bevis. Hvordan et avhør utføres kan spille en stor rolle for vurdering av vitnene eller en ... -
Neural correlates of statistical learning in developmental dyslexia: An electroencephalography study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)The human brain extracts statistical regularities from the surrounding environment in a process called statistical learning. Behavioural evidence suggests that developmental dyslexia affects statistical learning. However, ... -
The relationship between online communication and adolescents’ mental health: Long-term evaluation between genders
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Aims: In a relatively short time, online communication has become an important part of adolescents’ lives, and concerns have been raised about its potential effects on mental health. The first aim was to compare mental ... -
The effect of vitamin B12 supplementation during pregnancy on infant growth and development in Nepal: a community-based, double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Background: Vitamin B12 is required for healthy infant growth and development, but low and marginal vitamin B12 status is endemic in low-income and middle-income countries. We aimed to measure the effect of vitamin B12 ... -
Pain, Conflicted Feelings About Work, and Sickness Absence: A Prospective Study of the Effects of Number of Pain Sites and Role Conflicts on Medically Certified Sickness Absence
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)We investigated associations between the number of pain sites (NPS) and role conflict with medically certified, pain-related sickness absence (SA) in employees of Norwegian enterprises (N = 5,654). Latent profile analyses ... -
Loneliness Across the COVID-19 Pandemic: Risk Factors in Norwegian Young People
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Background: There is evidence of increasing levels of loneliness in Norwegian young people before the COVID-19 pandemic. It is not clear how the COVID-19 pandemic, and the associated necessary restrictions, impacted on ... -
Vaksineusikkerhet blant innvandrere under covid-19-pandemien – en kvalitativ studie
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Bakgrunn: Vaksinasjon mot SARS-CoV-2 har vært et viktig tiltak i håndteringen av pandemien. I Norge har vaksinasjonsdekningen vært lavere i flere innvandrergrupper enn i den øvrige befolkningen. Målet med denne studien var ...