Browsing Faculty of Social Sciences by Document Types "Working paper"
Now showing items 1-14 of 14
Dynamic Simulation Model of Common Pool Resource Cooperation Experiments
(5/2003, Working paper, 2003)We investigate the decision rules adopted by individuals in local communities, whoselivelihoods depend on common pool resource stocks and who face the cooperationdilemma in their everyday life. For this purpose, field ... -
Estimating customer utility of energy efficiency standards for refrigerators
(4/2003, Working paper, 2003)A frequent argument against efficiency standards is that they prohibit products that representoptimal choices for customers and thus lead to reduced customer utility. In this paper wepropose and test a method to estimate ... -
Kommersiell lokalradioproduksjon på Haugalandet: Radio 102
(Publikasjon Nr 1, 2007, Working paper, 2007) -
Kommersiell lokalradioproduksjon på Haugalandet: Radio Haugaland
(Publikasjon Nr 2, 2007, Working paper, 2007) -
Misperceptions of Global Climate Change: Information Policies
(1/2004, Working paper, 2004)Global climate change is an atmospheric commons problem where the basic actors arethe states. In democratic nations national policy initiatives depend on the opinion of theelectorate. Unless there is a proper popular ... -
Model simplification and validation: Illustration with indirect structure validity tests
(3/2004, Working paper, 2004)Simplification of a large system dynamics model and validation of the simplified version is illustrated. The original model represents agricultural and environmental problems of irrigation development in Southeast Turkey ... -
Morenestratigrafi i sentrale Sør Norge : resultater av en moreneundersøkelse i Hjellådalen, Dombås, korrelert med isbevegelser og morener i Gudbrandsdalen og tilgrensede strøk
(Working paper, 1980)The stratigraphy of Weichselian tills from an area situated between the main ice divide in central South Norway and the watershed to the north during most of the last glaciation, has been investigated. The till traps of ... -
Policy Sensitivity Analysis: simple versus complex fishery models
(3/2003, Working paper, 2003)Sensitivity analysis is often used to judge the sensitivity of model behaviour touncertain assumptions about model formulations and parameter values. Since theultimate goal of modelling is typically policy recommendation, ... -
Potential Contribution of Existing Computer-Based Models to Comparative Assessment of Development Options
(2/03, Working paper, 2003) -
Social Policy as a Reflection of Social Distance Concerns
(Working paper, 1977) -
SOPS – A Tool to Find Optimal Policies in Stochastic Dynamic Systems
(2/2005, Working paper, 2005)The task of finding optimal policies in stochastic dynamic systems is challenging.The theory of stochastic dynamic programming (SDP) is quite complex and theavailable software packages are not intended for non-specialists. ... -
System Dynamics Model for Integrated Environmental Assessment of Large Scale Surface Irrigation
(2/2004, Working paper, 2004)Problems of irrigation systems performance and agricultural environment in large scale surface irrigation is analysed with a dynamic simulation model. Present model is a simplified and validated version of an original model ... -
Television, Digitalisation and Flow: Questioning the Promises of Viewer Control
(Working paper, 2005)The hype surrounding the marketing of and writing about digital television has, since its advent in the 1990s, focused extensively on freedom and control for the viewer: new technology will render channels superfluous, ... -
The World Model Controversy
(Working Papers in System Dynamics, Working paper, 2005)In 1971 Jay Forrester published his book World Dynamics, where he presented a high-levelsimulation model of the socio-economic-environmental world system. The main purpose ofthe model and the accompanying book was to ...